Nur Ein V Round Three "'97"

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Re: Nur Ein V: Round 3

Post by MintyHandy »

Niveous wrote:
MintyHandy wrote:I think that most bands fear a lack of success, but I doubt most fear releasing a huge pile of terrific work, only to have something relatively annoying/stupid be their "hit" (The Proclaimers as discussed above, Ben Folds Five's "Brick", and so on) and most people forever dismissing you with the assumption that's the kind of song you always write.
Wha-wha-what? Did you just list Ben Folds Five's "Brick" under "annoying/stupid"? Please explain.
I did, wanna fight about it?

Seriously, though, I'm a huge Ben Folds/Ben Folds Five fan, almost epically so. My wife and I once listened to "For Those Of Ya'll Who Wear Fannie Packs" over and over and over and over on a road trip, I have (and love) every EP he's released, and I can tell when Ben Folds has scored a film the same way I can always tell Danny Elfman has -- but when Brick comes on, I always skip it. I consider it one of their/his weakest songs, but it was also their big mainstream release "hit".
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Re: Nur Ein V: Round 3

Post by MintyHandy »

RangerDenni wrote:Does anyone know how to strip white noise from a track using eq or other effects or whatever without completely compromising everything in which we have come to believe :) ... lets say you HAVE to use the track, have to do it quick, and can't re-record.
There's always a gate, if you're stripping from, say, a vocal where the white noise is obvious between words but much less obvious during. If you're talking about an instrumental track that's overcome with white noise, though -- there's not much you can do, beyond notch filter EQ to pull out the most annoying part of the white noise spectrum (says the guy whose original bounce of this round's track had so much white noise from a bad EQ setting that it sounded like tape hiss.)

And for you young kids in the audience: there used to be these things called cassette tapes...
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Re: Nur Ein V: Round 3

Post by JonPorobil »

Reviews! Mostly second listens.

BSS - There's some interesting stuff going on, time-wise. Sounds like the guitar is in a different time signature than the drums. Distracts at first, but I got into it. The verse melody is catchier than the verse. I don't remember the last time I heard Erin with this much oomph in her voice. Is it the production job, the work of the guests, or is Erin doing something differently this time? Speaking of the guests, what are they doing, specifically? This is nice, but ultimately, it doesn't stick with me.

BLT - Steve's trumpet is sweet, but it sounds a little out of place. I think it's more due to the mix than the performance, but I can't put my finger on it. I, for one, refuse to hold the omission of the apostrophe from your interpretation of the title against you. Some of the lyrics are awkward, such as verse 2's "How's an angel immaculately conceive?" sounds particularly clunky when sung, but the later lines "I'm an alien / you're a vegetarian / and Area 51 is our Solarium" are awesome. It sounds mean, but I can't help but feel like this song - and my overall impression of it - wouldn't have changed much if you'd done it solo, without Steve. It gets better when he plays the trumpet over the last verse. Your solo is okay, but unremarkable; I'd have preferred it if you'd used the trumpet, since you had it.

BpB - The intro reminds me really heavily of the "Noodles on my Back" song from Youtube. The Sesame Street vibe works well here, but it works against the prospect of me ever listening to this again. Lyrically, I'm not gonna knock you for omitting the apostrophe, but I will knock you for it being somewhat inane. You do some clever things with the numbers (in particular, the line "12 is swell if I am counting some eggs" stands out). I'm really taken out of the moment when we hit that bridge where it sounds like it's gonna be a rock song, but then four seconds later it goes back to being a Sesame Street song again (about 1:01 to 1:05). Props for making the song exactly 97 seconds long. Major points off for not using any actual guests.

CCo - I wish I could come even close to your acoustic guitar tone. Beautiful. Your ear for melodic phrasing is equally awesome. Your harmonies are thick, lush, and gorgeous, as always. During the "Oh, Fortune Teller" chorus, my piano (in the left ear) is clashing pretty badly with that really fast fingerpicking pattern (in the right ear). I would have cut one or the other. Sorry I didn't listen to the full mix before recording my part. I think you sent it while I was recording. I'm also a little jarred by the transition to the coda (the "Why oh why" part) - there's a jarring tempo change, and last time we had one of those, it also incorporated a time signature shift, so you anticipate the waltz rhythm, and it's jarring when it doesn't show up. I'm also not sure it was the best idea to key change for that section as well - or at least, not the best idea to change from B to G. I'd have kept it in the family - maybe B to E. I also think that for the first two to four bars of that coda section, again my piano clashes with something you added later, and I would have recorded it differently had I known. Oh well. Overall, this is really impressive work. It's ambitious, it's multi-faceted, it's complex, it's catchy, and it ends in under three minutes! Wow! I think the rest of us are in a spot of trouble this week!

DRD - Your piano is very lush, but sounds somewhat distant. Is that on purpose? The whole song sounds kind of vampy, like it's more of an interlude between songs, and because the lyrics are mixed weirdly (low in spots, muddled in spots, overloaded and clashing with each other in spots), they're hard to understand, which makes the song feel longer than it is. There's also something (maybe your guest's voice?) that has a background hiss, and its repeated entrance and exit is somewhat distracting. If you couldn't noise-reduce it out, it might have been better to copy and paste some of the hiss, just to make it even. Oddly enough, adding more hiss would have made it less noticable. This is kind of what JB was talking about during his "Stranded" reviews (last paragraph). Sorry, but this doesn't really do it for me. Bring on the hooks! Or at least, the intelligible lyrics! On a positive note, I read the lyrics in the lyric thread, and they're a big improvement on the wordy tangle of the last two weeks. Keeping it concise where appropriate can make a good song powerful.

JoE - I like this. It's been stuck in my wife's head ever since I started bashing out the first demo on Wednesday night. King Arthur did a terrific job of reading my mind and making it sound exactly the way it did in my head when I conceived of it in a Subway restaurant bathroom during my lunch hour. Was that too much information? I'll probably wax philosophical on the work balance a little more, but that will wait until the results are in.

MiD - Unlike your previous work, this is gritty and dirty. I've liked most of your stuff so far, but this is amazing. Those horns are used perfectly. I am so glad that you're immune this week, because you'd probably be mopping the floor with us again. I have literally no negative comments about this.

MHa - This is such a huge change of pace, I don't even know what to say about it. It's beautiful. "She said she guessed that I would have to do / And I said "I love you too." That's a beautiful line. The fake strings just barely audible under the piano interlude add a bit of je ne sais quois to the whole thing, and the story is a real heartbreaker, both narratively and allegorically. It just goes to show... you can put so much work into a song, but it's the one that gets rushed out in a fit of inspiration that turns out to be your best. I think you and Cogott are arm-wrestling for top honors this week.

NPh - Sounds like you're cramming too much lyrics into your lines. It works okay in the chorus, but the verses are awkward. Also, the amount crunch in your guitars (and the tempo of the piece) is disproportionate to the amount of oomph in your voice. When fluffy starts playing, it sounds like something is badly out of tune. And that's a real shame. fluffy's playing helps seal the deal on that Dropkick Murphys vibe I suspect you're going for. Of the people who acknowledged the apostrophe in the title, I think your approach was probably the best, lyrically. I just wish those verses weren't so jam-packed with info. It's hard to get the concept of the song, or even the lyrical point of view, when you're struggling to keep up.

TRS - You nailed the cult vibe. However, I'm not fond of the call-and-response vocals, especially because your two voices clash so much. The male part (is that Signboy or Zaz?) is obviously so close to the mic, it's mixed high, it's whispering (or at least, speaking in an indoor voice), and it's gotta lotta reverb, while Realist's voice is projecting more, but mixed lower. Her voice is clearer, she's enunciating more, and she's mixed drier. It ruins most of the song for me. Sorry.

SDe - The intro runs too long. I would have cut the bit with Penny Wong repeating "We cannot run and we cannot hide" and jumped straight into the song. Phil nails the lead vocal pretty well, and the "nothing, nothing" part of the melody is quite catchy, as is the "How do we tellllllll the chiiiildren" bit. I worry that there's not enough movement, lyrically. All three verses say pretty much the same thing. I like Sid's voice doing those "Nah nah nah na-nah nah"s in the background in the third verse. Good effort. Needed more work and a better editor's pen.

Thr - Your vocals are mixed WAY too low, and they're absolutely drowning in reverb. I was nervous when I heard that you weren't drumming on your own track. Fraser isn't as good as you, but he's passable. Was this really recorded in one take, as the video implies? If so, that's pretty impressive, but I feel like the tempo needs a few more bpm - in its current state it's a little soporific. You know, upon further reflection, I'm kind of glad the vocals are so buried; these lyrics are so saccharine, I'm not sure I'd have been able to make it to the end of the song if I'd been paying attention to them.

WhF - I like the looseness of the pots and pans setting up the beat in the intro. If I ever do a rap song (again), you're the first person I'm asking to do the beat. The chorus confuses me; "gravestones" implies that it's a serious accident and people died (as does the rap that comes in later), but "fender bender" sounds so innocuous and non-threatening. It really takes the gravity out of the subject matter. The flow in the rap is pretty good, but it's hard to tell because the drums and synths are doing their best to derail the song during that section. It's really jarring and makes it unpleasant to listen to. I wish you'd stuck with something a little more standard and non-disruptive during that section.

Topping of my heap this week are Milo Dunderville, Chris Cogott, and Minty Handy. Great round, everyone!
Last edited by JonPorobil on Tue May 11, 2010 5:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Nur Ein V: Round 3

Post by JonPorobil »

RangerDenni wrote:
Caravan Ray wrote:DJ Ranger Den[/b] (f/ Alyssa Day) - Sounds like you had some technical issues which is a shame. As it is, it seems a little meandering with no hook to grab hold of. With 2 clear vocals it may have been something very good
I SO did have trouble! It's nuts too, because Alyssa is a good singer. I took a chance using her track.

I'm not a great engineer (yet), and I do contests and stuff to learn. Does anyone know how to strip white noise from a track using eq or other effects or whatever without completely compromising everything in which we have come to believe :) ... lets say you HAVE to use the track, have to do it quick, and can't re-record.

Just hypothetically .....

Just noticed that you'd asked this. I commented on it in my review of your song BEFORE I read the post that this one is in response to, so this will be slightly redundant, but you can also think of it as supplemental to my review.

I don't know what hardware and software is available to you, but here's a few suggestions:

1.) If you can find a decent FFT filter, then get it. One comes built-in to my DAW (Adobe Audition), and it's pretty powerful, once you set the sample size high enough. Highlight a section with just noise, no voice, and it'll then lift that noise out of the rest of the track, leaving a more-or-less clear vocal.

2.) If that's not available, but if the background noise is constant (sounds like yours was), you might be able to isolate it by playing with the mid-high to high ranges on your equalizer. Make sure to disrupt the vocal as little as possible. If you have a Spectral Analysis feature or plugin, you'll probably be able to see the interference in the form of a large homogeneous block near the top. Click and drag over the appropriate frequencies and lower the volume.

3.) If all else fails, grab a section of noise without any singing over it, and paste it over all the spots in the mix that are noise-free. If you can't get rid of the noise completely, you can at least make it less noticeable by making it consistent in the mix.
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Re: Nur Ein V: Round 3

Post by Reist »

Generic wrote:Was this really recorded in one take, as the video implies?
Yeah. I had to substitute the vox though, since my vocal mic picked up too much noise and not enough vox.
Generic wrote:I feel like the tempo needs a few more bpm - in its current state it's a little soporific.
I disagree, but that's just because I love slow music. In later listens, I've thought to myself that it's a little too fast, haha.
Generic wrote:You know, upon further reflection, I'm kind of glad the vocals are so buried; these lyrics are so saccharine, I'm not sure I'd have been able to make it to the end of the song if I'd been paying attention to them.
Haha, saccharine's a little brutal, but it was meant to be a cute song from the start, so I'll consider this one a success. :P
Last edited by Reist on Tue May 11, 2010 5:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Nur Ein V: Round 3

Post by fluffy »

Wow, guys, I'm sorry inevitableguy asked me to contribute and I found a little bit of time to record some stuff that wasn't as absolutely perfect as a more experienced cellist could have done. Jeeze.

I'm honored that I was asked by two separate participants to be their guest, and I enjoyed making my meager contribution to both songs. I guess that won't be happening again though.
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Re: Nur Ein V: Round 3

Post by glennny »

OK I have about 10 listens in on every song, some of them 15 or 20.

Here’s how I’d rank them:

BSS- A combination of my 2 dream bands. Doesn’t get better than this for me. I’m clearly not objective, but I think we should pass. Frisbee on verse backing vocals and harmonies, Melvin on chorus backing vocals and harmonies.

12- Therman- At 1st this was in the middle of the pack, but I liked this more and more with each listen. One small gripe is that this song is ripe for a solo, and I know you can solo, damn I wish you soloed in this song. Love it!

11- Milo Dunderville- Minor gripes on the drum fills and heaven/seven rhyme, but what a great track. If I were to change a rule in Nur Ein land, it would be that immunity makes you only immune to elimination, not immune to winning. You could’ve easily won this round too. Great job! It will pay off if you’re in the finals and your competitors are the judges. Love it!

10- Chris Cogott- Excellent singing, wonderful musicianship! Except for that piano player, that fool can’t count, which is all right, because eventually he gets into it. Great song, story gets a little old after a few listens. There’s a sweet spot around the 5th listen where this topped the list.

9- Minty Handy- I love this song. I’m in the 4 year old daughter club too. I’m worried for you though. You barely met the title. And you barely met the challenge, but it’s a great song!

8- Boop Boop- Very Ween! Over the top silly. I hope we hear some anthem rock from you before this is over. I’m jonzing for a Stairway to the moon, or Mom and Dad Played Rock n Roll.

7- Sid Denisen- Groovy song! Bringing out the best in Wages!

6- BLT- Great solo! Great guest! Some cool lines in there too.

5- Who Fly- This just sounds great! I think the composition is a little weak, but the performance and the mix are awesome!

4- DJ Ranger- Very pretty! That hiss kills it for me. I hope you live on to the next round, you’re doing some great stuff!

3- Naked Philosophy- I love the ambition. Those cello notes are so painful. I’m worried for you. This will be a fun one to see you play live!

2- Jon Eric- I like the song. It’s like a mediocre King Arthur song, which inherently is quality stuff. You missed the challenge, understandably, but what a boring song (lyrically). This is the most phoned in song from you so far. Seems like you were playing it safe.

1-The Real Sign- I admit, at my 1st impression, I didn’t get it. Then I read the lyrics and now I get it. This isn’t bad, I like it. I just like it least of the lot.

With all the songs so good and so tight, I imagine the results might be all over the place. This will be interesting!
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Re: Nur Ein V: Round 3

Post by BenKrieger »

Major points off for not using any actual guests.
Correction: There are eight different people doing the "ninety-sevens." It wasn't my first/ideal option for guests, and it's not as interesting as an instrumental guest, but they are guests nonetheless.
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Re: Nur Ein V: Round 3

Post by BenKrieger »

Boop Boop- Very Ween! Over the top silly. I hope we hear some anthem rock from you before this is over. I’m jonzing for a Stairway to the moon, or Mom and Dad Played Rock n Roll.
The titles provided so far have not inspired me to do anything anthemic, but if I make it onward I am hoping as well!
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Re: Nur Ein V: Round 3

Post by JonPorobil »

BenKrieger wrote:
Major points off for not using any actual guests.
Correction: There are eight different people doing the "ninety-sevens." It wasn't my first/ideal option for guests, and it's not as interesting as an instrumental guest, but they are guests nonetheless.
It sounds, to my ears, as though those eight people all saying "ninety-seven" were sampled from various media sources, and they were put in the song without their own involvement or permission. If that's the case, I'll stand by my review. If, on the other hand, you got eight of your friends to stand in front of the microphone and say the word "Ninety-seven" with different inflections, then I rescind the quoted section of my review.
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Re: Nur Ein V: Round 3

Post by BenKrieger »

Generic wrote:If, on the other hand, you got eight of your friends to stand in front of the microphone and say the word "Ninety-seven" with different inflections, then I rescind the quoted section of my review.

Rescind accepted!
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Re: Nur Ein V: Round 3

Post by Caravan Ray »

BenKrieger wrote:
Generic wrote:If, on the other hand, you got eight of your friends to stand in front of the microphone and say the word "Ninety-seven" with different inflections, then I rescind the quoted section of my review.

Rescind accepted!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I hope next weeks title is:
"Say the Number"

You're already set!
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Re: Nur Ein V: Round 3

Post by JonPorobil »

BenKrieger wrote:
Generic wrote:If, on the other hand, you got eight of your friends to stand in front of the microphone and say the word "Ninety-seven" with different inflections, then I rescind the quoted section of my review.

Rescind accepted!
:lol: It was difficult to go back and edit the review while laughing so hard.
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Re: Nur Ein V: Round 3

Post by Chris Cogott »

BenKrieger wrote:
Generic wrote:If, on the other hand, you got eight of your friends to stand in front of the microphone and say the word "Ninety-seven" with different inflections, then I rescind the quoted section of my review.

Rescind accepted!
This is hilarious! Do you even know this person or are you just walking up to random people?
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Re: Nur Ein V: Round 3

Post by BenKrieger »

This is hilarious! Do you even know this person or are you just walking up to random people?
I knew them all, it was done in the backyard area of Goodbye Blue Monday in Brooklyn. That's Joe Crow Ryan: full time subway busker, Scrabble champ and stickler for pronunciation.
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Re: Nur Ein V: Round 3

Post by frankie big face »

fluffy wrote:Wow, guys, I'm sorry inevitableguy asked me to contribute and I found a little bit of time to record some stuff that wasn't as absolutely perfect as a more experienced cellist could have done. Jeeze.

I'm honored that I was asked by two separate participants to be their guest, and I enjoyed making my meager contribution to both songs. I guess that won't be happening again though.
Oh come on Josh. You can't expect people to write glowing reviews about that cello playing. It actually works pretty well in the context of the song, although the feature at the end is a bit much. When did you start worrying about what other people think? I'm glad you were a guest twice this week. Chin up, buddy.
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Re: Nur Ein V: Round 3

Post by Rabid Garfunkel »

Minty on the top for me. I'm glad you kept the string patch real low (unless my imagination is all celly-belly this week), otherwise I'd've ruined the moment in the car belting out "Glycerine!" at inappropriate moments. Glad you let your muse have its last minute say.

The only other comments I've got are:

JonEric: 4-6 more bpm might've added a little urgency or tension or something to the song

BSS (Ken): The snare accent change in the outro was nice, but the outro was too damned long, which ill served the change. Maybe I've just got a short attention span, heh.

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Re: Nur Ein V: Round 3

Post by fluffy »

frankie big face wrote:Oh come on Josh. You can't expect people to write glowing reviews about that cello playing. It actually works pretty well in the context of the song, although the feature at the end is a bit much. When did you start worrying about what other people think? I'm glad you were a guest twice this week. Chin up, buddy.
Oh, don't get me wrong, Francis, I definitely appreciate criticism and negative reviews. What I took issue with was that most of them were in the form of telling inevitableguy that he should have asked JB instead.
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Re: Nur Ein V: Round 3

Post by inevitableguy »

JB is a judge. I think the comments were more meant to be taken as "JB is going to judge cellos harshly since he knows his way around one".

Or, at least, that's how I took it.

I do have to give fluffy mad props, though - I pretty much said, "Oh, hey man, you want to play some cello for me? I'll give you a really piss-poor scratch track to work from. I have no idea what I actually want it to sound like, just make something up. Oh, did I mention that I need it turned around in 24 hours?" Not only did he give me a cello track, he gave me several layers of cello tracks that I could use to have a full-on cello arrangement.
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Re: Nur Ein V: Round 3

Post by fluffy »

Oh, okay. I guess I misunderstood a fairly innocuous comment, then, as usual. Never mind!

I do wish I could have spent more time doing a better job on my recordings (and I did get some slightly better takes but I didn't get them to inevitableguy in time, unfortunately), and I am sincerely flattered that I was asked to participate.

(And obviously I do care what other people think. Otherwise I wouldn't still be here after nearly ten years.)
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Caravan Ray
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Location: Toowoomba, Queensland

Re: Nur Ein V: Round 3

Post by Caravan Ray »

you were certainly the first person I thought of to add synth - mainly to come up with something that i would not think of myself. as it turns out, i couldn't make the things you gave me fit - but hardly your fault - i didn't give you much to work with (at least i gave wages an initial melody to guide him). I certainly appreciate you taking the time to contribute anyway.
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Beat It
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Location: Pittsburgh, PA

Re: Nur Ein V: Round 3

Post by JonPorobil »

So it's about that time again.... or will history repeat itself?
"Warren Zevon would be proud." -Reve Mosquito

Stages, an album of about dealing with loss, anxiety, and grieving a difficult year, now available on Bandcamp and all streaming platforms!
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