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Paul Hollywood's City Bakes

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 6:51 pm
by Lunkhead
This show's a couple years old but I just found out about it thanks to JB mentioning its San Francisco episode, where Paul goes to and even bakes in Berkeley bakery The Cheeseboard, a huge favorite of mine and Ken's. They also go to Tartine, a favorite in San Francisco. I think the show is really fun and charming. Paul's very joyful and exuberant about the whole thing and takes very earnest delight in baking. The show balances the majority focus on baking with just enough of the travel show style historical context and trivia. We watched the SF and LA episodes first and now we're venturing out into the world, which is a nice way to travel vicariously when we can't really travel in real life. So far we've watched the Palermo and Reykjavik episodes, adding those cities to our "must visit post pandemic" list. Season 2 at least is available on YouTube, not sure about season 1.