Fake and Bake is the New Black (All Tan Reviews)

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Re: parsons mix too hot and isn't fully gellin for me

Post by WilliamParsons »

william parsons project
garldarn that's a hot mix. maybe a mastering thing as the indivual tracks sound pretty clean but splittingly loud in the space between my ears.
"if it's too loud you're just too old..."
-Gene Simmons

heheh, but seriously, giving it another listen how would you rebalance the mix or restructure the song? It's my first fight and I'm looking for constructive criticism and different things to try.
the full falsetto vocals would be more effective having a low register vocal tossed in for harmonies instead of just doubling another falsetto vocal.

This evening I tracked some lower-register vocal harmony parts tonight(what fun!) It doesn't readily fit right in with the existing mix(I'll probably end up losing the falsetto on the verses only keep them for the chorus and "the best things in life..." part)

Giving it another listen I think my percussion( egg/tambourine ) tracks are too loud and some of my fade-ups are a little ham-handed(e.g. electric guitar lick after "for a bottle and a bite") An old friend from high school who now moonlights as "Hans Gruber: Ultimate Villain" suggested muting some of the instruments in the choruses.

> lots of potential but just isn't fully gellin for me.

What would you boost, cut, or work on?

Lyrics, track listing, instruments used, and random notes are here for the curious and constructively critical:

http://www.williamnewhall.com/~williamn ... 00060.html

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\    /     |
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 ___       | should knee you in the groin
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Post by Denyer »

Caravan Ray wrote:
blue wrote:i voted for rone rivendale
Rone has sold out. He's starting to sound like Denyer.
Brisbane isn't too far away for me to come slap you in your pretty little mouth.

I listened to the first few seconds of Rone's song after you said that, because I am awesome. I thought he might be too if he's starting to sound like me but, I listened to the first few seconds of Rone's song.
Niveous wrote:It's a song about your dick and there's just not enough material to satisfy.
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Caravan Ray
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Location: Toowoomba, Queensland

Post by Caravan Ray »

Denyer wrote:
Caravan Ray wrote:
blue wrote:i voted for rone rivendale
Rone has sold out. He's starting to sound like Denyer.
Brisbane isn't too far away for me to come slap you in your pretty little mouth.
You just stay where you are Sunshine - we don't need any more cockroaches coming up through the floorboards.

But there are definite traces of l'absurdism Denyeresque in Rone's lastest effort.

I think he's keen on you. I think he wants to boff you. It's an internet love story!
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Caravan Ray
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Location: Toowoomba, Queensland

Post by Caravan Ray »

Far too many to review properly. But I will at least list them in order of merit:

1. JBB - :lol: Heh! - he said "schlong"
2. High Density - I don't normally like bleepy pop - but I really like this!
3. Dave Patrol - Into is dumb - but it fits. This whole song is just perfect.
4. StueyM - For mine, the star performance of the Sat night show
5. BeWells - A real song! I recall on the night it brought a tear to my eye and made me hug Mogosagatai - well it was either your song or the beer...
6. Bonfire of the Manitees - One of the greatest band names of all time - and a very good song too. ( note to self: come back later and insert clever pun on the word 'dugong')
7. Primitive Screwheads: Freudian Slip could sing the telephone book and I would vote for her!
8. Bjam - The only thing I hate more than young people is talented young people
9. Glenn & Rachel
10. Frisbee
11. Paco del Stinko
12. Flvxxxxm - Easily the best lyric of the week
13. BlueSpudShoes - I like beer
14. ADD
15. PFM
16. Melvin
17. Eclectic Spoons - The guitar at the begining of this is awsome. Then it is ruined by some bloke droning on about robots
18. Klownhole
19. Sockpuppet
20. Phillipso - nice rhythms
21. Rone - these lyrics are pretty funny - but fuck you sound awful
22. Steve Durand - this reminds me of the bloke on that episode of the Simpsons who sings "The Deficit Rag". If you had have been there on the night at SC - I would have thrown something at you.
23. Noah
24. William Parsons
25. TamLinMusic
26. Seamus Collective - dumb song
27. Ross Durand - dumber song
28. Guitarotica
29. Special Relatives
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Nigel (spOOn) Clements
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Post by Nigel (spOOn) Clements »


Steve Durand: Cornball Goofy Cheese, Mr. Durand they should remake one of those old classic 1940's films and allow you to score the whole thing, only thing missing is the whistling during the break, (though was added by myself after a few listens).

Rone Rivendale: Interesting concept, and despite what others say well done for attempting something different with your vocals, though there is a touch of distortion there which also doesn't help, step back from the mic a bit and practise trying to project your voice (I know you've said before that you get out of breath, we all get out of breath Rone, even if it means taking some extra time and recording each line, then pasting them into your track), double record your vocals, they will sound fuller (more rounded)...
Okay musically this is in desperate need of a BASS-Line and some vatiation, take a good long listen to Melvin's track this week, I challenge you to cover it, but take your time, where the instruments are replace them with... whatever, bleeps bloops it doesn't matter, just try to catch the flavour, and have a go at the vocals, just take your time with them.

Don't take any of this personally, it's just some friendly advice...

High Density: Very pretty late 80's Indie-Pop, just perhaps a bit too pretty, though there are some nice electro-touchs there, and you have a lovely voice.

Paco del Stinko: This just so much reminds me of... Paco del Stinko!!.. from the first moment it just sounds so familiar, you know when a group play there new single for the first time, and it either takes a while for it to sink in, or it's instantly memorable, then there are those others which are almost like old friends that you haven't seen for a while, its elation to see them but you very soon run out of things to say... It's a bit like this!
(Does that make sense?)

The Seamus Collective: Took me a couple of listens to get into the groove with this, but it is a generally snappy toe-tappy kind of song, but the title is ALL TAN! not ALL TEN! or am I missing something...

Flxxvm Florvm: Extremely good rock noise, but not a lot out of the ordinary here, this is sort of akin to a musical treading water, it jumps straight into it's genre unashamedly, but again this could probably do with more listens.

Guitarotica: Not quite what I was expecting from something called 'Guitarotica' and the first couple of listens were particularly annoying, (especially the bah bah bit), but after a while it kind of grew on me, needs to be listened to more.

Sockpuppet: First couple of listens and this was up there for me, cool, snotty, and a touch Dead Milkmen, after a while it started to lose that initial coolness, a fresh perspective tomorrow will maybe help.

John Benjamin Band: I have to be honest, I hated this the first time I listened to it (sorry!), but again after a while, I got into the feel of the track and it became one of the favourites by the end of today! excellent performance though I might add.

Bonfire of the Manatees: I quite like this, there are some good lyrical snippets to be found in this, and the handclaps and backing vocals towards the end are always a welcome addition.

The BeWells: Awsome delivery, beautifully constructed story song, best of this fight so far! maybe just a touch too long.

William Parsons Project: Nice idea, nice presentation, but for me this seemed to consist of four intro's and an outro and not a lot in the middle, though for that it didn't grate at all, once again tomorrow is another listening day.

Prayformojo: This starts like something from 'the Adam and Rand' tapes and has a really chaotic feel, there are some good lyrics of those I could catch, and the overall feel is quite endearing.

Phillipsox: A little 'Soup Dragons' al la 'This is Our Art'. Rather sweet and lyrically nice, good use of the alternate vocal and the break is excellent.

Glenn and Rachael: Cool story song about the colour of works uniform, good take on the title, excellent vocal bridges and terrific harmonies. Cool Song!

Tam Lin Music: "Standing in the sunshine of another man" is such a fantastic lyric!!! a little bit abstract from the title and a bit samey throughout, but what a line that is!

Thanks for the Frisbee's: Ah the lovely 'Folk Beach Boys' as always this is music to calm too. Now the only problem I have with you guys is that a lot of your output does sound rather similar, so it's quite hard to judge each track on it's individual merits, but don't despair, because what you do produce is high quality sweet music!

The Special Relatives: Odd, Noisy, Chaotic and strangely appealing?!?

Bjam: This is a lot stronger vocally than I expected, and has a 'Kirsty McColl' feel to it, and I just loved Kirsty McColl, highly enjoyable performance of a well written song.

Noah McLaughlin: Lyrically very good and vocally excellent, but it really is very samey thoughout, just seems to be missing something, another I'll try with again tomorrow.

Blue Spud Shoes: Yeah! Funny! I can't think of another song that mentions I.P.A. you're a funny man! I like drinking songs so I like this!

Stueym: Wasn't expecting this.... Okay being objective here, this sounds kind of like something that maybe 'Billy Connolly' would do, but being honest, I admire you for doing it like that, and for doing it so well, some really funny lines, though the I doubt this would have lasting appeal. But good, very good!

The Dave Patrol: Scuzz Rock Coolness! excellent intro, love the Whoo's bring the drums forward as they're a little drowned, also maybe drop the instrumentation as the Whoo's come in to make more of an effect, and possibly a touch repetetive, but still sounding good by the end of the day!

Caravan Ray: This droning man says... "Whoa Mr. Entertainment!" Fuck is this yet another slice of almighty excellence, Bloody good song, excellnt lyrics, well presented, you're talented and funny too... I hate you!
after day one of listens this has possible vote written all over it!
(I hope I'm not gonna turn into a serial Caravan Ray voter!)

Add: Cool melody, nice delivery, short and sweet, but as I type these notes up, I honestly can't remember anything about the song, but you have at least two more days of listening time, I just remember that it was short and sweet!

Klownhole: I've heard a lot about you guys but never actually heard anything by you, that's about to change, this is stadium rock al la 'Spinal Tap', difficult to distinguish much of the lyric but that's part of the challenge with this genre, I was restraining my head banging tendancies just long enough for that really great snotty punk bit towards the end. Great stuff!

Melvin: Ah! the softer side of Melvin, 's got my toe-tapping, this has a very good melody, nice vocal breakdown, and the overall feel is it sounds... 'Meant!' Good job (again!)

Ross Durand: Nice calypso style, funny lyrics, liking this a lot... have you and Steve ever done anything together, because you are like two halves of something possibly rather special.

Primitive Screwheads: Nice delivery, good lyrics and a little spacial which is always a nice change, if you were to re-record this (maybe you already have I'm having trouble keeping up this week) all it needs is a gentle Hi-Hat, really well done, not standing out too much as of yet, but maybe a potential grower.

Okay at the moment it's between
Steve Durand/Caravan Ray/The BeWells/Paco del Stinko/Bjam/The Dave Patrol/Klownhole
but that could all change yet, I've got at least two more days of intense listening to do.
Cheers for all the entries, sounds like you had a blast at SFL, thanks for the reviews so far, and for those to come.
All the best, Nigel (spOOn)
P.S. I'm not gonna proof-read this, 's too much!
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Post by Seamus. »

Damn, good fight this week. A song-by-song by me would just take up space. Almost everything here is good. I must say I have a special place in my heart for those songs from the live fight. JB Band, prayformojo, Spud ("Keep away the lambic -- I'm not some damn female!" Ha! Wait a minute, I like lambic!), Caravan Ray, Stueym, and Glenn & Rachel are some of the performances I look forward to the most, but I'll happily sit through this whole fight to get to 'em.

Some thoughts on the rest:

Bonfire of the Manatees made me turn up the fight with that drum track, and once the volume was up, Dave Patrol got me right in the groin.

ADD's is one of my favorites of my favorites. I missed it live.

This is top tier Steve Durand.

Seamus Collective -- "Voice of a generation, Seamus, voice of a generation. Robert Frost, Seamus." -- Marcus Kellis
I have a baby boy. This is destined to become a classic in my family.

Thanks For the Frisbee -- Is this what they're calling emo now? Okay, whatever. I like.

Yup, I still like Melvin.

There were other standouts, too, but I must give it to Stueym this week. He was my hands-down live vote until the BeWells.

Where's ken flagg's "All Tan"?
Last edited by Seamus. on Wed Aug 30, 2006 4:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I'm late for the Winnie the Pooh convention.
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Post by stueym »

Seamus. wrote:There were other standouts, too, but I must give it to Stueym this week. He was my hands-down live vote until the BeWells.

Where's ken flagg's "All Tan"?
Ken distributed links to the audio to us all, but the artist stillhad to submit as usual. I dont think there was any automatic mass entry of the Live fights songs.

Plus thank you for your kind comments I had a blast writing and performing on the night all within 2 hours.
"You know, I rather like this God fellow. Very theatrical, you know. Pestilence here, a plague there. Omnipotence ... gotta get me some of that."
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rone rivendale
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Post by rone rivendale »

Rone Rivendale: Interesting concept, and despite what others say well done for attempting something different with your vocals, though there is a touch of distortion there which also doesn't help, step back from the mic a bit and practise trying to project your voice (I know you've said before that you get out of breath, we all get out of breath Rone, even if it means taking some extra time and recording each line, then pasting them into your track), double record your vocals, they will sound fuller (more rounded)...
Okay musically this is in desperate need of a BASS-Line and some vatiation, take a good long listen to Melvin's track this week, I challenge you to cover it, but take your time, where the instruments are replace them with... whatever, bleeps bloops it doesn't matter, just try to catch the flavour, and have a go at the vocals, just take your time with them.

Don't take any of this personally, it's just some friendly advice...
Hey thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it. I have a feeling though I'm gonna lose some points with you when I tell you that umm... I already DO record it line by line lol.... :lol:

I'll keep the other suggestions in mind though. I admit my song this week musically was uninspiring but part of that was me doing it the day before the deadline. It was a bit rushed but I still like it alot lyrically. I'm starting to get a little more confertable singing as opposed to 'roneing'. Not saying I'm done with it but I'll swtich between singing and speaking depending on the song.
From spoken word to actual singing, I can screw up any style with style. :D
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Re: parsons mix too hot and isn't fully gellin for me

Post by HansGruber »

Jack wrote:the full falsetto vocals would be more effective having a low register vocal tossed in for harmonies instead of just doubling another falsetto vocal.
WPP wrote:This evening I tracked some lower-register vocal harmony parts tonight(what fun!) It doesn't readily fit right in with the existing mix(I'll probably end up losing the falsetto on the verses only keep them for the chorus and "the best things in life..." part)
You know the rambling story-telling quality reminded me a bit of "Suzanne" by Leonard Cohen, but the falsetto is at the opposite end of the spectrum. I forgot to mention in our email that I thought the last bit of the song with the deeper vox was the strongest. I'd love to hear the deep throat version :)
Evil never looked so good.
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Thanks For The Frisbee
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Post by Thanks For The Frisbee »

thanks for the reviews so far.
im sorry i havent been able to write some myself, but i really appreciate the time that has gone into it.
my vote HAs TO GO to bonfire for this one. i dream about it....actually its ruining my life cuz i cant get any sleep...anyway, i liked all the live ones
but melvin and bonfire crushed it.
Thanks for the frisbee is on Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music ect.
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Post by Freddielove »

High Density - I love your song, thanks.
Everything But the Girl but without the scary big chinned woman

- Furrypedro
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Post by nyjm »

add - download
--- mix is heavy on the right ear; the drums should be centered or lowered ---
/// your dylanesque voice grows on me … ///
+++ … especially because the melody is really good ++

primitive screwheads feat. Freudian Slip
+++ great lyrics +++
+++ good vox +++
--- instrumentality and arrangement are thin ---

high density
--- the sounds are very pre-fabricated and the arrangement is uninspiring ---
/// the singing is good, though the vox are a little buried ///
+++ the lyrics are quirky fun +++

@eclectics sp00ns
+++ this is definitely a change from your normal production; experimentation is good +++
--- however, the whole thing turns out to be rather monotone ---
--- the vocal melody is rather awkward, or at least awkwardly delivered ---

the special relatives
/// anti-song: one whose possible brilliance only appears in the last 20 seconds ///

blue spud shoes - download
+++ that is just awesome: the perfect bar sing along that I will promptly introduce to everyone I know +++

flvxxxm florvm
+++ this is probably cause for a duel at dawn, but you sound just like mick jagger; and that’s pretty damn cool +++
+++ the guitar tones and riff are awesome +++
--- the drum programming is boring; still using hammerhead? ---

--- huh, you don’t see that very often: axl rose vocal phrasing ---
+++ nice dueling vocals for the chorus +++
--- the asides seem gratuitous; the energy isn’t that high ---
/// ... and yet, i can't help tapping my foot to the guitar riff ///

+++ fun +++
+++ your vox are always a treat +++
/// the chorus has that perfect sway for a drinking song; I can see a whole bar lifting their glasses high, swaying and sing along ///

sock puppet
/// very reminiscent of the violet femmes in its minimalism ///
/// … I don’t know, I find the racial metaphor a little simplistic ///

caravan ray
+++ this is just awesome: the perfect blend of a variety elements +++
/// the last section might be a little gratuitous, but I enjoy the fun ///

rone rivendale
--- aaaaaagh! the pain! the blood coming out of my ears! ---
--- … blacking out from lack of musical talent and technique … ---
--- … must find the ‘next’ button … ---

noah mclaughlin
/// strong throw-away GnG tune ///
--- “the WHITES of your eyesâ€
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Post by fluffy »

nyjm wrote:sock puppet
/// very reminiscent of the violet femmes in its minimalism ///
/// … I don’t know, I find the racial metaphor a little simplistic ///
Metaphor? The entire song was meant literally.
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Jim of Seattle
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Post by Jim of Seattle »

Just saying hi to my favorite gang. I'm still alive. I wish I mcould be on here all day long like I used to be. I'm such a busy little f-er now. It sucks. But Songfight still tops the Billboard chart of Stuff Jim Wishes He Could Do.

Listening to the fight as we speak.

ADD - Excellent, too short
BeWells - Also excellent, too long, a few cringe-worthy lyrics here and there. Voteworthy.
Bjam - I was typing, sorry, but sounds nice.
BlueSpudShoes - Fun, good
Bonfire - Good. Try it with the lyrics sung a whole octave higher. OK, maybe like a fifth higher. Would give the vocal more energy.
Caravan Ray - Lose points for SF references. Really fun for about 2 minutes. Then I'm done.

Shit, gotta go already.
Here's my record label page thingie with stuff about me if you are so interested: https://greenmonkeyrecords.com/jim-of-seattle/
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All Tan reviews

Post by glennny »

ADD- This is a pretty nice. The vocals pretty much over power the pretty music. The acoustic is solid. The clean tone electric has a nice tone, it's sometimes noodly and lost and sometimes very beautiful. The brush snare is not as tight as one would hope in the fills. Overall the tune has some really great dynamics. Good song!

The BeWells- This is a very pretty country tune. Nice guitar, beautiful harmonies and singing. I don't like the lyrics at all,it's true to the genre and basks in cliche's, but that's a small deal. Musically it's very good.

Bjam-I got to go to the 1st night of the Santa Cruz live shows. Bjam was very charming and has a fantastic voice live. What bothered me about her show then and especially about this track is the guitar playing. The fretting passes, but the right hand needs a lot more control and rhythm. This song is not as good as many other Bjam tunes, but it's OK..

Blue Spud Shoes-I don't know why the first 25 seconds were left in , other than to remind us this was indeed live. This is a song about beer, and it's hard not to love it. I like how in the 2 Black and Tan takes on this fight this one is pro Tan and mine (Phillipso) is pro Black. This song is groovy very beat poet back up groove I like the chromatic descending bassline in the chorus. Very cool, maybe the best of the live tunes!

Bonfire of the Manatees- Very cool tune, not sure how I feel about the drum beat cutting completely out for the drum fills, but the main beat is very rocking. The Lou Reedish guitar is disappointing for how cool the rest of the song is. Love the claps and female backups at the end. Overall one of the best of the fight!

Caravan Ray- I'm on about my 10th listen through these 30 songs, this song was very very entertaining on the 1st listen and gets pretty old with repeated listens. I enjoy all the shout outs to the SF heavies. The bass line makes the song. Vocals are cool. Song is just very repetetive, but a very nice entry!

Dave Patrol- I like the skit, takes me back to every pop metal video of 1985. The power chord metal is fun. I dig it! Love the harmonics. The chorus is pretty weak compared to the rest of the song. If every a song really needed guitar tapping this was it, but the guitar solo is genre appropriate and pretty cool despite the lack of tap.

Eclectic Spoons- The music is very cool. I like the Before and After Science Eno vox. The vocal melody is shakey at points, especially rhythmically speaking. This is so weird I keep listening. The vocoder at the end is really great. I'd like to hear the vocal melody and delivery worked out a bit better. The quirky music is very interesting and original.

Flvxxx Florvm- This doesn't sound very written. It sounds very improvised. The drum machine with the same beat throughout leaves something to be desired. However I love the way the vocals sell the song, I can't really pick out the words but the inflections are very entertaining. The riffs are good but I think there could be more. Wisely it's relatively short. This is the very cool bud of a song and could probably develop into a really rockin tune.

Glenn and Rachel- Another act I saw the Friday of the SongFight Live. I'm a little surprised at the vocals on this track, they're good, just not as strong and full as I remembered from the live show. Glenn really is a great performer, Rachel really has a beautiful voice. So keeping in mind that this is live and one take, it's pretty impressive. The song is very well written, I like the chord pattern and melodies a lot. I'd love to hear the full production of this sometime.

Guitarotica-Good players, good singers, not a very good song, nor recording. I can't hear the piano hardly at all. The vocals are so up front and they're not really interesting. However it never claims to be anything other than a drunken rambling.

High Density- You know I really thought this week would have two tabs, the live entries and the studio entries. This is obviously studio. It's brilliant. I love everything about this track. Great singing, nice melodies, very interesting and entertaining sequencing. The harmony vocals are perfectly placed and sung. Very well written, a contender, and probably my prediction for the win.

John Benjamin Band- This captures a lot of the spirit and fun of Song Fight Live. This is a dumb and simple song, and I love it. Something about JBs drawl mixed with the harmonica throughout the song makes me want to drink beer and gamble. Very fun tune!

Klownhole- Monsterous and huge! I imagine this would be more interesting live where the loudness would resonate in my rib cage. I think this would be a lot stronger with an edit. There's a good 3 minute song in here. Vocals and metal-tastic, the tones of the guitars are huge. Why no guitar solo? or better yet drum solo? Maybe I listen to too much System of a Down, but I just want this to be shorter. It's very cool though, certainly rocks the hardest in the fight.

Melvin- I haven't heard a bad Melvin tune. This is excellent as one would expect. The best thing about Melvin is how there is always a Melvin sound, but the songs are so different from each other. So anyway, this song specifically: it's just wonderful in it's dynamics and orchestration. I love how the drums kick in and lifts the song another degree. The vocals and the harmonies are always top notch. The organ is great, the guitar is well played. Every instrument adds and it's just a very well written and strong song. Huge contender!

Noah Mclaughlin- I love the timbre of the vocals I wish the melody carried a wider range. This song speeds up as it goes. The main rhythm of the acoustic is a little grating. It's just not solid. However I suspect this is might be a live in the studio, one take kinda thing, so maybe it needs a little forgiveness.

Paco Del Stinko- This is my favorite of the fight. I have still yet to hear a bad PDS song. This is probably my new favorite. The skit at the beginning is funny, Butthead- "play something good!" is an old joke, but I still laugh. This is produced near perfectly, you can hear all the instruments distinctively and they are all played very well and have interesting parts. The dynamics of the song are great! All the clean tone guitar parts are just beautiful. The rhythm section is very tight and very groovy. I think the straighter you sing and the less silly the stronger the tune. The "woah"s near the end actually remind me appropriately enough of a Van Halen tune I can't place right now, but I will gladly go listen to those Roth albums and find it before I go crazy. Were there 3 songs that took the DLR MM's urban legend as lyrical inspiration? This is my favorite of the lot. Well done!

Pray for Mojo- Mojo is a lot more fun live than the way it translates as a recording. Luckily the drums are solid and drive the song (a band is only as good as the drummer). This funny, but not a very good song. I wish the fast lyric delivery ".. thank you so much for a super duper time" was kept up for the subsequent lyrics.

Primitive Screwheads- The singing is good, but the vocal melody isn't as pretty as the guitar chords. The major 7 chords open up a lot of vocal melodic possibilities that weren't taken advantage of. This is short and sweet and live, but doesn't live up to it's potential for me.

Rone Rivendale- This sounds like Napoleon Dynamite's brother and his musical stylings. The lyrics are hilarious. This is not very musical, but very comical.

Ross Durand- Nothing original here. Very well done. Lyrics are cute and funny. Everything is played well. Nice singing, nice melody and groove. Very well recorded too.

Seamus Collective- I have a 14month old daughter, and we all love this song. The production and instrumentation is fantastic. You know I saw in the "Ye Olde Lyric Archive" that the lyrics say "All tan of my fingers" however I don't believe it. I think someone thought the title was "All Ten". This doesn't bother me, I think All Ten is just as difficult a title to work with. I adore the guitar tone on this track. Singing is excellent, especially when the counterpoint backing vocals enter. The horn is a great touch. The whistling actually works. Great tune! This is a contender too!

Sock Puppet- I like the live energy. I don't much care for what little musical song there is. The lyrics are pretty obvious. Drums are tight and steady.

Special Relatives-The recording is terrible. The song is prety catchy, and noises are pretty cool. The recording is so bad it requires listening very hard.

Steve Durand- This is wonderful! All the horns, the banjo, the vocals are superb. All the playing is top notch. The song writing is excellent! Love the melody. Definitely a contender!

Stueym- Very good drinking song. Makes me feel like I'm at one of those Irish bars where some guy tends to stand up about every 30minutes and sing a song like this. Well performed too!

Tamlin Music- Well produced. Performed very well. Vocals are particularly good. With a good hook somewhere this could be a monster tune. It's OK and moody the way it is. It'd make a good soundtrack or background music to something that is holding your attention, but I have a hard time getting hooked by this song.

Thanks For the Frisbee- Nice songwriting! I usually enjoy every song I hear from Frisbee, this is a good one too. Acoustic is very pretty, not sure about the electric, it's not offensive, but I'm not it adds to the composition. Vocals are great, those strange background vocals are very haunting and give a nice effect. Very cool tune!

William Parsons Project- I enjoy this tune. The Falsetto is funny and I dig it, although it would probably stronger if there was another voice in the song. I'd fire the percussionist. The tamborine and the shakers are off. This makes the whole thing sound very loose. This is the perfect end to a 30 song fight. It's got that end of Saturday Night Live kind of gospel chord pattern, at least for the 1st 2:55 then it really falls apart into loose confusion.

Phillipso- This was my project this week. I'm pretty pleased with the song. I'm still kicking myself for the boomy bass. I made the amateur error of recording and mixing on headphones without checking on another system how the bass sounded. I was very close to leaving this an instrumental, but it was written with "insert lyrics here" parts. So on the last day my wife and I applied our vocal stylings to the track. We're not vocalists (obviously) but I like what we ended up with. It's not the deepest song, but it makes me laugh. My favorite parts are the King Crimson-esque frame by framey gamelon 7/8 over 8/8 intro, break, and outro. Anyway, hope you enjoy!

So my favorites are Paco Del Stinko, Seamus Collective, Melvin, High Density, Steve Durand, and us (Phillipso). I think the best of the fight is Paco Del Stinko!
Phillipso, Older Brothers, Semolina Pilchards, Zipline , Thank Glennny for the Frisbee, The Odoriferous Valley, The Worldly Self Assurance, Berkeley Social Scene, Very Gentle Knives, Daddy Bop Swing Set, GUNS, The Kraken Lives, Cavedwellers
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Post by DaveL »

to everyone who commented about our song: thanks!

to those naysayers out there: we are nothing if not derivative of the things we love, and puerile to the point of offensive.

to those who loved our song: i think you get the whole joke about the song. nothing we do is really meant seriously, and yeah. this style of music.. fantastic, if only because its so goddamn funny.

also.. i did come up with a fairly nifty - if i do say so myself - tapping part for the solo.. unfortunately due to the lateness of our recording of it, it didnt get a chance to be put in... perhaps the next song will have a tapping solo, even if its completely innapropriate, just to make up for the lack in this one.

were still trying desperately to figure out this whole mixing lark.. i think were getting better, but in the end i think a large part of where we fail is the fact that we end up trying to mix everything about 2 hours before we send off the song. that, and we dont really know what were doing.

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Re: All Tan reviews

Post by Bjam »

glennny wrote: Bjam-I got to go to the 1st night of the Santa Cruz live shows. Bjam was very charming and has a fantastic voice live. What bothered me about her show then and especially about this track is the guitar playing. The fretting passes, but the right hand needs a lot more control and rhythm. This song is not as good as many other Bjam tunes, but it's OK..
That's because, I think, I've only been really playing for 2 or 3 years. I've got rhythm, but it's very hard to play and sing and look at the audience and do all those things at the same time. Especially on a song you've practiced about 2 times. Better guitar will come in the next few years, and by then I shall be Unstoppable ;)

That said, thanks for the comments. :)
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Post by Seamus. »

glenny -- You have a perfectly reasonable hypothesis but I assure you that was the joke and those were the lyrics I wrote when I got to SF live. Marcus Kellis grabbed the very note pad you saw from my hands to read what I was writing, and that's when he said those words to me ("Voice of a generation, Seamus."). I had been toying with another "All Tan" on the drive up, but that one just wasn't fun. I can't tell you how much it tickles me that you're enjoying the song with your daughter. That's been my greatest hope for this one.

A couple more things before this fight is over:

Dear Rone Rivendale,
I see your song has been taking a beating further up this thread, so I must tell you that I like any song that ends with the singer dead or in jail.

Dear Bjam,
Your song reminds me of what fun I was having with you at that moment and at the show in general. (Actually, so does Fluffy's.) It was a pleasure to meet you.

EDIT: glenny -- Yours is the song with the woman at the bar who wanted the black & tan? Oh, man, all day Thursday and all day Friday, all I had in my head was, "Aaaaaaall taaaaaaaan, aaaaaaaall taaaaaaaan, aaaaaaaall taaaaaaaan!" And now I will have it in my head a bit longer. Those guitars are good. The part when she speaks makes this Schoolhouse Rock for grown-ups.
I'm late for the Winnie the Pooh convention.
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Post by Bjam »

A few reviews.

The BeWells
Cheesy and cute. Some of the low notes seem a little hard for you to reach. The other vocals are a lovely idea. I have no Hoblit to hug in a sign of world peace as I did in Santa Cruz :(

Glenn and Rachael
He wore aaaaall taaaaaan! This is a good sing a long number. The breakdown with no guitar and just clapping and singing is so terrific. I wish the mic could have picked that up.


This is my second favourite song. Jeff's manic screaming only adds to it's spectacularness. <3

Caravan Ray
Yes. Vote!
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Post by mkilly »

I would love to vote for JB or BeWells or High Density; for anyone who doesn't know--that's me playing the hell out of a tambourine on blue spud shoes so I can't vote for that. Anyway I'd vote for one of those but I must vote for prayformojo feat. add. Those lyrics are f-ing classic, and jeff's background vocals are the best this side of "midnight train to georgia."
"It is really true what philosophy tells us, that life must be understood backwards. But with this, one forgets the second proposition, that it must be lived forwards." Søren Kierkegaard
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Re: All Tan reviews

Post by Nigel (spOOn) Clements »

glennny wrote:Eclectic Spoons- The music is very cool. I like the Before and After Science Eno vox. The vocal melody is shakey at points, especially rhythmically speaking. This is so weird I keep listening. The vocoder at the end is really great. I'd like to hear the vocal melody and delivery worked out a bit better. The quirky music is very interesting and original.
Try this slightly better version
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Post by prayformojo »

mkilly wrote:I would love to vote for JB or BeWells or High Density; for anyone who doesn't know--that's me playing the hell out of a tambourine on blue spud shoes so I can't vote for that. Anyway I'd vote for one of those but I must vote for prayformojo feat. add. Those lyrics are f-ing classic, and jeff's background vocals are the best this side of "midnight train to georgia."
You're a good man, Marcus Kellis.
White people, is you funky?
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