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Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 12:23 pm
by Leaf
Dude. A guy makes a joke, and then you gotta go and cross the line. It was all funny, but now it's just sick.

Really Dan-O. Tact. Look it up.

heh heh.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 12:44 pm
by Henrietta
In 2005 I hoped to:
Songfight at least once per month Nope :(
Learn how to play the flute No, but I can play bass now
Apply to grad school Changed my mind about that....
Roadtrip along Pacific coastline (LA->Seattle) Yay! Only, we drove from San Diego -> Portland instead...

New for 2006:
Fight more often (songfight, that is...)
Record a demo cd in a studio
Get better on bass
Get better on tenor sax
Be less shy
Spend less $$
Not kill too many of the fish I'll get for the aquarium Scott bought me for xmas
Transform from caterpillar into sexy rockstar goddess

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 1:53 pm
by Dan-O from Five-O
Leaf wrote:Really Dan-O. Tact. Look it up.
I did Dude and according to my source the following applies in this case. "Use of tact shall allowably be suspended when parties of the first part imply to parties of an infinite part that they have engaged in acts that may be illegal or commonly viewed as socially unacceptable."

Sounds like lawyer stuff to me man. I think I was legally bound to be tactless.

I can't explain why I am the other 99% of the time anyway. But this time I think I was in the right.

According to my source.

Heh, heh.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 4:10 pm
by mico saudad
Leaf wrote:17) Free some small animals from a research facility.
If you freed them from a commercial hair product lab I couldn't care less, HOWEVER, if you or anyone around here feels compelled to live up to this resolution in the future, please make absolutely sure that these animals really really are serving absolutely no compelling purpose.

There's a parasitic disease called Chagas disease that kills thousands of people in primarily poor South American countries. A group of scientists is right now on the brink of proving what causes the disease, and they're using research on small animals to do it. I'd be pretty grumpy if you released those animals or any like them.

And from a grad. student's point of view, if you interfere with an animal experiment it can ruin a student or a scientist's career. It may seem like a prank or it may seem justified or noble, but it has happened and the effects of it are larger than most people think (mostly because they didn't think).

There was a program to engineer a crop that could grow in a part of Africa suffering from chronic famine. Right as the research was yielding results, ecoterrorists found the research site and destroyed all of the plants. The jerks didn't know any better, they just think "rrrrr GMOs bad! rrrr kill GMOs...uuuuuhhhh!"

Just wanted to offer a side of that issues many people might not think about. Congratulations on your new house!

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 4:19 pm
by Caravan Ray
abecedarian wrote:
Leaf wrote:17) Free some small animals from a research facility.
It is also really dumb to release foxes, pigs, rabbits and cane toads anywhere in the wild. And get yor cats neutered.

And personally - I wouldn't use any cosmetic product unless I knew it had been tested on an animal first. Or at least a supermodel.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 6:52 pm
by Leaf
uh... I was kidding.


But seriously, I eat meat. Lots of it. And I'm pretty sure most animals would eat me too, if I wasn't so wicked smart.

So fuck em and fill their eyes with mascara, that's what I say.

Once again, I jest.


Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 7:33 pm
by Dan-O from Five-O
Leaf wrote: 17) Free some small animals from a research facility. well, If I consider my body a research facility, I did do this one, rather frequently.
Leaf wrote:But seriously, I eat meat. Lots of it.

If you don't do it regularly, you might need a laxative.

Sorry Leaf, I couldn't resist man.

I know, I know.


Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 10:11 pm
by Caravan Ray
Leaf wrote: So fuck em and fill their eyes with mascara, that's what I say.
A cute gerbil with nice mascara can be pretty hard to resist.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 9:07 am
by bortwein
Find a Full-time Job.

... and get back to doing cover art.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 11:21 am
by Spud
Octothorpe entries by year:

2001: 25
2002: 14
2003: 14
2004: 11
2005: 5


Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 11:36 am
by Henrietta
bortwein wrote:Find a Full-time Job.

... and get back to doing cover art.
If I can get my 'record a demo cd' resolution done this year, I'll know who to track down for great art.... :)

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 1:04 pm
by Märk
Things that are awesome:

Leather and fur clothing
Animal-tested health and beauty products
Dead PETAphiles

I have spoken.

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 8:31 am
by HeuristicsInc
Leaf brings up another good point:

2. Get wife to sing on SF entry.
(I've been trying)

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 2:43 pm
by mico saudad
Spud wrote:Octothorpe entries by year:

2001: 25
2002: 14
2003: 14
2004: 11
2005: 5

I know the feeling.

Abecedarian Fight Statistics:
2003: 0/7
2004: 0/9
2005: 0/5

My goal this year is to have a non-zero year, even if I lose a fight so bad I get a negative win (and I came close to that with 'Rule of Thump'- nothing like losing to a submission thrown together with the sole purpose of not letting me be the only entry).

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 8:38 pm
by fodroy

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 8:57 pm
by erik
abecedarian wrote:Statistics
Wow, I just did this:

2002: 18/0/0 (entered on time/eventually finished/never finished)
2003: 10/9/1
2004: 10/2/4
2005: 4/2/2

Despite not having a vagina (and not finding Cathy to be funny), I resolve to end 2006 having recorded all of the songs that I currently have finished, yet not recorded.

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 9:36 pm
by Spud
Sven wrote:I have spoken.
Things that are awesome:

Guys that spend their good time and money to run websites where total assholes like Sven can make dickheads out of themselves in public.

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 10:26 pm
by jack
I resolve to use proper case in my posts this year.

I also resolve to not fight with anyone here for the rest of the year.

I'll just be apathetic instead. :)

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 10:33 pm
by Dan-O from Five-O
Spud wrote:
Sven wrote:I have spoken.
Things that are awesome:

Guys that spend their good time and money to run websites where total assholes like Sven can make dickheads out of themselves in public.
If it hasn't been said yet this year, let me be the first of a sure to be forthcoming onslaught of well wishers and thankful Songfighters stating how much I appreciate you and JB spending your "good time and money" keeping this website running for dickheads like me. And Sven of course.

Seriously, thanks you guys for the tireless and way too often thankless jobs that you do. Myself and a lot of others appreciate it. Keep up the good work in 2006 please.

My list:

1) Double my output in fights, that means at least 4 fights this year. (Whoo-Hoo!)
2) Find a job that makes me happier or be happier in the job I have.
3) Learn to appreciate the things that I have more and focus less on the things I don't think I have. (See # 2 for instance)
4) Learn to play a new instrument.
5) Become an asset to SongFight
6) Become less of an Ass at SongFight.

Whew, that last one is really going to test me. Time will tell I guess. Best wishes to everyone for a successful year.

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 10:38 pm
by Spud
Thanks, Dan.

I was certainly not trolling for accolades there at all, just wanted to point out Sven's dickheadedness in case anyone missed it.

But thanks, I appreciated your comments, and I am sure JB does as well.
Well, I'm not sure, but I suspect so. Good grief.

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 10:57 pm
by jack
yay! the new thank you thread!!!

i also want to thank spud and JB, for their tireless efforts to keep us all fighting all the time! even when the updates are slow and the complaints are fast and furious, the fightmasters react with stoic patience, reverence, humor, and sanctity.

also, thanks to all the fine folks i had a chance to work with this year!

and thanks to anyone that listened to my tunes!

and uh.....fuck. i broke one of my resolutions already.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 9:13 pm
by Leaf
Nice job. I edited a post instead of quoting it. Wonderful. The permanence of the net is forever tainted.

  • 1) Have studio space built to my liking and set up by June.BIG PHAT NO ON THAT ONE. Who knew buying a house included WORKING TO PAY FOR IT?
    2) Play a gig on guitar with a maximum of 3 mistakes. (I've only done two gigs so far, and man, did I suck on a personal level. People say it rocked, but people also snort coke and drink rye so... Wow. Guitar is hard to play without making mistakes. In 2006 I played a total of only six gigs as the lead player. It's gonna take a while...
    3) Go to songfight santa cruz. NOpe.
    4) do a collab with: molsen twins, gert, boon liver, bloody hams, caravan leaf, LEABLIT, (man I love that tune) , still waiting on a chance for an octothorpe drum session(course, gotta have drums set up and studio, but hey) and the beef animals track was pretty fun...but 8lo has seemed to have disappeared, and actually do a few leaf62 songs again... stop being a chicken bitch!!
    Man. Not only did I not do ONE of these... I think I did... two songfights last year? not including Nur Ein...which literally killed my recording for a while... in a good way, but I was spent after that. I'm no Glenn...

    5) Get Dana (wife) to sing on a SF tune (we've been building up to this..she's sang a few tunes with the band at our last couple gigs, super fun having her right there singing away... oh yeah). Nopers.
    6) Learn how to properly dispense propane. Ok... jokes on you. I already knew how to do that.
    7) Go to a leafs game.
    8) play live with Gert. ACCOMPLISHED.

Well well well. Not so fuckin special are we their leafy?

This year's resolutions:

1. Enter every single songfight. (start big people).
2. See how much longer I can put up with an eye patch on my baby. DON'T YOU SNEER AT MY BABY.
3. Get REALLY hammered with gert online and sit in the IRC room and pretend know one knows its really us.
4. Get Jack to sign on to skype, quit acting like he doesn't know what it is, and hang out one evening via webcam and some dried vegetative matter.
5. Convince Bjam I am her long lost cousin. This may be difficult, don't tell her or you'll ruin it.
6. Forget about being in my mid thirties. We all get there...hopefully.
7. Gert Tour.
8. Make more money than I ever have before.
9. Write a musical work I'm proud of.
10. Enter more songfights than I ever have before in one year. Now.. that's attainable!