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Re: Nur Ein V: Round 5

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 9:45 pm
by JonPorobil
Awesome. Minty's was better than mine would have been.

Thanks for posting mine!!

Re: Nur Ein V: Round 5

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 9:54 pm
by Niveous
Yes, Minty. Thank you. Nothing like the power of a lol dog.

Re: Nur Ein V: Round 5

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 9:56 pm
by Billy's Little Trip
Niveous wrote:So here I am with 8 songs and all I need is some art....
I just sent one to the Nur Ein email.

Re: Nur Ein V: Round 5

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 10:04 pm
by MintyHandy
If BLT's is better, I won't be offended if you replace mine with his, FYI!

Re: Nur Ein V: Round 5

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 10:07 pm
by Billy's Little Trip
I think mine is worsererer, because I received a reply saying, "Hey. Alternate art! :)" :lol:

Re: Nur Ein V: Round 5

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 10:13 pm
by MintyHandy
This would have been a fantastic extended acrostic. Just sayin'. :P

EDIT: speaking of which, Chris, Jon -- your acrostics made me laugh loud enough that I thought my kids were gonna wake up. Awesome (and for yours, Jon, brilliant against the song's subject matter.)

Re: Nur Ein V: Round 5

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 10:36 pm
by Billy's Little Trip
MintyHandy wrote:
This would have been a fantastic extended acrostic. Just sayin'. :P
I just used the song title as my acrostic, thinking I was "all clever", but noticed that Milo did too, lol.
....AND he posted his lyrics one post before me, so he will forever be one post clevererer than me. :?

*shakes fist at sky* MILO!

Re: Nur Ein V: Round 5

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 2:54 am
by Caravan Ray
Billy's Little Trip wrote:
MintyHandy wrote:
This would have been a fantastic extended acrostic. Just sayin'. :P
I just used the song title as my acrostic, thinking I was "all clever", but noticed that Milo did too, lol.
....AND he posted his lyrics one post before me, so he will forever be one post clevererer than me. :?

*shakes fist at sky* MILO!
Had I had to do this song - that was the first thing that came to my mind. You seem to set a very low mark for what you deem "all clever".

"All clever" would really have been if your song was an acrostic for "Purple-helmeted love warrior" - WHILE AT THE SAME TIME have the LAST letter of every line spelling out "Blue-veined custard pumper". Now THAT would have been "all clever". I would vote for that, even if you sounded like Billy Joel out front of Matchbox 20 singing a Pink Floyd song with backing vocals by Phil Collins, James Blunt and that cocksucker from Nickelback

Re: Nur Ein V: Round 5

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 4:43 am
by BenKrieger
Chris, your song sounds a bit like a Ty Tabor King's X song! Love it!

Re: Nur Ein V: Round 5

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 4:50 am
by BenKrieger
I've changed my song is indeed as bad as Lost.

Re: Nur Ein V: Round 5

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 7:55 am
by Billy's Little Trip
Caravan Ray wrote: "All clever" would really have been if your song was an acrostic for "Purple-helmeted love warrior" - WHILE AT THE SAME TIME have the LAST letter of every line spelling out "Blue-veined custard pumper". Now THAT would have been "all clever". I would vote for that, even if you sounded like Billy Joel out front of Matchbox 20 singing a Pink Floyd song with backing vocals by Phil Collins, James Blunt and that cocksucker from Nickelback
Quite clever, indeed. If only I had a time machine.
...well, one that works.

Re: Nur Ein V: Round 5

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 8:36 am
by Reist
I did the band thing again for this one. Totally different lineup, so you finally get your solo, glennny (just not from me).

Re: Nur Ein V: Round 5

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 8:55 am
by MintyHandy
and that cocksucker from Nickelback
I knew we had something in common.

You and me, CaravanRay, not me and that cocksucker from Nickelback. Not that there's anything wrong with that. :P

Re: Nur Ein V: Round 5

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 12:02 pm
by jast
I only read the lyrics, and Jon Eric gets the Completely Unprofitable Best Integration of Challenge award.

Re: Nur Ein V: Round 5

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 2:30 pm
by erin.
OK, I am just going to dive into the reviews. I am at work, so I cant listen too clearly to the lyrical content. These reviews are based more on first listen vibe , music , and over-all performance. I'll leave it it the judges to fuss about the acrostics and such. :wink:

Berkeley Social Scene: This is us! :D I feel excited about our collaboration this week. I am not sure if anyone else here knows how difficult it is to collab at this pace, but I feel like we have handled most of our scheduling obstacles as gracefully as we possibly could have. I am always amazed that we somehow include 5 different songwriters ideas in every weeks entry. This weeks song presented the fun of weaving 4 different sets of lyrics and ideas together into an acrostic with a rhyme scheme. I am also glad that we were able to include ( so far much under utilized in this years Nur Ein) vocals from Martin and Ken. Way to go BSS!

Billy's Little Trip: Rock and or Roll is your go to, and I understand this about you. It is a BLT signature. This song is no different in it's nature, and so it has all of the well produced rockin qualities that we are accustomed to. My only critique is that I would really love to hear you do something else sometime. But also, if it aint broke... need I say more? After all this is round 5. Well done!

Boop Boop: Holy RJD. A clever nod to our dearly departed. Makes me feel like I should be at a state fair, standing in line to go on one of those clearly sketchy scrambler type rides that are operated by a toothless oaf with a mullet. That being said, I cannot stress enough how much I enjoy doing that. I love this in all of it's campy, vampy, metal awesomeness.

Chris Cogott: Whoa, Sitar. Bollywood, here I come!. I'm enjoying the Donovan/Beatles moment that is this song. Ok, a little repetitive now, maybe needs to go somewhere else? Still really cool music, though the temptation to throw in a Bangra beat feels too strong to resist. Here in SF there is an event called "Non-Stop Bangra" that goes on once a month, and I feel like I could throw this track over to one of the live DJ's there.

Jon Eric: Were you listening to some Paul McCartney this week? I like the space in this song. Your piano sounds nice, if a little quiet. Maybe the percussion could have come in a little earlier? I like the concept of your la la la la la part, but it feels like maybe you ran out of breath towards the end of the run? Just a little shaky vocally, but otherwise, solid.

Milo Dunderville: Your vox sound great!!!I am sure the lyrics are clever per usual (but I cant really pay attention to those too closely right now) I am liking the organ sounds and your percussion choices, also the brevity seems suitable, but i can't help but want to hear more!

Minty Handy: Minty, your vox and uke are cute as ever. The flow of the song seems suitable for it's genre, complete with a catchy hook. Sometimes I would like to hear you play around with changes in tempo, but that is just a personal request really.

Therman: Another nod to RJD? Or just a "Sabbathy" ballad perhaps? I feel like the guitars and drums are sounding really good, but that the vocals and other instruments maybe suffered a little this week. Very fuzzy /crunchy. Guitar solo is metalishusssss.

I never have any idea how the judges are going to lean, and this round is no exception. Well done everyone!

Re: Nur Ein V: Round 5

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 3:39 pm
by glennny

What does ISDAS mean?

Is that Morse code in the organ riff? ".. ... _ .. ._ ..." ?

Re: Nur Ein V: Round 5

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 3:49 pm
by JonPorobil
jast wrote:I only read the lyrics, and Jon Eric gets the Completely Unprofitable Best Integration of Challenge award.
I appreciate that. I too was pleasantly surprised when I did my line divisions and realized how tight it allowed me to keep the structure.

Let's hope it's enough to float the performance... :?

Re: Nur Ein V: Round 5

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 4:51 pm
by Caravan Ray
Billy's Little Trip wrote: Quite clever, indeed. If only I had a time machine.
...well, one that works.
Marge Simpson wrote: ...see all that circuitry Homer, that's why your robot didn't work

Re: Nur Ein V: Round 5

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 5:56 pm
by MintyHandy
Sometimes I would like to hear you play around with changes in tempo...
Someday my skills will allow me to do it -- or I'll get a band to play with. If I could change one thing about my music, it would be to play with other folks so I don't have to track everything. You can only get so far sitting by yourself in a den. :P

I did, however, discover ProTools' elastic timing this time around, so I was able to fix my live playing fuckups instead of piecing a track together out of twenty different takes or just using MIDI. My guitar may be buzzy as fuck, and my skills piss-poor, but I got one long take in there, dammit! Woo!

Re: Nur Ein V: Round 5

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 9:09 pm
by Billy's Little Trip
erin. wrote:I would really love to hear you do something else sometime. But also, if it aint broke... need I say more?
It's funny, I'll do new things that sound so different to me, but to the listener, I'm doing my usual, lol. But yeah, this song is pretty much my M.O. Thanks Erin. :wink:

Re: Nur Ein V: Round 5

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 9:57 pm
by Spud
I SO hear you on that Chris. Everytime I think I have gone WAY out on a limb, bent over backwards do something totally outside, we still get "sounds like Octothorpe, all right..."


Re: Nur Ein V: Round 5

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 10:16 pm
by Billy's Little Trip
I guess because the one recording the music knows all the details and can hear them every time he/she listen. But to the average listener, they hear it as a whole.

....or in my case, they hear it ass a hole. :roll: