
New Players stand up and be counted.
Beat It
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Instruments: Synths
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Submitting as: Heuristics Inc. (duh) + collabs
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Location: Maryland USA

Post by HeuristicsInc »

nyjm wrote:my name is noah james mclaughlin. sounds weird, huh? my brother's name is quinn. yeah, we have parents with super common names (linda and steve), so they decided to name us "uniquely".
you may be interested to know that noah has become somewhat trendy - in 2004 it was the 29th most common boy baby name. i know this because my friend picked that name, thinking it wasn't that popular, but it turns out so did everybody else. heh. anyway. it was in the 300's when you were born. quinn seems to be getting more popular too, but not as much... anyway if this is interesting to you check out this fantastic java thingy:
collaborations are also one of the best parts of songfight; mine include: hope, oath and suspicion, working with c. hack, and x-tokyo-river-god.
sniff, forgotten already :cry:
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Post by jute gyte »

i'm jute gyte. my real name is adam. i live in the very small town of noel, missouri. i'm 19 and currently pursuing a degree in music composition.

i found songfight when i followed a link to the banjo v track 'experimental fashion', which is still my favorite songfight song. a year or so later i was looking for some motivation and criticism and somehow remembered this place. i convinced calfborg to enter too. so our first fight was 'happy machine ankle' (an uncommonly difficult title, too). this eventually led to the formation of jeshimoth entertainment, which has our music along with various other people's and will soon feature movies and books etc.

under the name 'jute gyte' i make music that ranges from metal to noise to ambient. my songfight entries are mostly metal. the last 4 songfight entries i have done have featured absolutely no 4/4 as part of a challenge to myself.

i tend to like art that is either experimental, extreme, or both.
favorite music includes: burzum, today is the day, godflesh, neil young, the pogues, merzbow, penderecki, etc.
favorite books: house of leaves, infinite jest, the stranger, lords of chaos.
favorite movies: gummo, heart of glass, gozu, unforgiven, night of the living dead, terminator 2, combat shock, the big lebowski, etc.

what songfight needs more of: BLACK METAL.
"I believe the common character of the universe is not harmony, but hostility, chaos and murder." - Werner Herzog
jute gyte
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Ice Cream Man
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Recording Method: Reaper, Line 6 POD, GLS Audio 57 and 58
Submitting as: noah mclaughlin, Ford's Theater Disaster, Juliet's Happy Dagger
Location: atlanta, ga

Post by nyjm »

Bjam wrote:
stueym wrote:
Bjam wrote:Mc-Laach-lin?
No it would be
"Mick-law-<insert gutural scots 'ch' sound that is like hawking up phlegm>-lin"
Thats how you do it :D
Well I didn't really want to be all "Hey, when I say your name it sounds like I'm hacking up phlegm."
there's something oddly satisfying about people getting it wrong sometimes.

1) it's irish; nothing guttural about it
2) mik - LAW - klin
3) kudos for getting closer than most (first try is usually mc-laff-lin)

collabs: shame on me. you can hear heuristic inc's and j$'s brilliant production work on my e.p. ex lugduno
"You sound like the ghost of David Bowie." - SchlimminyCricket | it was a pleasure to burn | my website | Juliet's Happy Dagger
Beat It
Posts: 5336
Joined: Sat Sep 25, 2004 6:14 pm
Instruments: Synths
Recording Method: Windows computer, Acid, Synths etc.
Submitting as: Heuristics Inc. (duh) + collabs
Pronouns: he/him
Location: Maryland USA

Post by HeuristicsInc »

heh, kidding. didn't really think you forgot ;)
i know somethin' about people pronouncing one's name wrong, that i do. has to do with having a polish last name for me.
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Post by Rik »

I'm Rik Gerblick, and I sometimes post under the name Rik Gerblick. By day I'm a network administrator, by night a hack musician. Right out of high school I had a mean-on for starting a band and being rich and famous. I recorded an album of the most pathetic drivel ever written and thought I was pretty hot shit. In the years since, I have written and recorded a few songs. Nothing notable, and never enough to compile another 'album'. Ten or so years ago I gave up writing music all together. I've been in a couple pretty decent cover bands in the past few years, but one can only take so much of the bar band thing. A little over a year ago, I had pretty much all but put behind me any and all things musical.

I found SongFight several years ago, but never had the ambition to submit anything until recently. The early song titles were too weird for me to embrace, I liked the SongFight! concept but couldn't take the site seriously. The first fight I saw was 'Too Bad my Binoculars Don't Work at Night', and thought to myself "what the hell kind of song could I possibly write about binoculars? This is dumb.". Well, that was the mindset I was in at the time. Looking back, there are so many angles to that song title and all of the others here, I don't know what my problem was. I followed the site for a few weeks, then lost interest. I still remember the band name generator on the bottom left of the page. Though I always wanted to use one of those names in a bad, it was hard convincing the other members to go with 'Crampon' or 'Stink Hole Trio'.

A few months ago I got a bug up my ass and decided I wanted to re-learn how to play guitar. I've been playing since 5th grade (let's see, that's 22 years), but I was self-taught and was never very good. Most bands I've been in I've either played bass or sang or both. So I started working on scales, modes, odd chords, shit like that. One thing led to another and I'm putting in a song for 'High Enough'. I'm still not very good at soloing, which is quite apparent, but I'm getting better. Now in addition to guitar, I'm trying to learn drums (no drum machine on my entries, that's me playing on an electronic kit), and submitting songs as often as possible. Some nights I fit sleep into my schedule, but never on the night before a SongFight! deadline.

Most of my songs have an 80's sound to them, or so I've been told. I'm alright with that, I grew up in the 80's and hair metal is some of my favorite music. Not that glam shit though, when those fuckers start wearing makeup I have to draw the line. Whoa, where did that come from?

I want to take this opportunitity to thank everyone in the SongFight community for all the work they put into this each week. Extra special thanks to Spud, JB and Glenn for keeping this all together and WITHOUT ADS OR POPUPS, I don't know how you guys do it but you're amazing. This is one hell of a cool thing going on here: artists getting together to share work, casual guests visiting for some fresh music every week. Everything free, everything honest. Damn, I promised myself I wouldn't cry. ;)

Oh yeah, I found a copy of that crap album I did years ago. If anyone wants a good laugh, PM me. You will then hear just how bad music can be. And you all thought my current songs were lame. Hahaha!
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Post by herojima »

i'm herojima
i am songfighter # 666
heh heh
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Post by fluffy »

The forum thinks you're #670. but the forum doesn't count everyone, and it counts some people twice.

I'm fluffy, but you can call me "fluffy." I've been listening to Songfight since A B C D Puppies first went up (the first time, when NiL won), and entering sporadically since I LOVE YOU (I couldn't come up with anything for Zero To Phantom). This makes me the longest-time active songfighter, except for those rare times that drew and Lemon Party (formerly Kissing Contest) pop in to belittle us for a while. I still have never won a fight.

My artist info page is kinda outdated, but then again, so is my "fluffy porcupine" site (especially since I try not to enter under that name anymore for reasons which are too complicated for me to remember right now). I'm probably going to totally rework it someday. Really. I know I've been saying that for the last three years but I really mean it this time.

I like experimenting with different things. Lately I've been on a "record whatever happens and don't edit anything" kick, though I think the novelty of that has worn off and I'm back to my old "the piece is a rich tapestry of related musical elements" (a.k.a. "make a big pile of sound") ways. I'm also now a member of Octothorpe. Recently I finally got a working copy of Logic 7 which is finally a piece of recording software which works more or less the way I think about things, modulo some interface weirdness anyway.

I actually bought my first guitar (a crappy thing I paid too much for at a pawn shop) so I could record I LOVE YOU, and I could only barely play it (I knew a couple of chords from noodling around previously on other peoples' guitars but that's it), so I ended up just recording a few chords separately and then looped them (badly) in the sequencing software I was using at the time (Impulse Tracker). I'm a lot better now. :) Same goes for singing. It's amazing what four and a half years of practice and experimentation can do.

Nowadays I mostly use two guitars (an Ibanez electric-acoustic and a cheap Fender Squier) and a keyboard (Casio Privia PX-300, one of the better portable digital pianos on the market these days), plus a lot of softsynths and occasionally a SIDstation. I also love my MXL-990 mic, and sometimes I use a Roland Microcube as an effects processor and stage amp (much to The Sober Irishman's dismay). I also swear by my Tascam US-428, when I'm not swearing at it anyway.

I used to think I'd use Songfight as a scratchpad for songs which would eventually go into a second album, but now I've come to realize that Songfight songs more or less exist on their own. I do want to redo a lot of my older ones someday, though.
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Post by herojima »

fluffy wrote:The forum thinks you're #670. but the forum doesn't count everyone, and it counts some people twice.
yes, but i am #666 in the memberlist above.
you cannot take the evil away from me.
"Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible" - FZ
Dan-O from Five-O
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Post by Dan-O from Five-O »

Someone has a Mariah Carey fetish. Jeez.
jb wrote:Dan-O has a point.
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Post by fluffy »

Who would that be, Dan-O?
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Beat It
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Instruments: vocals, songwriting, guitar
Submitting as: Lucky Witch and the Righteous Ghost
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Location: Staten Island, NY

Post by Niveous »

The fact that there's exactly one year between posts in this thread is creepy.
"I'd like to see 1984 redubbed with this in the soundtrack."- Furrypedro.
Lucky Witch and the Righteous Ghost
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