Nur Ein XIV Round Six "You Too"

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Ice Cream Man
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Re: Nur Ein XIV Round Six "You Too"

Post by vowlvom »

Wow, thanks judges! That was definitely the toughest challenge yet... I think there's a good chance I'd have dropped out if I hadn't had a bandmate to keep me going. Incredibly pleased that we stuck with it and made it to the final! Cheers to the other contestants for a great bunch of songs!
mo wrote:
Tue Jun 11, 2019 10:45 pm
Ready yourselves for a seven minute tour de force guitar solo track over a one chord vamp. Nothing could be more exciting.
Weird, this also describes our final track? Except that our guitar solo is "crushingly inept". Best of luck to you!
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Re: Nur Ein XIV Round Six "You Too"

Post by mo »

vowlvom wrote:
Tue Jun 11, 2019 10:55 pm
Weird, this also describes our final track? Except that our guitar solo is "crushingly inept". Best of luck to you!
I didn’t say Glenn or I would play the solo

I am planning to get the dog to do it. Right after he learns to play C and not C#. Again.
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Re: Nur Ein XIV Round Six "You Too"

Post by vowlvom »

Some reviews, imagine me performing them over the chord sequence from... ooh... La Bamba, I don't know.

Agony Sauce - it's so obvious that you had a blast making this, and that sense of fun carries over to the listener too. owl and I were joking about referencing Who Let The Dogs Out? in our song, weirdly, so the fact that you sampled it BLEW MY MIND. The battle of the bands lyric links through to your borrowed songs cleverly, although I'd be lying if I said that I actually wanted to hear those bloody Wonderwall chords or the Sweet Child O' Mine riff ever again - my brain is full of Godzilla lately though so I enjoyed the Blue Oyster Cult bits! Really like the chorus, I think Glenn's voice sounds particularly good on this one.

Max Bombast - I didn't really know the Guess Who track but after listening to the original I'm impressed with the way you reinterpreted it, I think musically this is my favourite take on the challenge and I love the way you transformed the riff in your chorus with the interlocking octave lines. This didn't click with me overall as much as your previous song, and I continue to have some issues with your hyper-compressed vocals, but this is more solid work and to be honest I expected it to make the final.

Rachael Layne - this is so pretty, the guitar sounds so sweet (especially when that lead line comes in) and your vocal is beautiful. Very emotional lyrics and delivery, and as the competition heats up I enjoyed hearing such a warm and positive message making its way onto the battlefield! On the challenge side, this is a little too close to Blackbird for me (albeit based only on my personal interpretation of the challenge, I was more into the songs that transformed the source material a little more) but this was extremely well done and I enjoyed it very much. Love the unusual, subtle percussion.

Rain Watt - I had mixed feelings about this one, I can't shake the feeling that it feels slightly rushed in comparison to some of your other submissions - there are some small vocal and instrumental moments where it feels like another take would have been wise. But on the other hand I like the intimacy and energy that this recording has, and it was your melody that stuck in my head more than any of the others this week. Sorry to see you leave the competition, I've hugely enjoyed your submissions.

Vowl Sounds - this challenge was HELL. I was exhausted and totally burned-out last week and really struggled to get the energy and enthusiasm together to work on this. Thankfully owl stumbled across those 'Dog in a Trenchcoat' tweets which inspired the adoption of this song, which had just the right dark energy to continue our story after a couple of attempts at using ABBA / Cyndi Lauper tracks that didn't quite work out (if anyone wants lo-fi instrumental versions of Gimme Gimme Gimme or Time After Time to mess around with, let me know). I feel like there were at least a couple of days where I sat grumpily mixing tracks that I wasn't happy with until late at night before things started clicking together and eventually I did come around and start enjoying myself (and liking the track), but this was absolutely my least favourite round and I was so glad to have a long weekend booked for my birthday after submitting this one because otherwise I feel like I would have spent this week passed out on my desk at work. Anyway it was all worth it! Hooray!


Faster Jackalope - very convincing Karma Police impression on those verses! Pretty smooth combination of the songs that you've built your track from, killer lead guitar work and I like the timbre of your voice at this lower register. The vocal melody is strong in places, not so much in others, but on the whole I liked this quite a bit.

Inflatable Vegetables - have you actually said anywhere what you're borrowing chords from here? Or is this a completely original submission? I really like the dreamy intro (love the synth sound) and the way it kicks into the full-on electronic stuff, and a lot of the vocal melodies work for me - but unfortunately the chorus doesn't really, it feels like it needs either a stronger tune or a more layered gang vocal style to make it really work.

Lichen Throat - Dickens and Van Halen, together at last! I like the way you've transformed the track, it's satisfyingly moody and works well with your voice. A lot of good timing, a few bits where it falls off, but a satisfying listen on the whole.

Mandibles - this is definitely my favourite lyrical take on this title, I love the writing so much - so clever and witty! Musically I think the vocals are a little loud, the music a little quiet, which gives this a slightly karaoke feel that doesn't quite do it justice, but it's a lot of fun.
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Re: Nur Ein XIV Round Six "You Too"

Post by owl »

Congrats Agony Sauce--and also all the other people who have been making kick-ass music this Nur Ein, there have been so many great songs coming out of these past couple of months! I'm... not quite sure how this happened, but also very happy we somehow got far enough to share our creepy little story about a ghost returning from beyond the grave to warn the living about the most terrifying death metal band in the world, U2.

p.s. I don't know if anyone is actually looking at our mp3 art at this point, but if you want to buy a REAL giant mirror with a glittery skeleton reaching out of it to decorate your home with, you can right here for a mere 500 bones.
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Re: Nur Ein XIV Round Six "You Too"

Post by Chumpy »

Omg, how is this not finished yet!?

Oh look, a podcast, how cute. Here is how to get with it: Yakety Yak, do feedback:

INDEX: Et tu?
"I don't recommend ending on a bad joke." --ken
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Re: Nur Ein XIV Round Six "You Too"

Post by grumpymike »

Well, we recorded Monday so this is a little out of date, but here's The New Ugly! The editing and production isn't as tight as I'm away from home. ... e14r06.mp3
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Re: Nur Ein XIV Round Six "You Too"

Post by mo »

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Re: Nur Ein XIV Round Six "You Too"

Post by mo »

More quick hits:

I'm sorry that I'm only writing about the in-competition songs and not the Shadows, I suck. But also I haven't listened to them nearly as much so it's hard for me to feel right about commenting.

Max: I really thought this song was going to the Final, very clever use of allusion in the borrowed riff, good tempo, high energy, excellent production and singing performance as usual. It's a high quality track. Unless you're basically tired of this schtick, this is a pretty good song. Do you spend a lot of time sculpting the EQ in your vocals or is your voice just like that, jesus it sounds good.

Rachael: lush singing, harmonies on point, heartfelt emotions. Normally a song this gushy would make me want to punch Glenn in the neck but I can't because he has to sing Agony Sauce. It's more a production taste thing, but I didn't really enjoy the compression on the acoustics--it might be something that's happening after mastering, but there's something in the upper mids that's compressing a lot, where I like a bit more of a natural sound in acoustic guitars. Great playing of Blackbird, nice original chorus. Why don't you guys get a room already. Or at least 7 stackable chairs.

Rain: I knew this song would have a hard time making the final 2 because of the sparse arrangement and lack of production polish compared to the other entries, but I think this is a pretty great song, I like the implied title You Too and You Two but it's actually Three. I really enjoyed the lyrics, they tell a good story. I would love to hear a more finished version of this song. And if I were a judge, I probably would try to find to rate this more highly, because it has a lot of songwriting craft in it.

Vowl: I'll be honest, I thought this was a step down from your last couple of entries, which is still pretty damn good, but the last couple instantly caught me and pulled me in and wouldn't let me out, especially your WTSHNN. So maybe unfairly, I'm comparing this to that song. It's your fault for setting a high standard. I have a hard time articulating why I feel that way though, maybe it's that it doesn't establish as strong a hook at the top. I was trying to imagine it at a slightly slower tempo too to see if that would make me feel better about it, like moodier or something. I admit I'm struggling to find things to pick on.

Agony: Some thoughts about our song. I've seen some discussion of whether or not the challenge needed a riff or a chord progression--the wording of the challenge doesn't specify, so that's apparently left to interpretation. So much of songwriting for me actually is taking a song I like and reworking it to my take on "Wave of Mutilation" or "Son of a Preacher Man" or whatever. Chord charts in general tend to look pretty similar in pop music, after all--often its actually a riff or the melody that is the most iconic part of the music, not the changes. I took it to mean that whatever verse or chorus was borrowed needed to be iconic enough that most listeners would hear the original melody--that's why we picked the songs we did, for instant recognition value, but also because they were available and somewhat germane to the time period we set the story in, about a battle of the bands in '94, and the aftermath of that ("Godzilla" being a sort of exception, unless you happen to have been at the 2 Skinnee Js show at CBGB's in 1994 that spurred a young D Hess to start recording his rapping, where they played their version of "Godzilla").

I was most happy about using "Lithium" because the changes are the most non-standard. I was not into playing SCOM bc I have been in enough bar bands, but hey, it allowed me to play a version of the "Thank You" solo (I was originally going to play a little "Times Like These" on there). The battle of the bands idea was how we justified the homage montage, as it were. Was it too much? To paraphrase Ramsay Bolton, if anyone thought we were going to just be subtle and tasteful, you haven't been paying attention. We just thought, we think this is funny, let's see if enough judges think so too. So we had our reverse diss story, a metric f***ton of vocal hook samples, including a spelling one in our callback, chiptunes to transition feels (lyrically and musically). Not that anyone cares, but I did try to match guitar tones a little bit as well, most obviously in SCOM and Godzilla, but even though it's not on the song "Lithium" itself so much, I went for that wet chorusy type of feel from other Nevermind tracks. I added in extended chords in "Wonderwall" because, well, I hate that song and wanted to hear something at least a little different.

Anyway, here's Nur Ein
Last edited by mo on Thu Jun 13, 2019 12:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Ice Cream Man
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Re: Nur Ein XIV Round Six "You Too"

Post by vowlvom »

mo wrote:
Thu Jun 13, 2019 12:28 pm
Vowl: I'll be honest, I thought this was a step down from your last couple of entries
That's okay! I agree. I felt totally burned out last week, WTSHNN took all my creative energy (worth it though) and I really struggled with this challenge, luckily owl is a True Pro and dragged us through.

Thanks for the comments. And also to the podcasters, although I have selfishly only listened to the relevant segments so far. I will catch up with the rest tomorrow!
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Re: Nur Ein XIV Round Six "You Too"

Post by mo »

I'm glad you took it the way I meant it--I was worried I was going to come across like a hater. And I'm not! I'm just waiting for you guys to go full Echo and the Bunnymen hahahaha
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Re: Nur Ein XIV Round Six "You Too"

Post by iVeg »

I used "Attention" by Charlie Puth. This round was hard for me. I like to start with a strong chorus, and strong chorus lyric. I just wasn't finding it this week. I kept improvising over my scratch lyrics, hoping I'd find something better. Saturday I rewrote all the melodies and started on lyrics, but they never got beyond scratch vocals: "I never wear pajamas and I follow you to school. I never kiss my Grandma, I'm too cool." Etc ad nauseum.

Mandibles - Love when your vocals in the chorus go all ABBA. I just melt.
Rachel Layne - Hands down the most beautiful song this week. I wondered if it would get dinged for guitar sticking too close to Blackbird. Your prechorus and chorus from last week were also stuck in my head all week.
Vowl Sounds - Canine Surprise. This was so much fun. I'm amazed you were able to do two false starts, your real song, and still come out with this. Happy belated birthday, Vom!

Ryan and Chumpy: Thank you. Points about owning the vocals noted. [Vom kinda said this, too].
Mike and Ben: "Horse with No Name" America, and "More Than Words" Extreme. I ***WISH*** this had been a song about conjoined twins. That would have been so much more interesting. Sample library - I don't have.

I have no lyrics yet this week. 430 words of free writing about surviving in nature, pollution, running marathons, etc.
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Ice Cream Man
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Re: Nur Ein XIV Round Six "You Too"

Post by vowlvom »

iVeg wrote:
Thu Jun 13, 2019 2:06 pm
Vowl Sounds - Canine Surprise. This was so much fun. I'm amazed you were able to do two false starts, your real song, and still come out with this. Happy belated birthday, Vom!
Thank you! I am also amazed. Canine Surprise was all owl's work, I just had to drop her vocals into the existing mix and resist the urge to correct her frankly baffling ideas about the British legal system.

Here are the false starts, for posterity, or in case anyone wants to do some lo-fi karaoke.
(5.97 MiB) Downloaded 107 times
(5.28 MiB) Downloaded 109 times
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Re: Nur Ein XIV Round Six "You Too"

Post by owl »

Chumpy wrote:
Thu Jun 13, 2019 9:10 am
[*]00:41:15 - Canine Surprise
Glad you guys enjoyed this and included as a separate entry!

A few notes:
  • Yes, this is, in fact, exactly the same instrumental as our main entry
  • Everything except the bridge is based on a series of tweets that can be sung to the tune of Eleanor Rigby (see link, they're amazing)--joking around about these tweets was how we ended up using this song as our contrafact in the first place
  • This is why there's the part about British courts (also why "court" doesn't rhyme with "thought," the guy who wrote the original tweets was British so I assume they rhymed better in whatever weird language they speak over there, and I briefly considered re-recording this with a British accent when I thorght about that, but these vocals were recorded super quick-n-dirty in like half an hour before I had to go out somewhere, so I ran out of time)
  • There's an alternate timeline version that continues: "Boss of the office / Looks at the dog and then nods when he sees what he did / He is three kids" which is also delightful but unfortunately has fewer animals and stabbings
  • Aside from the actual tweets that start out each verse, I wrote the rest of the lyrics, mostly to try and make Vom laugh but also because I just really like dad jokes ("he lives in denial" was my favorite haha), anyway we thought people would enjoy it
  • I actually do have a lot of questions about the British court wig thing, like how many does each person have, do they change them depending on mood? where do people store them? can they be cut and styled? are they made of human hair? when do you buy your first one, like are there practice loaner wigs you use when you're in law school? can you go for face-framing layers if you have a round face, or like, sideswept bangs if you have a high forehead, or do you have to all wear the same style? Vom I demand answers, please ask your barrister for me. Also are barristers and solicitors the same thing and do lawyers exist?
Also a couple of notes about our actual song, but I have a lot less to say about this than about legal wigs, apparently:
  • the bridge lyrics are an intentional callback to the "put a mirror up inside her cage" diss from Pump the Brakes, wasn't sure if anyone noticed
  • the basic idea I had with the lyrics was to apply the trappings of a ghost story to the narrative, but the things the narrator is finding that seem creepy and supernatural (someone else's hair, the smell of perfume) are actually evidence of real-life infidelity--and which is scarier, here?
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Re: Nur Ein XIV Round Six "You Too"

Post by mo »

I might be misremembering, but I think the peruke is usually made of horsehair

and that a barrister is the lawyer who goes to argue in court, while a solicitor only works behind the scenes as it were
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Re: Nur Ein XIV Round Six "You Too"

Post by owl »

OK but this only raises more questions. Are there extra-expensive versions made of human hair? Vegan versions that are synthetic? Are there regulations about what kinds of wigs you're allowed to wear, and from which animals? How do they get the hair from the horses, is it pulled out or cut, from the mane or tail? Are there special breeds and/or certain herds they only use for wigs? Do they do double duty providing hair for bows too? I am just going to keep on going forever. If we don't submit a final entry it's because I'm reading every webpage I can find about perukes and peruke accessories.
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Re: Nur Ein XIV Round Six "You Too"

Post by ariskofrain »

hey folks! thanks for the kind words again, it's been a real pleasure writing songs; just some parting thoughts!

when writing this week's entry, i felt very much that the simpler song was just a more honest thing to do, and people have noticed the production/arrangement/songwriting being, less complex, and that's the rankings this week as well, i'm presuming. but, songwriting is very much a process of following the natural path that my mind takes, rather than attempting to complicate things or convolute things deliberately for judge approval. not necessarily that it's a bow-out, but it was either write the best song possible for me this week, or write something that i like less, but that might well have made it through, but i went with the former.

thanks for having me, and i've appreciated reading everyone's thoughts. i'll see you next nur ein, if not sooner!
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Re: Nur Ein XIV Round Six "You Too"

Post by Lunkhead »

My favorite songs this round were Rain's and Rachael's. I thought they were both simple, beautiful, and honest, and deserved top marks. Everybody's songs were very good though, great job everybody. The field this year was so strong. I'm excited to hear what Agony Sauce and Vowl Sounds come up with for their finales.
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Re: Nur Ein XIV Round Six "You Too"

Post by owl »

ariskofrain wrote:
Fri Jun 14, 2019 8:53 am
hey folks! thanks for the kind words again, it's been a real pleasure writing songs; just some parting thoughts!

when writing this week's entry, i felt very much that the simpler song was just a more honest thing to do, and people have noticed the production/arrangement/songwriting being, less complex, and that's the rankings this week as well, i'm presuming. but, songwriting is very much a process of following the natural path that my mind takes, rather than attempting to complicate things or convolute things deliberately for judge approval. not necessarily that it's a bow-out, but it was either write the best song possible for me this week, or write something that i like less, but that might well have made it through, but i went with the former.

thanks for having me, and i've appreciated reading everyone's thoughts. i'll see you next nur ein, if not sooner!
Please come back for regular Song Fights before then! Or at least make sure you pop in to keep us posted about your new releases and so on. I'll be sad if we don't hear more from you around here till next Nur Ein, and I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that your music has been a total delight and consistently one of the major highlights of this year's competition.
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Re: Nur Ein XIV Round Six "You Too"

Post by mo »

I’m also on the Rain Watt bandwagon, tbh for a long time I was convinced it would be Max and Rain in the final, then Vowl came on so strong over the last few rounds. Obvs I do listen to Rachael and Glenn’s output anyway, but I would totally buy albums from any of the top five. As well as at least half the other contestants, really.
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Re: Nur Ein XIV Round Six "You Too"

Post by Spintown »

This round, I ranked people only by how much I enjoyed listening to the song. I’m letting the judges a little more qualified handle the challenge aspect of this round.

Agony Sauce
Last time I mentioned you may have reached a point where your self imposed challenge of doing ALL previous challenges may have negatively affected your song for ME. This time I think you just did too much with the current challenge. Your song feels more like a medley of songs than a stand alone. I’m not a huge medley fan normally. (with the exception of Weird Al Polka medley’s & just about anything Dean Martin did live) I start to get interested, and then it feels like a different song.

Max Bombast
I like the story, but unfortunately I don’t think our current leadership is going to hand over the keys to anyone. The next generation is going to have to take it from them. I kinda wish the song was from the POV of that generation. The verses are much more catchy & enjoyable than the chorus is. I think it’s a solid song overall, but not having a catchy hook hurts a bit.

Rachael Layne
Fake ending? Really didn’t care for that at all. Felt awkward. Overall I enjoyed the music. Sounds like something you would hear in a movie montage showing lots of happy sweet memories. The vocals are lovely, but the story is pretty simple & uninteresting to me. Because I wasn’t interested in what you were singing, honestly I’d prefer an instrumental despite how pretty your vocals were.

Rain Watt
Generally if I want a sweet sappy sounding song, I want it from someone who can make your knees go weak with their vocals. Yours ain’t cutting it for me, not in this style at least. I was also a bit bored with lyrics. The guitar work was the best part of the track for me.

Vowl Sounds
Your little ouija universe has been very hit or miss with me. I liked your first installment a lot, but at times wished you would drop it & do something that was a stand alone song. Last round you got me interested again though, and you just really nailed this one. Very spooky throughout, interesting music, great vocals all around, and the lyrics didn’t feel like they were written in 5 minutes like a couple this round. This was the 1 song this round that sounded like a round 6 song. Well done.
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Re: Nur Ein XIV Round Six "You Too"

Post by iVeg »

owl wrote:
Thu Jun 13, 2019 4:37 pm
OK but this only raises more questions. Are there extra-expensive versions made of human hair? Vegan versions that are synthetic? Are there regulations about what kinds of wigs you're allowed to wear, and from which animals? How do they get the hair from the horses, is it pulled out or cut, from the mane or tail? Are there special breeds and/or certain herds they only use for wigs? Do they do double duty providing hair for bows too? I am just going to keep on going forever. If we don't submit a final entry it's because I'm reading every webpage I can find about perukes and peruke accessories. ... upid-wigs/ says yes, there are vegan synthetic versions. ... r-wigs.htm wig making in general
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Re: Nur Ein XIV Round Six "You Too"

Post by owl »

iVeg wrote:
Fri Jun 14, 2019 1:09 pm
owl wrote:
Thu Jun 13, 2019 4:37 pm
OK but this only raises more questions. Are there extra-expensive versions made of human hair? Vegan versions that are synthetic? Are there regulations about what kinds of wigs you're allowed to wear, and from which animals? How do they get the hair from the horses, is it pulled out or cut, from the mane or tail? Are there special breeds and/or certain herds they only use for wigs? Do they do double duty providing hair for bows too? I am just going to keep on going forever. If we don't submit a final entry it's because I'm reading every webpage I can find about perukes and peruke accessories. ... upid-wigs/ says yes, there are vegan synthetic versions. ... r-wigs.htm wig making in general
Ahhahaaha, my hero, thanks! <3

Also: "in the old days people took hair off of human corpses to make these wigs" :shock:
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