A parade, or a marathon?! (A Grand Parade reviews)

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Pigfarmer Jr
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Re: A parade, or a marathon?! (A Grand Parade reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

Thoughts while listening, some I only listened to once. Forgive me for not going back over them but I don't have the energy to make sure they're not total shit or too blunt or whatever. Also, breaking it up into a couple of posts because it seems pretty long.

Abjure!: I’m not sure there is a better introduction song to the fight. (I’m playing these songs via the jukebox, thereby listening in alphabetical order.) I love the doubled vocal, your voices work together very well. There’s a lovely feeling to this one. I don’t mind G&G (and adjacent) arrangements but I have to admit that after three minutes I was welcoming a change of pace.

Abominominous: I like heavier laden riff rock as a rule but it’s not my favorite. Which pretty much describes how this one feels to me.

Add: A kind of sweet take on a protest song or whatever this is. Having just taken a DEIBA course I have had my fill of reading/writing/talking about my white guilt so even though this is well put together and I don’t dislike it, it wore thin well before the 4:00 minute mark.

Agony Sauce: Great guitars (as usual) and I really like that organ in the intro. (Would like to hear more of that.) I think this is more than solid all the way through except the bridge just didn’t feel as good as the rest to me. I probably should look at the lyric to see if that would make it feel right for me. I have to admit there is something about singing about someone being a dick that is super enjoyable.

All The Robots: I love how you use the accordion on this one. Great rhythm, too. I very much enjoyed this one.

Another Future of Music: I like this but I suspect it’s an AI generated song. Feel free to relieve me of my fears if that is not the case.

Balance Lost: I think your bass line phrasing is the most recognizable bit of your music (other than your voice.) There’s a spacing that feels great and seems pretty consistent. I’m liking this one quite a bit.

Berkeley Social Scene: Wasn’t expecting that intro. GUITARS IN FRONT!!! But it was a bit too short, maybe. Your chorus is catchy as hell. I’m still wanting to sing along after the song has finished. Something joyous about this one that I’m digging.

bgm: I’m loving your vocal. The melody and vocal delivery are both great, compliment each other so well. I like this a lot.

Bjam: Your vocal is very clear and lovely but the guitar is pretty muffled, especially in comparison. I like the melody and the vocal delivery. You were able to get it done in under 2:30 so the Girl with Guitar arrangement held up pretty well.

Brian F: I like the bah bah bah’s. The background vocals in general, but the ultra distorted/growly bit was a little over the top. Still, it’s a fun bouncy chorus and those back ground vocals made me smile.

Cannonade Streete: Is that a flanger giving it that swelling feel? I think the vocals are buried a bit, a little hard to get a feeling for them while listening. Maybe the whole mix is a bit low. Still, I don’t dislike this. There’s a cool rhythmic quality that keeps me from sitting still, that’s cool.

Caravan Ray: Is this a lost 80’s goth pop / rock track? I think it would have fit right in on 80’s night at Shattered in downtown Columbia, MO back in the early to mid 90’s. Maybe a bit more 80’s production values would be needed. But I’m getting a nostalgic feeling from this one.

The Chebuctones: I think the vocal range makes it a bit harder to hear the vocals on this one. A nice little bit of tongue-in-cheek alt.country. Mabe not something I’ll take with me but I enjoyed listening.

Chthonic Black: I like short, sweet pop songs that get in and get out with no fluff. This ain’t that, now is it? A fifty second ambient intro followed by an abrupt guitar and scream assault that lasts another four minutes isn’t exactly what I was expecting… but it’s what I got. Granted the vocals come in well before the 1:30 mark.. well, barely before the 1:30 mark. And you did give us some respite at 3:00 or so. Okay, I’m kidding a bit. I think the pace is just a hair too slow. The song feels like it’s wanting to be just a bit faster. But I’d feel sorry for your drummer if you sped it up too much. Other than the barely too abrupt guitars coming in, I think you hit the genre very well.

Chumpy: I like the energy in the acoustic guitar. And the vocal for that matter. The live performance gives this a feeling that’s hard not to like. Obviously, G&G arrangements usually fail to hold up compared to more fully produced songs but I like this as a nice change of pace and it works very well in the playlist (granted, I listened out of order.)

Chumpy vs. Lichen Throat: There’s something about the rhythm track that screams Lichen Throat. I’m digging the vocal melody and take. I like the chime-y guitars, too. The arrangement is working well for me.

Cloverdance: I like the rhythm and are those guitars doing a good job of playing a horn line? The mix is maybe a little low and I’m not a huge fan of the vocal mix but it’s a decent enough song.

Cybronica & Estaphonia: I’m not sure we hear soaring vocals with technically proficient vibrato and a feeling of the dramatic enough in songfight. It almost doesn’t fit in… almost.

Dead Ambassadors: It’s a shit song and a shit mix but at least it taught me that my vocals are definitely clearer in my music room than outside of my music room. Also the timing sucks. But for a mad dash post-punk political take, I’ve heard (and written) much worse.

The Def Author: Maybe a hair too much on the nose timing-wise but I enjoyed the verses quite a bit. The doubled vocal (or they delay effect) works very well for me. The reverb washed choruses didn’t really grab me but the bridge was cool. Was the extended fade out an artistic choice? I think it’s lost in a big playlist like this one.

Dr. Spectacular's Power Circus: Doubled vocals are great in the verses. Completely solid song from the writing to the mixing. Those background ahhs are tasty. Guitars are especially tasty. I think this is a grower.

The Dutch Widows: I love the effect of the low, dark vocals but it does make it very hard to hear the lyric. There’s an almost bouncy feel to this one that I like. Ending the last syllable of parade on a high note is noticeable (and something I do far too often) when if it ended on a down note it wouldn’t be noticeable at all. Not really a big problem but I thought I’d mention it.
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"PigFramer: Guy and guitar OF MY NIGHTMARES." - Blue Lang
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Pigfarmer Jr
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Re: A parade, or a marathon?! (A Grand Parade reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

DuToVa: My biggest complaint is that the arrangement of instruments and the feel of the song is pretty static until after the 2:00 you finally get the drop out, which I liked quite a bit.

Entropic Pincushion: Was it a random sample or was there a pattern? Be funny if each section was taken in order but from different songs. I wish whoever was changing the radio stations on that ancient tube radio would decide on something. To be fair, there is something almost hypnotic about it after a while.

Explino!: All the great things that figure in most of your songs hold true here. Great melody, great production, I dig the guitars and there’s a rhythmic feel that feels good to me.

Falcon Artist: The live feel is endearing. It sounds almost as if I was at the local open mic. The issue some fighters have with G&G is that the arrangement and production is pretty static all the way through. It’s nice to have a change up. I think this one would benefit with a bit of a changeup in strum pattern or feel in there somewhere.

Frankie Big Face: The tremolo effect is tasty. The bass driven riff is also cool. The instruments are arranged nicely, some nice sparkly bits and a solid foundation. The bridge gives me a kind of warped ELO feel, actually. I love ELO, well classic ELO. Well, some of it.

The Frontalittle Squad: This is a creative take on the meta song and I can’t help stay glued to the story. The rhythmic diversity in the various voices is great. I can’t help but smile. I love the ending, for the record.

Future Boy: I like the sound of your arrangement/mix. The vocal is nicely up front (maybe more than I usually care for) and I like how clear it is.

gareth: I like the change up in guitar playing, the harder strumming from the lighter touch. It gives this a bit of a dynamic that a lot of the G&G songs don’t. I also like the doubled vocals but they’re still too quiet for me to discern.

Giraffes for Wings: I think you’re getting the short end of the too many G&G songs in the past handful of songs stick. I don’t dislike the guitar or the melody and I fully admit there’s something enticing about your take but this one isn’t one of my favorites.

Glenn Case: I’m digging the keyboard/piano. I fully expect guitars from you each and every time, like guitar-centricity. I know it’s not fair but I do. So the piano caught me off guard but I’m digging it. Some day let me know what your vocal processing is, I’d be interested. Great take on the title, too.

Glennny: Loving the guitars, the almost bouncy rhythm and the melody/vocal all quite a bit. So well mixed, too.

heine: Snare riff - check. Almost a fife line/sound - check. Low brass (or its substitute) - check. A nicely layered mix and a well organized arrangement - all checks. Also there’s just a hint of an attitude in the vocal that I’m like. A tongue in cheek, I dare you to call me out, attitude.. at least that’s what I get out of it and I like it.

The Hell Yeahs: I almost thought you were cover a Jason and the Scorchers song for a moment. Cool groove. If the guitars were slightly less hard rock and a little more alt.country this would be dead center in my recent listening patterns. Digging it

Henrietta20: I want more fills in the drums and the spoken lyric/sung lyric overlapping probably could have been mixed a bit more seamlessly but I like this quite a bit. I find myself wanting to sing along to the chorus from the first listen on.

Heuristics Inc.: I’m digging the prominent bass line, the almost wave-like feeling in the verses and atmospheric feeling of the mix. The vocals aren’t completely convincing to me but there are a lot of things to like about this song. Is this really 7:15?

Hoblit: More likable guitars. I like them quite a bit. I like the deep bass. I would like a little different drum sound, maybe. And I’m not a fan of those layered vocals being so loud but I get the effect.

Hostess Mostess: A little James Taylor goes a long way. I really like the melody and the vocal delivery. This would be a show stealer if you played it acoustic in the middle of the electric set. Yeah, I like this one on repeated listens, too.

Hot Pink Halo: Damn fine rhythm driving this song along nicely. I like the arrangement, too. I like that you got in, sang the song and got out before it became a bit too much. Leave ‘em wanting more, eh?

Inflatable Vegetables: Cool guitar riff. Cool guitars behind the vocal, though maybe a hair distracting in a few places.

James Owens: The mix is a bit cluttered.. I think there’s some masking going on that is making my ears feel tired. (Hard to hear the individual instruments very well at all.) I think part of it is the spatial effects being used, maybe. But I can hear the vocal pretty well all the way through. That’s nicely done. (Also, I’m at the end of a fairly lengthy listening session so….)

Jerkatorium: The vocals are very out front during the verse then fits in a bit better in the prechorus(?) and chorus. I struggle with my vocal levels and it’s interesting how well this works for me while I want it to be different (and maybe worse?) I like the melody and how the rhythm almost bounces along. Great guitar solo.
Jim Tyrrell: The keys are a tasty touch. Lovely arrangement and melody.. and organ, too. I’m impressed with this one.
The John Benjamin Band: Liking the layered vocals. This is well produced and catchy. Hard not to enjoy listening to this song.

Josh Woodward: I like the arrangement, the mix feels full and clear. Another good vocal performance. There’s a lovely atmosphere that doesn’t get all washy.
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"PigFramer: Guy and guitar OF MY NIGHTMARES." - Blue Lang
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Pigfarmer Jr
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Re: A parade, or a marathon?! (A Grand Parade reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

King Arthur: I like the lead guitar lines. I like the balance of the panned acoustic and clean electric guitars. The vocal is very up front, not necessarily a bad thing. Another great sounding organ, too.

<3: Doubled vox is good. This is like a cross between a nursery rhyme melody and an electronic track and I know that sounds terrible but it isn’t. It works even if I’m not sure how.

Lockheed Symphony: Not sure I have anything to contribute. Guessing morse code spelling out A Grand Parade?

Lucky Witch and the Righteous Ghost: I love that I can clearly hear the lyric and I like the strong vocal take. Was the vocal recorded too hot in places? The organ and steady dirge-like backing works pretty damn well as a backdrop to the vocal/melody. A few places the lyric isn’t the smoothest. Loving those high vocal parts and I like the live feel.

Lunkhead: I wanna clap along and it’s hard to sit still to the rhythmic drive of this song. There’s a throwback feel in the melody (and the ahhs) that I’m digging. This is so well done.

Madame Breathehard: What the hell is this shit?

MC Frontalot w/ Baddd Spellah: The vocals feel down but I can hear them pretty clearly. Catchy chorus/refrain. Makes me think of something I can’t quite put my finger on. Good, though.

McHaggis: Another song with the vocal down a bit but mostly clear. Nice little stutter in the rhythm there. Tasty. I find myself enjoying the melody and I like those little guitar bits.

Melvin: The falsetto harmony is great. I loved the gibson/fender sound effect and how you incorporated it in.

mico saudad: The vocal is buried a bit in a few places but I like your melody. The guitar line is a bit noisy (you can hear it at the end) but it lends a cool feel to this song, I think.

miscellaneous owl: Digging the guitars and your vocal and melody are great (as usual.) Maybe the vocal is buried a bit under that guitar (and maybe a hair uneven in volume?) but I like how this washes over me.

Miss Fancy Pants: I feel like I should be at a renfest or maybe an SCA event enjoying not only the costumes and the atmosphere but the music, too.

Moody Vermin: The static is an interesting touch. I think it only dirties up an otherwise seriously clear mix. But then, I think it might could use some dirt. That guitar is tasty, starting almost understated and building from there. Also, I like some of the texture you’ve added. I wanted to be sure to mention that. A good old fashioned fade out. Don’t hear too many of those these days, but this at least the second.

Motley Cyrus: The brass / circus-fair feel is a nice touch. I like the clear bassline, too. I like delay on my vocals more than reverb, too.

Mr. B and Mr. C: The guitars and that bright midi sounding bit on the right side are probably up a bit too much in the mix, they get a bit piercing at times, but I like how they balance across the track. There’s something that feels just a hair stilted here but even with a mild problem with the levels, I can hear everything clearly in the mix.

mzmo: The guitar is a bit too dry being bare with the vocal (which has a bit more depth to it) and I notice this only because I do this all the friggin’ time. I like that tremolo picking a lot. You might listen to how the guitars mask each other slightly. I like the vocal delivery and there’s some tasty guitar licks in there.

Nodal Nim: Mando for the win? Can’t call it G&G if there is only one G. There’s a little click in the silent outro that made me keep listening for a surprise all the way to the end. Alas,.... I like the changeup in music instrument to break up the stream and I felt you had a pretty strong vocal performance (it’s hard to hear under the mando, but there’s a nice vibrato trying to peak out, I think.)

One Future of Music: Too slick for my tastes but still impressive how far AI has come in such a short time. I think it’ll shine in pop music the best.

Paco del Stinko: I was hoping to hear a Paco song in the 1000th posted title stream. I love that little guitar run, it’s so tasty. I know it’s minor, but that kick fill (2,3,4) just kills. Great lead bits. I enjoyed this a lot.

The Pannacotta Army: There’s something comforting in your mixes, they feel soft while still being clear and well done. Odd, I know. Not sure how else to describe it. The quarter note rhythm just dares us to sit still (and fail.) Maybe the vocal is a bit masked in a spot or two (maybe) but this sounds great. The horns are a nice touch. Tasty guitar solo, too.

Pigfarmer Jr: Kind of a repeated arrangement but I like this well enough.

plusdot: I like the mix a lot, those opening guitars and the rhythm are great. I’m not a big fan of nearly spoken vocals but this works for me. The doubled vocal also works very well. That lowered bit gives this an appropriately sinister feel, I think.

Pork Producer Jr: Hastily put together after the deadline in our attempt to hit 100.

Pringle Can: I like the keys/bass/drum combo. Yeah, it’s a bit repetitive but it works. The vocal is pretty up in the mix but I like the rhythm/vocal delivery. Not my favorite but another solid entry.

Prob Trull: I liked the layered vocals, worked well in the intro but not sure I like them with the claps. But I think it needed something rhythmic to make them better so… Nice little build right at the beginning. The lead guitar probably could be mixed better but I like the tone and the effect. Still, I listened to this again immediately which says something.
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"PigFramer: Guy and guitar OF MY NIGHTMARES." - Blue Lang
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Pigfarmer Jr
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Location: Columbia, Missouri

Re: A parade, or a marathon?! (A Grand Parade reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

R. Meowsquito and the Tiny Ujns: The outro is entirely too cute. There are a lot of little bits in the background (the youngun vocals, the meow, the little bits) that make this even more fun.

R. Mosquito: Like a warped carnival walk or death march in New Orleans or something. And the vocal take works great but I wish I could make out the lyric a bit better.

Rachael Layne: Oh, your voice is beautiful. The tight vibrato is endearing. I think the melody and the vocal take alone put this one in the top tier of songs I wanna hear again. I like the sparse arrangement that still feels full. My only nit is that the arrangement doesn’t have a ton of variation. But I don’t really care, I wanna hear this one again.

RoneAI: Interesting vocal for sure. I’d be interested in what AI tools you’re using (and how.) The bass is pretty deep and tight. I’m jealous of that, tbh.

Ross Durand: I get a feel that I’m in a nice little intimate venue listening to someone with a cult following wishing I was in the club.

The Seamus Collective: Great lead vocal in tone and delivery. I wish I could hear the doubled bits a bit better, there’s some beauty there. (They blend together just a bit too much to hear them as well as I want.) I really like the tuba and the horns are great.

See-Man-Ski: This is a grower, liking it the more I listen (and it’s worth listening more than once.) Those drums kick in and throw me for a little bit of a loop but it doesn’t take long for it to feel right. The doubled vocals are great, btw.

Sell Crazy: I totally dig the intro. Something about the vocal, especially at the beginning, that reminds me of the 80’s but I fully admit that doesn’t really make sense. Maybe there’s a song that I can’t quite place that this reminds me of, but heck if I know. I like the drums and the bass line (wish I could hear the bass just a bit better) and the guitars. The vocals might be just a hair too high in the mix, especially the doubled bit on the chorus. I struggle with getting that just right most of the time. This felt pretty finished at the 2:10 mark. And again at the 3:40 mark. But then this feels like the album cut rather than the single and that’s cool.

Shark Tornado: Cool guitars. Vocals are competent. Honestly, I dig this the more it goes along. The bridge melody maybe wasn’t working perfectly for me. I’m into shorter songs and would probably have ended it right before the bridge but it’s cool to hear that ending, it’s a fun one.

ShoehornTC: Not a huge fan of the vocal inflection but when it doubles it’s very tasty.

Sober: So you’ve made a few comments about the quality of this composition/recording and I just wanted to yell at you to STOP BELITTLING YOUR OWN MUSIC cuz I love this thing. Sometimes hastily thrown together things turn into gold. I don’t know how much time you spent on this and it’s not perfect but damn this makes me wanna hear your album. You know, the one you haven’t released yet. Yeah, that one.

Somewhere Off the Left Coast: I’m digging this. Not my favorite but there’s something about the rhythm and your vocal that combine to make me want to stop sitting and start moving.

sonofsupercar: Those drums sound great. I like the guitars, too. I joined SF after the golden era but I’m very happy that this came into being.

Spy Vs. Pie: I keep wanting to say this is “cute” but that’s not what I mean at all. Still, it does have an endearing quality that maybe goes beyond the surface elements.

Stacking Theory: Interesting. The attack of the vocals in the intro remind me of an organ. Vocals as a sort of organ intro is kind of cool. I love how the instrumentation kicks in. I want more of the first half of the instruments. But I gotta respect the get in and get out vibe, too.

Starfinger: So many types of articulation in the vocals, I don’t know if I love hearing it, just respect it or am thrown by it. I think it’s like a mojo nixon vocal on downers in some way. (RIP) Lots of great stuff going on in the instrumentation and I like the mix a lot. I really love the very end of the ending.

Sugar Johnson: Twas meant to be G&G but it sounded too bare so it got bass and drums.

Swampy Nethers: The doubled vocals are mismatched just enough that it draws attention to the vocal instead of the song, at least in spots. Digging the music, the sound and those jangly guitars, the keys and the bouncy bass. I love that line, “the dishes…”

T.C. Elliott: The second song idea I had for the fight. I kinda regret the arrangement a bit. And it drags at least in the verses, needs sped up a bit.

Thanks for the Frisbee: Those drums are super interesting. Some of those fills might be a hair distracting to me. I’m impressed with the layered vocals. There’s an enticing bounce that I like quite a bit. Guitars are rocking nicely. One of the better lyrical takes of the challenge, I like them a lot.

Tiny Robots: So smooth. Loving the vocal and melody. Maybe the lead bits are too loud in the vocal areas, maybe just a bit. My only nit. But this song is very good. One of my favorites of the fight.

Vom Vorton: What’s that coconut sounding bit in the percussion? On the pre-chorus sections? Kind of a downer lyric but my kind of downer lyric. A good arrangement, I like the elements and how you put them together. Nicely crafted.

The Worldly Self-Assurance: I really like the bit before the solo. And the solo is gritty in just the right way. Good mix, too.

WreckdoM: This is like surf music played while taking benzodiazepine or something. Well, that’s not really fair, but it’s not supposed to be an insult. Loving the bass sound. Those slow burn downward bends in the guitar.. just the lead guitar bits in general.. are a great touch.

Yaks of the Industry: Appropriately anthemlike (especially in the doubled vocals and those claps) to end on (yeah, I’m using the jukebox.) The vocal stacking kind of reminds me of starships’ “we built this city” only I don’t wanna kill myself when I listen to this song. (In some of the synth stabs, too.) Cool synth solo, too. Well arranged and mixed. There’s a lot going on in this one but it’s not cluttered or masked. Not my favorite of the fight but I am appreciating it more than most.
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"PigFramer: Guy and guitar OF MY NIGHTMARES." - Blue Lang
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Re: A parade, or a marathon?! (A Grand Parade reviews)

Post by fluffy »

Pigfarmer Jr wrote:
Thu Apr 04, 2024 6:41 pm
Entropic Pincushion: Was it a random sample or was there a pattern? Be funny if each section was taken in order but from different songs. I wish whoever was changing the radio stations on that ancient tube radio would decide on something. To be fair, there is something almost hypnotic about it after a while.
I explained how this works way earlier in the thread - basically it's little tiny snippets taken from each of the winning entries in chronological order from Golfpunk thru Love Magic, with no real processing or arrangement on it aside from normalizing the volume. I wrote some very simple software to do it in a semi-automated manner and I thought it would be a bit more interesting to hear how the sound quality changed over the last 24-odd years.

It's also one of only two entries that was submitted in 64kbps mono, but the mp3 bitrate didn't actually affect the audio quality in any meaningful way. :)
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Location: Columbia, Missouri

Re: A parade, or a marathon?! (A Grand Parade reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

Yeah, I actually got that eventually. I was too lazy to go back over the reviews so you'll get my first thoughts rather than my last ones. Should have had a band name starting with Z or something.
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"PigFramer: Guy and guitar OF MY NIGHTMARES." - Blue Lang
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Re: A parade, or a marathon?! (A Grand Parade reviews)

Post by fluffy »

I thought about making it take the segment proportionally into each song based on where it was on the overall timeline (e.g. first chunk of Golfpunk, last chunk of Love Magic, middle chunk of Love Me a Little Bit More, etc.) to make it into an actual, like, song?ish thing with a progression and everything, but I didn't feel like dealing with some fiddly edge conditions. Maybe I'll try doing it at some point anyway.
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Re: A parade, or a marathon?! (A Grand Parade reviews)

Post by glennny »

A Grand Parade
Reverse Alphabet 1st 23 (or last 23?)

Yaks of the Industry-
Supergroup power and prowess. Futureboy steals the show with the synths and synth solo. Everything sounds fantastic! (except the hand claps). I guess I’d rather have acoustic drums like Gary Numan would. Vocals are very nice. Guitar solo is sweet! Awesome!


Yes! I’m glad you made it. I missed you in the first listening party. Heavy Strong Bad rock! This feels like haunted house music. Coming up after The Torture Never Stops. The drums are killer!

Vom Vorton-
Wow! Fun stereo things going on, now that I listen with headphones. The robotic drum machine/ synth bass is cute, but I’d prefer natural drums and a P bass. The jangly guitar is nice. The vocals are nice, with your super cool vocals per usual. I’m more into the verses than the chorus, but it’s nice. Cute song!

Tiny Robots-

Soooooo good! Vocals are beautiful. The production is flawless. I’m loving that guitar tone. Is that the 335? The electric piano riff is Steely Dan cool. The glisten shimmer from the acoustic guitars is perfect. Oh man, that solo is sweet! Backing vocals are perfect too. Is that all 3 of you? Instant classic! VOTE!

The Worldly Self-Assurance-
I play bass, slide guitar, and E-bow on here. I love these guys. Melvin is a production wizard. Pete writes such great songs! Friz has my favorite voice. Ken is a musical brother to me, and my favorite guy to have behind a kit. Working with these guys feels like magic. I feel so lucky to be a part of this project. I once described this project to a friend at a party, he said “that’s the best excuse for the internet I’ve ever heard”. I have to agree. I’m far from objective for this song, but I absolutely love it in a very deep way. Thank you guys! I’m glad we did this again.

The Seamus Collective-
Here’s another Supergroup. I have nothing to do with this one, but I love TSC music. This is beautiful! All of the brass is excellent! I only met Wayne a few times at Song Fight live events. He was super nice and super cool. I’m not sure this is about him, but I like to think it is. This is certainly my favorite song of the fight that I wasn’t involved in! This is just wonderful! VOTE!

The Pannacotta Army-

You’re so good! This is awesome, as I’ve come to expect from you. Great melodies, great dynamics, all of the instruments sound perfect. The backing vocals are amazing. Yes! Guitar solo is awesome, I love that tone! Killer licks! With that tone this is almost Queen like. VOTE!

The John Benjamin Band-
This is solid. Performed well. The swearing catches my attention. This is a nice little song, not very ambitious but an enjoyable listen. Cool song.

The Hell Yeahs-
Yes! This rocks! I love the sassy vocals, I love the up-tempo guitar riffing. Great right hand on the guitar! Great power punk pop! VOTE!

The Frontalittle Squad-
Gigantic genre bias. Not my thing at all. However, production is excellent top notch. I think the Spud rants are my favorite parts. My favorite lyrics are the Niveous lyrics. I never understand where I am in a song of this genre. I keep looking at the progress bar to orient myself. Anyway, sounds like fun.

The Dutch Widows-

Hey, we both said “Freaks and Geeks” in our lyrics. I love the production. I wonder if you should sing in a higher register. This vocal melody is very low and whispery. Not a criticism, just a genuine wonder. I like this a lot. This feels like a deeper cut on your album. It’s beautiful. Good stuff!

The Def Author-
Cool drums, nice flow. Big genre bias. Production is awesome! The tempo changes are really cool. I wish there was more of a hook for me to grab on to. This is very well done, but not my thing.

The Chebuctones-

This is a fine blue collar country folky tune. Excellent issue for a song of this genre. Very well done. This works very well. It makes me sad as it should.

Thanks for the Frisbee-
This is pretty wild! Not what I expected from you. This is fun! Lots of fun drum fills in this one. You have such an awesome voice! Lots of catchy little melodies coming from various synths. Very cool song! VOTE

T.C. Elliot-
What’s the difference between TC Elliot and Pig Farmer Jr.? This is good. The backing vocals are really good. Maybe the super faint electric guitar is too faint, or maybe shouldn’t be there? There’s a lot of “Thought about……”, probably too much. Harmonica is nice and moody. Good stuff!

Swampy Nethers-
This is funny! This is cute! Excellent song craftmanship! Nice to hear live tambourine! The piano bits are very tasty! Your vocals sound great together! Head bobbin’ toe tappin’. VOTE

Sugar Johnson-
Well there’s a blues name. Sounds like more Pig Farmer Jr. vocals. Who’s playing guitar? I think the bass and drums should be louder. The vocals and acoustic are plenty loud. Yeah, there’s some tasty bass playing I can’t hear very well. Cool jam!


Strong vocals! Kind of cartoony. Like a character from Nightmare Before Christmas. Funny samples “ I love a parade”. I love the plucky bass line. That synth bass is really cool too. The left turn to the flute bit is wild. This is super fun! Well done!

Stacking Theory-
That intro is fantastic. It could go anywhere. Where it goes is good. Woah, that was way too short. Layered vocals are awesome! I always love your vocals. This feels like an interstitial song on a concept album. All the sounds are very cool!

Spy vs. Pie-
I enjoy all the voices, especially the super low guy. This is a very small and unassuming song. The clean tone guitar has some very tasty lines. This is really nice. It feels like a step above a demo. Well done!


What I know of how this was put together is amazing. Certainly a highlight of this fight. The drums are bad ass! The synth bass is pretty cool too! I imagine the drums dictated the strange tempo changes. It’s very interesting. No real hooks to grab onto, but lots of cool riffs to ride along with.

Somewhere Off the Left Coast-
Good vocals with very annoying effects placed on them. The music is damn cool! I really like the groove. The meow meow synth is really catchy. The overly T-Pain tuned vocals is a style, but one I really don’t care for. Cool song, ends in a weird abrupt way.

A+. So fucking good! Are you releasing albums? I’m I out of it? This is so awesome! Great emotion in this song. Wonderful dynamics! I love your vocals and backing vocals. The mandolin playing is excellent. You’re making me want to practice. Easy vote! VOTE! I won’t be surprised if you win this fight too. Just killer!
Phillipso, Older Brothers, Semolina Pilchards, Zipline , Thank Glennny for the Frisbee, The Odoriferous Valley, The Worldly Self Assurance, Berkeley Social Scene, Very Gentle Knives, Daddy Bop Swing Set, GUNS, The Kraken Lives, Cavedwellers
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Re: A parade, or a marathon?! (A Grand Parade reviews)

Post by fluffy »

Okay I ended up doing a version of Entropic Pincushion where the selected granule follows the duration of the song (i.e. the very beginning of Golfpunk Drives a Cadillac, the very end of Almost No Regrets). it doesn't sound any more cohesive but at least it sounds a bit more interesting.
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Re: A parade, or a marathon?! (A Grand Parade reviews)

Post by rone rivendale »

[quote="Pigfarmer Jr" post_id=233019 time=1712281496 user_id=5311
RoneAI: Interesting vocal for sure. I’d be interested in what AI tools you’re using (and how.) The bass is pretty deep and tight. I’m jealous of that, tbh.

it's called suno.ai
I believe the site url is www.suno.ai

you can do it for free, but it's hard to even finish one song with the free credits you get per day. I pay just 10 bucks a month to have more credits than i can spend, making a couple songs every single day. (which I have). Super simple, and they just came out with v3, which I've had a ball with.
From spoken word to actual singing, I can screw up any style with style. :D
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Re: A parade, or a marathon?! (A Grand Parade reviews)

Post by fluffy »

That's the same generator that was responsible for the "future of music" entries, incidentally.
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Re: A parade, or a marathon?! (A Grand Parade reviews)

Post by fluffy »

In case anyone else would benefit from this, I've added a thing so that you can unshuffle the names on the front page, so that if you've taken notes on which songs you want to vote for you can easily find them in the list. Just go to https://songfight.org/?noshuffle=1 and it'll keep the songs in alphabetical/playlist order. No guarantees that this feature will stick around, but I found it super useful for voting on this ginormous fight.
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Re: A parade, or a marathon?! (A Grand Parade reviews)

Post by fluffy »

Another batch of reviews. I'm feeling grumpy tonight so I apologize in advance to folks who got stuck in this section thanks to the playlist shuffle. Also I'm in the midst of a pain flareup which isn't helping matters. But I'll try to get to 75% because this has gone on long enough.

Pigfarmer Jr: This song is just kinda... regular? I dunno. There's nothing in it that really grabs me, and it feels awfully repetitive, and the harmonica is really grating after a little while. I like how it changes up a little bit at around 2 minutes in, at least. Thank you for being 1% of the record-setting fight, all the same.

Swampy Nethers: I think this would have been a lot better without the double-tracked/unison vocals, but when it goes from sloppy unison to harmonizing it gets pretty good. Guitar is a little twangy and spaced-out for my tastes. Maybe mix the drums a little higher and the tambourine a little lower?

All The Robots: Does the set of all the robots also include the tiny robots? I want to make a set theory joke but I have too much of a headache for that right now. I guess I should listen to the song itself because that's what we're here for. I love the chill tango thing you have going on here, and the way that the instrumentation builds up. Good vocal harmonizing, and nice use of different rhythms to keep things sonically interesting. Alternate title: Tango No. 5. This song would have also worked for Almost No Regrets.

Falcon Artist: The presentation makes me think of a studio outtake thing that's a hidden track on an anthology album or something, and it's a song that was never finished because the producer couldn't see how it'd be possible to polish into the hit single or whatever. Mostly it just seems kinda rambly and directionless to me. But I've also had too much off-brand Diet Dr. Pepper to think straight right now.

mico saudad: I'm a sucker for waltz time signatures. Something about this mix is feeling very thuddy in my ears, especially when you're singing a C#. Maybe some weird resonant frequency interaction with the delay and reverb?

MC Frontalot: Vocals need to be mixed way higher. Nice to see you back here even if it's just for a brief visit to the hometown.

Melvin: I love the intro with the weird little resonant harmonic pad thing going on. Jungle drums work surprisingly well for this light ambient-ish song. This sort of feels thrown together but in a way which totally works. Could have done without the high/falsetto-ish vocals right before the little build at the end but otherwise I like this.

Shark Tornado: This song sounds like a karaoke version of itself. I don't hate it.

The Def Author: Good beat, good intro, not a fan of the doubletracked vocals or how weirdly cluttered the chorus is. Good lyrics though. I'm still trying to find what works for me, personally. I'm a sucker for the low-tempo breakdown bit, which is also the best part of any given Lin-Manuel Miranda song. Please trim the silence at the end of your tracks though.

Madame Breathehard: Oh gosh that intro beat with the toy piano is totally my jam, love it so much. Wait, is the whole song like this? ... I guess it is. Y'know what? It works. This gets at least one vote (mine).

Glenn Case: Pretty solid, if conventional. I could imagine this playing over the speakers at the grocery store near closing time. Add some tape warble and distant reverb and you have a perfect K-Mart vaporwave soundtrack.

Cannonade Streete: This feels like a bunch of random loops thrown together, with mumblecore lyrics. That voice is pretty familiar from Song Fight!s past, but my brain isn't working well enough to identify who this is. I'm sure when someone posts who this is I'll feel pretty stupid, I'll be, "Oh yeah, that guy!!!" It's like right on the tip of my tongue. Or tonsils, anyway. ... Hostess Mostess? No, that isn't it. Gah, this will come to me in two weeks and I'll forget why.

Rachael Layne: This is pleasant and well-produced. Love the mellotron flutes.

Starfinger: Oh hello! This is great. I love your usual weird-ass schizotypical thing going on here, and just how strange it is. My cat is looking at me strangely while this song plays.

Nodal Nim: This is another super familiar voice from days gone by and I am once again going to... Simplefish? Is that you? Anyway I like how bright and sunny this is, but it could probably use a bit more instrumentation than just the mandolin. The off-kilter rhythm is great.

T.C. Elliott: My cat is now climbing all over me. This has nothing to do with your song though. Vocals could use a bit more midrange and a bit more volume. With a bit more polish and mastering this would fit right in on country music radio.

Cybronica & Estaphonia: You know what Song Fight! needs more of? Piano lullabies with opera vocals. Oh wait, there's one right here. How convenient!

Entropic Pincushion: I've already written way too much about this one on this thread. I had other ideas about what to do for this but they would have taken more brainpower than I felt like devoting to it. Maybe someday I'll learn to use Torchaudio to do the thing I really wanted to do. Maybe for the 25th anniversary. I do actually like listening to this but maybe not very often.

The Frontalittle Squad: Well, obviously you didn't get the whole squad back (as I was a member at one time too) but I'll let it slide. Always a pleasure to hear Spud's take on the narrator role for the chorus on these things. Back in the day the formula required sampling another Song Fight! song, but I'm not sure which one this draws from.

Brian F: This is another song with the classic Dong Fight! feel. Oops that was a typo, I really meant Song Fight!. Honest. Anyway uh. The sound is a bit over-compressed but I like the jammy feel of this and how it just like, does a few things without really going anywhere. I know that sounds like sarcastic criticism but I am being genuine.

Hot Pink Halo: My cat is now fully sleeping in my lap and I think she likes this one. Right now things are just kinda registering as a pile of notes to my ears.

RoneAI: It's a bit disheartening to hear someone unironically use Suno.AI as a serious attempt at making music for Song Fight!. These lyrics are just a dicombobulated pile and there's nothing great about the music itself. I'd rather hear your usual mumbly lack-of-production bullshit than this stuff. Why bother being at all creative or taking on the workmanship of risk when you can just outsource it to a machine that's been trained on the creative output of countless others? And you aren't even making a fucking statement in doing so. Don't contribute to the entropic heat-death of creativity.

Balance Lost: I need to clear my head after the last one. This reminds me of Thompson Twins and other music of that era and ilk. Could use a bit more clarity in the mix but it's fine.

Pork Producer Jr.: Well that certainly tells a story! Is this from all the pigs that were being farmed?

WreckdoM: I can't handle this right now. Maybe next time I'm high.

Mr. B and Mr. C: This is way too dissonant, and it's like Frank Zappa when he had gone fully off the deep end of antagonism towards his own listeners. Which is to say, the era of Zappa I did not much care for.

ShoehornTC: This sounds like it'd be a song on a Sesame Street musical tribute album or something. There's some good ideas in this but it doesn't quite come together for me.

and that's 75, and my ears need a rest. Hopefully I'll finish the rest tomorrow. Also I'll need to reshuffle the rest of my playlist so it isn't all just late entries at the end, oops.
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Re: A parade, or a marathon?! (A Grand Parade reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

glennny, the Tiny Robots lead guitar is not my 335. This would have been a good time to bust that out but I was lazy and in a hurry. I used the Vox Bobcat S66 that I picked up for cheap recently.


It cost little enough that I am ok with leaving it out at hand and ready to go in my office even though the humidity is ~20%. It's been pretty fun to play and I think it sounds good. I think this might have been my first time playing slide on it.

And it's only Erin on vocals for Tiny Robots, she sang the lead and all the backups.
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Re: A parade, or a marathon?! (A Grand Parade reviews)

Post by HeuristicsInc »

Pigfarmer Jr wrote:
Thu Apr 04, 2024 6:41 pm
Heuristics Inc.:Is this really 7:15?
No, as previously discussed in the thread. Some sort of mp3 thing. Thanks for saying something about the actual song though :)
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Re: A parade, or a marathon?! (A Grand Parade reviews)

Post by HeuristicsInc »

Set #2. I think I'm going to need extra time to get through all of these...

The Def Author: i like that bass and whooshy sound. Nice lyrics and rhymes too.

Dr. Spectacular's Power Circus: definitely an interesting set of vocal lines. The bridge is really nice. Also the interplay of the guitar and drums.l

The Dutch Widows: Nice understated vocals. I really like when the backing vox come in, it thickens the sound in a very pleasing way. Vote.

DuToVa: This one would benefit from the vocals taking more center stage. They sound like you are hiding. This reminds me of that old Alice in Chains EP. That is an odd pronunciation of ‘deceit’. I like this. Vote.

Entropic Pincushion: This is the one made up of other people’s wins? It’s interesting. So presumably there is a way to determine at what point a particular song winner is. Like the random band I was in. Or More Than Soup. I actually like the extended version better because I can grab onto it more.

Explino!: i miss the lyrics getting posted. But i like the sound of it. Vocals are good and i like the chunky stuff.

Falcon Artist: what’s going on with the talking in the background? This song confuses me. It is full of weird choices. I’m sorry. Wait it turns out that some other window was doing the talking in the background so it wasn’t your fault.

Frankie Big Face: love the effects on the parentheses lines. And fade away. There is some thang that you have and it is good. Weird but good. No wait, weird AND good. Vote.

The Frontalittle Squad: how many people are in this band? Fun. good rhymes.

Future Boy: interesting cadence to the vocals. I’d like more instrumentation and the raw politicalness is a little much for me.

gareth: your vocals are hiding. Bring that up more in the mix. The vocals in the chorus sound especially messy in the time when they should be tighter.

Giraffes for Wings: i disagree with these lyrics, dunno. Sorry gng isn’t my thing.

Glenn and Rachael: now this is more my thing. Like the vocals and guitars especially the vocals near the end when you sing together. Lovely. vote.

Glenn Case: everything here is good and it sounds good and the lyrics are fine but i like the last one better and i can’t enjoy this as much. Sorry you don’t compare as well to yourself.

Glennny: love the squicky bass. Good interplay of bass and guitars. Not so sure about the lyrics.
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Re: A parade, or a marathon?! (A Grand Parade reviews)

Post by fluffy »

HeuristicsInc wrote:
Thu Apr 04, 2024 11:31 pm
Entropic Pincushion: This is the one made up of other people’s wins? It’s interesting. So presumably there is a way to determine at what point a particular song winner is. Like the random band I was in. Or More Than Soup. I actually like the extended version better because I can grab onto it more.
Yep, you can pretty much estimate the position of a fragment by seeing where in the all-winners playlist it is (which you can derive from the archive data JSON export) and seeking to that proportional location within the file. The granules are all roughly the same length as each other.
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Re: A parade, or a marathon?! (A Grand Parade reviews)

Post by slyeli »

Pigfarmer Jr wrote:
Thu Apr 04, 2024 6:44 pm

Something about the vocal, especially at the beginning, that reminds me of the 80’s but I fully admit that doesn’t really make sense. Maybe there’s a song that I can’t quite place that this reminds me of, but heck if I know.
The start of the verse reminds me of Close To Me by The Cure. I think most of the melodies I write are a mixture of poorly remembered songs from the 80s.
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Re: A parade, or a marathon?! (A Grand Parade reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

rone rivendale wrote:
Thu Apr 04, 2024 9:07 pm
they just came out with v3, which I've had a ball with.
Do you start with a lyric? Or just go with whatever it spits out?

Evil Grin bandcamp - Evil Grin spotify
T.C. Elliott bandcamp - T.C. Elliott spotify

"PigFramer: Guy and guitar OF MY NIGHTMARES." - Blue Lang
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Re: A parade, or a marathon?! (A Grand Parade reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

Here is my second set of 25 (!!!) reviews.

I should probably try to comment more on folks' lyrics. I think I mostly notice the lyrics if there is something particularly off with the phrasing or if the words are really terrible. If things all flow smoothly I may not have a lot to say about them unless there is some turn of phrase that I find particularly clever.

The vocals sound very Alice In Chains to me, which to me is a good thing, they were one of my favorite bands in the early 90s. The drums sound good and the beats are good. I wish the guitar was doubled and panned wide and maybe had some thick distortion or something. I'm enjoying this but I feel like the instrumentation is not really at the right level of rock/intensity to match the great vocals.

Entropic Pincushion:
Good for you, you made a thing. Is it a song that you wrote for this title? Not in my opinion. Is it a novel experiment in scripted audio editing? Sure. I think I would have enjoyed it more if you'd done beat analysis and used one measure from each song. Or maybe at least crossfaded between the clips. :P Seriously though the edits are so jarring I can't really listen to this.

Explino! This sounds great. I'm bopping my head right away. I like the chords in the pre-chorus. Oh sweet, vocalist change up for the chorus, heck yeah! Ken sounds great there. Then Ken + Glenn, chef's kiss. How do I get into this band?! :) Very hooky melodies in verse and chorus, too. I'd love to hear an instrumental melodic element come in responding to the vocals in the second verse. The gaps between vocals there feel a little empty to me. That's a nitpick though. This song would be a good one to perform live at a Song Fight! Live. VOTE!

Falcon Artist:
This is some perfectly fine "guy-tar" as we once called it around here, aka "guy and guitar". Competently written, played, and sung.

Frankie Big Face:
Welcome back fbf! I like this and then it gets really great when the ascending line comes in for the chorus (or refrain?! :P ). I like the extra stuff you've added in verse 2, great ear candy details. Really enjoy the change-up for the bridge, and fun chords and melodies and backups there. I dig the ending with the ascending riff coming back as the end. And of course good lyrics. VOTE!

The Frontalittle Squad:
Has there been a full list of the vocalists shared somewhere? I recognize nearly but not quite everyone. Who is that after Niveous, before Hoblit? This is fun, if a little long. I understand that is a factor of trying to include as many people as possible but for me the beat, while I enjoyed it for a few minutes, gets a little repetitive after 4:30.

Future Boy:
Man, how does your Rhodes continue to sound SO tasty?! Probably the correct playing technique helps, ha. Vocals sound great too. The dynamics changes are well thought out. Plus one to this and VOTE! Wait, super annoying nitpick, but, you've got some explosive p's in your outro.

I like the music and lyrics and melodies. The guitar playing is good and the guitar sounds good. I wish the vocals were more solid and were more prominent in the mix. This is more perfectly fine guy-tar, but I think the song could shine more with a tiny bit more production polish.

Giraffes for Wings:
More guytar! Is it supposed to end abruptly like that? Seems weird. The big thing for me with enjoying person and guitar songs is that since there are only two things going on they are both going to be under the spotlight and any issues are going to be magnified. For me the guitar is good but the vocals again need some more work. I think they sound better in the back half of the song.

Glenn and Rachael:
This sounds great, I love to hear you two singing together. Your voices blend particularly well in this song. Nice solo and then drop then back into the chorus, so good. I guess if I had to nitpick I'd say maybe the vocals, collectively, when there are many layers, get a little loud and overwhelming in the mix. Very cool ending. VOTE!

Glenn Case:
Another good Glenn Case groove (TM). I think your lead vocal may be a bit loud in the mix or maybe over compressed or something, it sounds a little harsh when I wish it were a lot smoother to fit the music. I think maybe some of it is the singing, the singing could maybe be softer I think, like less forceful, if that makes sense. Anyway, aside from that, really good stuff. I think maybe it's just a hair too mellow and stays a little too samey and falls just shy of a vote for me for this fight.

I've never been a fan of that type of squelchy effect on the bass so that's a challenge here for me. Drums and guitars sound good. As has been said the vocals aren't cutting through enough. I think you could use some?/more? de-essing on your vocals too. You've got fun vocal arrangement ideas going on. I'm enjoying the energy and the riffing. I enjoy the switchup to acoustic guitars and Ebow bass (and the break from the squelchy bass). Overall pretty good but it feels like it's a bit long, like there's probably 30-45 seconds that could be trimmed out to really tighten this up.

This is cute. The vocals are very prominent and could stand a tiny bit of pitch correction, IMO. I like how you pick things up a bit for the second go-around. Oh, haha, the lyrics are taking a darker turn, I like that. Fun.

The Hell Yeahs:
I could repeat a lot of what I said about the Abom song here for the backing tracks. I like that these guitars are a little crunchier and thicker for this song. The vocals have great attitude and I really like the phrasing, the switching between smoother and melodic and then the rhytjmic punctuated bits. Super fun. VOTE!

Welcome back! I know it's not production fight but, is that a direct recorded acoustic guitar? IMO even a poorly mic'ed acoustic would sound better than a direct recorded one. This comment applies to a lot of songs on Song Fight but I think one tiny simple thing that could lift these recordings from sounding like demos to more like full productions is just to simply double the primary instrument, usually guitar, and pan the doubles to the left and right. OK, anyway, enough production stuff. Good music, great singing and lyrics. Very enjoyable!

Heuristics Inc.:
Your backing tracks are kinda Depeche Mode reminiscent for me in this one. Maybe it's that particular snare sample on the 4 of each measure. I think your vocals are too loud. Maybe whisper singing would fit better with the style of the music, for me. The melodies could really be a lot clearer and better defined. I think in a style like this even some strong pitch correction could pass as stylistically appropriate and could help with the melodies. The chorus doesn't really change up that much from the verse, which could help the song flow better.

Cool intro. I like the drum machine beat and the guitar sound good. This one could also benefit from some vocal pitch correction. I think you could mix up the drums more to make the different sections more distinct, like, open hi hat or ride cymbal in the choruses. I like the group vocal bit although it's loud. Nice guitar work after that. It starts to get a bit samey though with the chorus not being very different sounding than the verse. It's started to feel long for me a bit after the 3 minute mark. The scream-y vocals in the outro are particularly in need of some tuning.

Hostess Mostess:
This is gorgeous. Expertly written and composed, performed, and recorded. This here is a great example of how to do "guy-tar". Beautiful emotive singing over beautiful deft guitar work. No notes, chef's kiss, 100%, etc. VOTE!!!

Hot Pink Halo:
I like the dynamics, there is a good build up from the verse to the chorus. The after chorus continued rocking out is cool too but maybe goes on a tiny bit long. The second time that happens the drums smash more cymbals which makes it a lot more exciting when it repeats so maybe it's just the first time it's a little long. Your vocals have good energy, but the pitch could use some tuning.

Inflatable Vegetables:
Nice stanky opening riff. Your vocals sound so muffled. Have you ever posted a thread about how you're recording and mixing your vocals? Decent consdenser mics can be had for like $50 these days, and would be worth trying to get if you can at some point. I like the lyrics, I wish there was a more epic singalong vibe in the chorus. I don't love the rapping in the second verse. This has a bit of a Gwar/Green Jelly vibe to me now that I think about it. Fun stuff.

James Owens:
An epic tribute to the Song Fight community, nice! "Some of them are Tascam-y and some are more Cubaceous" :lol: This is fun. This is another case where I really wish the vocals sound clean and clear instead of muddy and lofi. I'd love to hear the drums a lot louder in the mix too. I really enjoyed this though.

I appreciate you start right into the first verse. In a 100 song fight, reviewers could do with shorter or no intros, haha. I like the backup vocals coming in for the pre-chorus, and the verse to pre-chorus to chorus build is nice. I actually wish the backups kept going in the start of the chorus and maybe got bigger and more prominent, but maybe you're saving that for later choruses. I think the first chorus at least could use more vocals somehow, maybe even if the main vocal was doubled. Actually doubled main vocal for the second chorus would be good too. I think there's some distortion in the main vocal in the "mine mine all mine" tags. Ooh, guitarmony. Shred! I'm going to say the opposite of what I've said in other reviews, but your really high notes may be exhibiting a bit too much correction. Anyway, very fun song, I enjoyed this one.

Jim Tyrrell:
Sounds like a couple unsure notes in the vocals, and a little bit of audible auto tune. But the melodies overall are great, over interesting chord changes. I love the melancholy feel in the music, lyrics, and melodies. You've really mated the music and lyrics and melodies together in great way. I think the acoustic guitars are maybe actually a little too bright and crispy and jangly for the vibe though. I'd love to hear some ooh-aah backing vocals filling those big spaces at the end of each half of the chorus main vocal, especially starting in the second chorus. Nice instrumental bridge.

The John Benjamin Band:
Rocking, yes! The spare piano chords to me maybe don't fit well into the hard rocking rock band that's chugging away. Anyway, good verse and chorus. Maybe a bit too much quiet space after the first chorus. I've got 100 songs to get through, keep things tight, people! :lol: I like the story you're telling. The vocals are great but I think the melodies all feel a bit samey throughout, like, maybe some more variation in phrasing, especially more distinct phrasing between the verse vs the chorus, would help keep things feeling fresh.

Josh Woodward:
This is not what I was expecting from you. I guess I still mostly think of your songs from the early 00s and you've probably moved on and/or branched out in the last 20 years. :lol: Ooh, hey, I have a Mazda 3! I appreciate the lack of intro in this too. There's something weird in your vibrato in "anOOOther shot". Synths sound great. I kinda wish the vocal felt more dynamic or something, like maybe it's highly compressed? I think the drums could sound a lot bigger, maybe more reverb/ambience on them. They sound kinda lofi and dry relative to everything else. Also in the second verse they feel very busy in a way that doesn't seem to fit with the sustained synth and vocal notes. I'd love to hear some more details in the bassline, too, it mostly sounds like whole notes to me, but I think it could have more rhythm to help drive the song a bit more. This is sort of reminding me of Sufjan Stevens doing synth pop stuff. Anyway, very impeccably put together of course, and enjoyable.
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Re: A parade, or a marathon?! (A Grand Parade reviews)

Post by glennny »

only 7 more

Shoehorn TC-
This really has the spirit of a parade. Lots of fanfare melodies. The synth horns evoke real horns enough to work. That intro is strange. The beat is relentless, I suppose like a marching parade with occasional breaks to do a silhouette. Harmonies are cool. The guitar melody after the chorus is my favorite part. Fun!

Shark Tornado-
JB vox! I’m not sure who’s in this project. Is it solo JB? It’s pretty fun power pop. It feels incomplete without a solo. If you don’t want a guitar solo, do a whistle solo or scat. The punches are very effective! This rocked! Good job!

Sell Crazy-

Here’s another super loud vocal. It sounds like I’m in the vocal booth with you, the band is in the other room. This is a solid song. Why is the band so tiny and far away? It’s a well written song. It feels like early 80’s Loverboy or the like. I’d love to hear a remix. Good song!

The first 1/3 builds anticipation. I was hoping the band would kick in, and it did. However I didn’t expect a hoe down bluegrass groove. I guess I was expecting more of a U2 vibe. Anyway, awesome vocals! Good song.

Ross Durand-
So good to have you in the fight! It just wouldn’t be right without you. You get a pass for a Guy and Guitar track. You do it so well. Excellent dynamics. Emotional performance. The lyrics paint a vivid picture. I enjoy the live take with the guitar. Minor flubs are worth it and humanize it. Great song! VOTE!

Rone AI-
01010100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01110011 01110101 01100011 01101011 01110011

Rachel Layne-
Sultry vocals. Smokey guitars. Nice jazzy chords! Oh, harmony vocals are lovely too! I like the Mellotron a lot too. Great melodies! VOTE!
Phillipso, Older Brothers, Semolina Pilchards, Zipline , Thank Glennny for the Frisbee, The Odoriferous Valley, The Worldly Self Assurance, Berkeley Social Scene, Very Gentle Knives, Daddy Bop Swing Set, GUNS, The Kraken Lives, Cavedwellers
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rone rivendale
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Re: A parade, or a marathon?! (A Grand Parade reviews)

Post by rone rivendale »

Pigfarmer Jr wrote:
Fri Apr 05, 2024 11:18 am
rone rivendale wrote:
Thu Apr 04, 2024 9:07 pm
they just came out with v3, which I've had a ball with.
Do you start with a lyric? Or just go with whatever it spits out?

I always do my own lyrics. It would be pointless just to let it generate on it's own. Despite what Fluffy thinks, I don't phone it in when I'm making music with Suno. It's just another tool. People didn't like electric guitar, or computerized drums, or auto-tune, etc. Eventually it'll be the norm to use AI to make music. Music evolves.
From spoken word to actual singing, I can screw up any style with style. :D
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