Battlestar Galactica

Blab about the Boob Tube.
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Somebody Get Me A Doctor
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Post by mc3p0 »

Besides Democracy Now!, The Daily Show/Colbert Report, Battlestar Galactica has finally given me reason to occasionally flip away from C-SPAN.

Hands-down best casting in sci-fi - madam president is gripping and gorgeous (if only she could really be president..) I even love to painfully detest Gaius. James Almos gravitas is surprisingly realistic. There isn't a lame or seriously underdeveloping character yet.

True, cylons as humans isn't such a stretch, but that realism adds coolness. Also, it gives the actors loads of space for interplay and ethics violations with multiple partners!

Such a powerful show - it's re-awakened science fiction against it's will.

For the record Puce - I hunt down and destroy Firefly and Buffy memorabilia so lock that shit up at night, bro.
"The toot of a flute with the flavour of fruit!" - Caractacus Potts, 1968
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Post by Adam! »

mc3p0 wrote:Puce - I hunt down and destroy Firefly and Buffy memorabilia so lock that shit up at night, bro.
Well, at least I know all my Angel memorabilia is safe.
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Somebody Get Me A Doctor
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Post by mc3p0 »

How gutter-goth of you! I suppose you also masturbate to Kevin Sorbo, huh? The lead on the Beastmaster series is totally hot though.. :o
"The toot of a flute with the flavour of fruit!" - Caractacus Potts, 1968
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