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fightmaster's picks

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 11:30 am
by c hack
Totally cool! Love it.

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 6:02 pm
by j$
Me too! nice idea but (and you knew I'd have a but for you didn't you?)

Could it go under the winners of the fight, rather than above it? At the moment it implies visually that Fightmaster's favourites are more important than those selected by the community at large?

I know it's Fightmasters' website, and they can do what they like, and also that there have been several implied instances of friend-flooding in the recent past, but I just think it gives the wrong impression to people who come to the website first time.

It's highly unlikely that I'll ever be in either so (I hope) it's not just sour grapes on my part. I am also aware that it is pretty pedantic of me, but I thought I'd best lay it down as a suggestion ....


Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 3:38 am
by Hoblit
j$ wrote: 1. Me too! nice idea but ...

2. I know it's Fightmasters' website, and they can do what they like,

3.and also that there have been several implied instances of friend-flooding in the recent past, but I just think it gives the wrong impression to people who come to the website first time...

4. sour grapes on my part.

5. pedantic of me, j$
1. Thats because it *is* a good idea, no buts
2. exactly
3. how is the truth a wrong impression?
4. Yeah, but with our community you have to take the good with the bad whether or not you like good or bad.
5. ha. cute.

This is actually an idea of old revisited. I like it. It gives credit to otherwise overlooked ideas or flood based voting. It's a *second winner* of sorts. If you can get over #4 by respecting #2, #3 will work itself out in truths and #5 will not apply to anyone as #1 prevails.
If this doesn't grab you:
#6: grain o' salt

either way, it increases your chances of welcomed attention.

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 6:32 pm
by j$
Yes totally agree it's a great idea. Not suggesting it be got rid off at all but it's just a location thing. Above suggests pecking order of importance. I would suggest side by side (which is the ideal thang) but the lay-out doesn't allow for it.

But anyway, just shooting the breeze. It hardly ruins my day....


Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 9:30 pm
by tonetripper
It rules to hear what the FMs think were cool picks from the previous week. Basically I love all the changes that were implemented from the changes that were proposed. Especially the posted links of the voted winners. Everybody wins.

And J$, for the record, I'd way rather have the FMs picks above the voted winners. Shows class, style, a certain panache of coolness, a je ne sais quoi if you will, daring, bold...............

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 10:00 pm
by j$
Of course my opinion has mysteriously changed as of, oh say, a couple of hours ago :)

Thanks very much, fightmasters. That makes me feel better and a little gooey inside. I shall have to screen-capture for my scrapbook!


Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 10:17 pm
by tonetripper
..... besides the coolness that is j$, also note that the witty repartee in the winner's circle of challengers facing the winners is also missing. I think it's cool how the FMs have transferred that notion to their plugs of the fights. Right on!!!! Now I have to listen to Brioche, Actually just to hear the Money Man do it up in style, a certain panache, bold, daring, a je ne sais quoi if you will.....

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 3:07 pm
by Leaf
Not a big deal...but any chance of a stream all function for the fightmaster's picks? I have no idea (well, I got an IDEA, but no concrete understanding) of what this actually means, but I'm just curious...

I lika the picks by the way...


Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 8:27 pm
by Lunkhead
I like the idea a lot. Its position on the page makes it seem like it's more important than the winners, though. Maybe there's a way to integrate the FM's picks into the "Last Week's Fights" section? Like after the sentence about the winner of each fight, list the FM's picks for that fight? Also, it might be nice to find a way for all that stuff to take up less vertical space so that people can still see the "Song News" section. For me it's off the bottom of my browser window now, and I've got a pretty high-res screen. In fact I can't even see all of the "Last Week's Fights" section. The page seems a little out of balance with the really tall right column, too, now that the left column is practically empty. Anyway, that's my two cents. Feel free to unleash the robotic Richard Simmons on me...

Re: layout...?

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 1:13 am
by Eric Y.
Lunkhead wrote:Maybe there's a way to integrate the FM's picks into the "Last Week's Fights" section? Like after the sentence about the winner of each fight, list the FM's picks for that fight?
i swear i remember seeing some old fight blurbs that were like this, where the winner and some witty commentary were followed by the fightmasters' faves of the bunch. but i went browsing for a long time and couldn't find examples of what i'm talking about so i gave up.

Re: layout...?

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 1:49 am
by erik

Re: layout...?

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 1:16 am
by Spud
Lunkhead wrote:For me it's off the bottom of my browser window now...
Vertical. Scroll. Bar.

Re: layout...?

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 4:59 am
by Gemini6Ice
Spud wrote: Vertical. Scroll. Bar.
I went there for a drink once. There was this hot guy next to me, but then he just went up-up-up-up-up--

and I was alone again.