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Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 4:20 am
by j$
Hey Bill this AAD is really good - you do this creepy ambient thing so well. I really like 'Goolish' and the way the 80s drums kick in half way through 'Full' take it somehwere else much heavier & cool. 'Got Your Number' is great, too, probably the best thing here IMO, but out of keeping stylistically with the rest. It's got a real feel of early cabaret Voltaire (Silent Command or The Snake something like that) and it's all the better for it. 'Uncertainty' however, is just plain silly :)


Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 5:34 am
by j$
PS Bill - on the front page and on the AAD pages of yr website, the AAD is listed in different orders. Which way is the 'correct' way, if there is one?

Hmmmm, i don't really have time but hearing this makes me want to get Giuseppe Bancomatti out of the box again ...

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 10:10 am
by HeuristicsInc
Thanks j$! Yeah, GYN made me think of that CV era too. Especially with the trumpet solo, I was reminded of that early industrial era :)

Oddly, I wrote that song on Sunday, and today I got a call from my bank checking to see if some of the charges on our credit card were made by us... now that's ironic timing. I think they all were, in the end.

Re: ordering of songs - on most pages, including the front page, songs are ordered newest-first. Yesterday I changed the code for "album" pages, like the AADs, so that they would be in track order instead. That's because if you had previously done a "stream all" on an album you'd get them in reverse order. It's just a coincidence that the front page lists the most recent 5 tracks and that's how many are on the new AAD. Anyway, GYN is first because I thought it was the strongest track.

If you like 'Goolish' it's stylistically a lot like the album I did with Starfinger, "The Goo Sessions", which can be heard on his site... thus the name, 'Goolish'. Yes, 'Uncertainty' was meant to be silly. Part of why I didn't use it for SF.

You totally should do some Bancomatti.

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 7:50 am
by king_arthur
Finally got around to doing another one of these, on the 4th of July:

King Arthur: For Dummies


Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 9:59 am
by drë
king_arthur wrote:Finally got around to doing another one of these, on the 4th of July:

King Arthur: For Dummies

Nothing and no one is a really good song.
I can just picture The King Authors Band (15 piece band) performing this song at a large Ball Gala, in their tux. Large dancing room, with the lights slightly dimmed, and everyone all dressed up slow dancing to this sad song.

Laugh about, is my second favorite.

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 11:05 am
by Billy's Little Trip
Sounds great Charles. The "dummies" song isn't working.

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 11:15 am
by king_arthur
Billy's Little Trip wrote:Sounds great Charles. The "dummies" song isn't working.
oops. index.html fixed, should be working now. Thanks for listening!


Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 7:11 pm
by Billy's Little Trip
Glad you fixed "for dummies" because I think that might just be my favorite. :wink:

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 2:31 am
by NatchDan
Just as the AAW thread gets going, I manage my first AAD. Bad timing?


Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 4:58 pm
by Reist
I'm listening to Triad right now. It's pretty good. I think some of the songs drag out a bit much, but I totally understand why you did that (I'm a former AAD'er as well! It takes some serious guts to put one of these together.) Well done.

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 10:19 pm
by NatchDan
Thanks, man. Yeah, songs 2 and 5 are 30s-1m longer than they need to be, I think... And 4 can probably go entirely, but you know the rule. No discards! I'm pretty pleased with 1, 3 and 6 though.

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 5:36 pm
by j$
Have some!


SIDE ONE – “Dagenham Smile” 21.59

1.Corporate Theme Song 1.54
2.Bowl of Ebola 1.45
3.(I Wish I Was) Daniel Johnston 2.05
4.Sunny Disposition 1.32
5.American Tourists (Part One) 1.14
6.Out Of Your Tiny Mind 2.54
7.Too Fucked To Drink 2.33
8.Genghis Kahn’s Octopus 2.02
9.Sand In The Vaseline 1.32
10.Spear-Gardening 1.43
11.You Ate My Pie! 2.45

SIDE TWO – “Medieval Expiration Date” 21.40

1.American Tourists (Part Two) 1.55
2.Spaceships And Lazer Guns (Influential Film) 2.15
3.Badgers Over Basra 2.33
4.Double Oral Double Anal 1.55
5.Kitten On Crutches 1.58
6.Wing Commander Bingo 1.28
7.Tipping A Cow 2.43
8.Mid 90s Reformation Bunfight 2.09
9.Less To You Than Meets The Eye 1.36
10. You Must Get High 3.08


All songs written and recorded by Johnny Cashpoint at home.

Side One recorded 29th September 2007.
Side Two recorded 30th September 2007.
Final mix and mastering October 4th 2007.

Dedicated to the memory of my father (Jan '42 - Sep '07), if he wants it.

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:40 pm
by HeuristicsInc
Wow, two in a row! I think that's a fitting tribute. I am downloading, will try to listen tomorrow.

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 10:16 pm
by Märk
My god, J-string. Where do you find the TIME to do these? Two in a row! I want to quit my job and live on a commune now (it would have to have a lot of musical/recording equipment, of course) just so I can even *attempt* something like this. I haven't listened yet, but I will, and will review these if you want.

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 1:15 am
by j$
Compassionate leave and a mania bordering on autistic, in answer to your question, Sven! Plus it has been, I realised, almost two years since I last did an AAD so I thought it would be good to do something a bit 'landmark'y.

I hope you all like it. Review if you want, feedback is always good. No obligation, though. Anyone who has downloaded this already should grab track 9 again. I accidentally uploaded the wrong version, but I've now replaced it with the version where you can actually hear the bass!

Also, anyone who doesn't know TPF, it's basically an excuse for me to make bad jokes, be potty mouthed and generally create an uneasy atmosphere that probably is unsuitable for kids, unless they're unsuitable kids in the first place. Warned!


Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 8:24 am
by Niveous
Excellent work, J$. I dig the TPF albums. They are bite sized chunks of madness with some glints of true brilliance thrown in for fun.

And my condolences on the passing of your father.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 8:25 am
by j$
Thanks, and thanks, Niv! TPF is probably the stuff that is the most reflective of me in real life, and my absurd sense of humour. I am really pleased with 'The Devil's Bagpipes'.

I am currently in the process of remastering / improving the mix of 'The Noble Art Of The Knob Gag' and 'You Only have Yourselves To Blame', since they have been unavailable for about a year now. I am also planning a TPF album, as yet untitled, which will be songs from the unfinished 'Faux Bedroom, failed AADs / outtakes, and one-offs.

Then I can officially release a Tiny Paws Of Fury 3 CD Box set, which would be hilarious!

EDIT: Also, is it just me, or is crapbar not taking any more submissions? Maybe I should step up to the plate and take up the reins, so to speak ...

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 8:48 am
by Niveous
Yes, it seems that Crapbar just suddenly stopped doing the AAD thing.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 10:06 am
by HeuristicsInc
Yeah, looks like the last Andre album broke his will completely :)

J$, listened to the AAD stuff last week, enjoyed especially 'Badgers' and 'Ebola', but I am about to listen again.

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:06 am
by j$
Glad you're enjoying it, Bill - 'Badgers Over Basra' is based on a news report that Iraqi farmers where accusing the British army of releasing killer badgers into the wild as part of their war effort!

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 5:53 am
by king_arthur
I emailed tom7 a couple weeks ago asking about the AAD page and he was, "yeah, I need to get that updated, maybe I'll have some time this weekend." Maybe if a bunch of us asked nicely and pointed out how the AAD idea is still alive and well, he can squeeze in some time...

Charles (KA)

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 11:37 am
by Reist
I've sent in 'wordless music' to that site about 6 times (I didn't think it was working). I hope he doesn't put it on the page 6 times.