ST20 Round 3 Results and reviews

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ST20 Round 3 Results and reviews

Post by BoffoYux »

ST20.3 Results
Round 3 is in the books, and it's got a lesson for us all on the value of shadowing: after being cut in Round 2, he submitted a shadow entry and was reinstated. That song has scored at the top of the list. Congratulations to our Round 3 winner, Sober!

Continue reading for the full results and links to judges' reviews!
ST20R3a.JPG (65.95 KiB) Viewed 433 times
Moving along to the Final Round along with Sober will be The Alleviators, who scored in second place, along with third place The Pannacotta Army and fourth place Ironbark. In the Final Round they will be subject to the judgment of their fellow SpinTunes 20 competitors. Congratulations and good luck!

The following artists scored below the threshold and have been eliminated, but could be reinstated if any of the four finalists miss the deadline:

Bubba & The Ghost Of The Kraken; Tunes By LJ; Cavedwellers; Siebass; The Popped Hearts; Daniel Sitler; Stacking Theory; Phlub; Jeff Walker; Governing Dynamics; Balance Lost; Jealous Brother; Mandibles; Temnere
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Re: ST20 Round 3 Results and reviews

Post by BoffoYux »

ST20.3 Reviews and Rankings - Denise Hudson
DeniseR3.JPG (32.95 KiB) Viewed 432 times
These were all very good but I had to go with liking some better than others. Also—some of you used the challenge to stretch so far out of your comfort zones that it brought you out of your typical sounds and I appreciated that, as well as some of you expressing delight or being affected about it all. You’re all getting to the point where you’re equaling out even more in these later rounds—if that can even be believed anymore after such strong rounds 1&2.
This was a great contest by all.
This review was edited the most hurriedly out of all my others, so forgive any overlooks or mistakes.

The Popped Hearts - Tusen Takk
Jaunty Fun. I think it must be really hard to write a song in a language you don’t speak! Pattern with the steel drum got a bit insistent—but goofy rhymes had a swishy sort of delivery and quirky juxtaposition and I thought this was really cute, actually. Could have faded out sooner, but it was sunshiny, cheesy, and made me chuckle. Performed with personality and stood out in a quirky way.

Daniel Sitler - Everything Ends (Epilogue)
This was very lulling and went on for a while. My brain thought it should be feeling meditative, but instead felt a bit existentially spun up—a very out-in-space kind of vibe. Getting to arrival points was very almost—like musical taffy, but in a satisfying way. Strangely universal very compelling and lullaby-like. Sometimes your vocal got a sharp edge to it, but it was well-performed. It landed emotionally and wasn’t a struggle on the ears—you did all the pulling for me and my listener-laziness appreciated that.

Stacking Theory - Something That Was Never There
Really enjoyed your vocals. This lyric — “I’m stacking turtles beneath you, one after the other” really piqued my writing brain. Liked how you fit the challenge educationally and poetically into the words. I wanted things to rise up a bit more upward-directionally in the chorus and end on a more energetic tone as the chorus did, but your arrangement (especially percussion) was thoughtful and interesting with wonderful, subtle choices.

Balance Lost - Fade to White
The new techniques you utilized were cool and useful to the song from the very beginning when the lyrics started. Loved the high keyboard accompaniment and the octave chorus effect occasionally breaking into cool harmonies, but distortions got kind of tinny and grating to me and I had to ride volume knob a lot. Nice vocal vibrato on that high note, and by and large things were done with emotion and well sung.

The Pannacotta Army - From The Beginning
You made a really great overall sound here and this was smooth to listen to. Don’t know about the ba-ba-bahs going on as long as they did … shutting my eyes and picturing jazz sheep singing to me. But chords felt so nice and everything was so clean. Almost so soothing I didn’t expect the twitch when you got to u-tope-p-ANN. :) This had a really good feel to it though which was what did it for me. So easy.

Jeff Walker - With My Angels
LOVE how you challenged yourself. “Spiking the glutamate punch for a laugh / My imaginary friends get so excited” — great line. A lot of sounds, some of which distracted from one another, but this is very successfully genreless. Jazz country rap with a musical emphasis much less on country than your usual. Very easy listening—particularly the solo. This was so interesting.

Siebass - There’s Music All Around
This is an incredibly detailed bio but was entertaining to listen to without that or alongside lyrics. Beat-boxing was credible and charming even without explanation. Appreciated the narrative in the song and loved that chorus which had punch and direction. All the vocals fit the personality of the “band” particularly central verse and chorus sing-sy one, and thusly I could see the characters as if in an animated film. Some dialogue a bit over the top, but in a cartoon … I’d love to see that for this! The delivery was tightly reined in but also playful, and didn’t feel at all by the book.

The Alleviators - Figure This
Feels a little stilted time-wise and also perhaps a bit thin-textured at the beginning—which was offputting as I wanted vocals to come in a bit more solidly on that beat. So had a loose sort of feeling. It did pick up and get stronger and—then very strong. This was emotionally written and relatable, and I really started to buy into and then look forward to the delivery of the choruses because they really do build. Chorus—cool and honest, modern and appealing. Great line — “Neither easy or fun.” At times you felt very far away from one another musically, to me — then at other times, very closely melded together. Seems to fit the subject matter though.

Bubba & The Ghost of the Kraken - Castle Čachtice
I don’t know why I thought this was so hysterical and had to start it over twice. I can’t explain what this reminds me of and I’ve never really heard anything like it before. The piano sound is dodgy and a bit heavy handed perhaps at the beginning, but I love the time shift and everything you do is just pulling us to the next thing. So Awkward! But SUPER catchy and slick. This was so easy and comedic to listen to. Omg that last chord.

Ironbark - Bit By Bit
Progressing very slowly. Each element seems very, very crucial and very weirdly, deliberately built. Nothing is wasted here. A delicious combo of sounds. “0 out of 10 to maybe 3.7”— that’s great. Like the arpeggios against drums. The sudden beat break at the end. Arbitrary and jarring, out of context, but weirdly not unwelcome.

Cavedwellers - The Wrong One
Highly layered and clever. Grew on me with a nice rock and roll feeling finish. Solidly learned and implemented new technique that you swim along in like fish. Fits you nicely, I think. I think that if this is a new technique you learned, you have certainly practiced because this felt like you hit all the marks and put everything very deliberately and just so. I responded to this more cerebrally than with my feelings. That’s fine though, although lately you’d been getting me with a bit of both.

Jealous Brother - No Harm Will Come Your Way
This fits together strongly as a pretty puzzle, although the transitions feel trembly—so I like the structure. Like how you use the vocal going up into a contemplative and appropriate solo that then feeds out into your weirdest but smoothest “wrong turn” in the whole song. In fact, the deceptive movements and corresponding messages in lyrics (“this is how songs works”) make journey thru as a song judge an appropriate and slow building wash of style. Could have used more babysitting as a listener on the end as a fade though.

Tunes By LJ - Salty Air
This really grooved along. It had interesting and jazzy voicings which used each key center well. The chord progressions in the verses utilized a lot of modal qualities, and certain notes really popped out in your melody by design. So lots of movement and a beachy vibe! Love that organ. You actually sound to me like you have a solid command over harmonic movements and clean voice leading within progressions whether you are in your C, your G, or transitioning between them either way. So as this was a learned technique, well done and pleasing to the ear.

Phlub - I Love Them Chickadees
Felt a bit loud and distorted but harmonies are great. This is a very entertaining topic. I think I always wanted to go hunting for birds. I really heard the word ‘chickadee’ a lot in this song. If you hadn’t told the charming story about your father, I might have thought this whole thing was an excuse to go “tit tit tit” during bird solo. That amused me mightily because I am twelve. This is really endearing, and informative though—and I like how lyrics flow and all those bird facts. This was a fun shuffling instrumental to set it to with a tight ending.

Governing Dynamics - Whisper Gentle Rain
“start to worry if I got well / I wouldn't recognize myself” — great opening line. Some of your lyrics would come across better if word emphasis landed on beats more strongly or a phrase shape of a sentence didn’t fall or glide off under the instrumental. Meandered to its close like a slow dance. I wouldn’t say 9/8 is boring, but it does drag on a tad. Smooth as always but use of slide makes it still sound wistful and sort of sadly hopeful.

Temnere - Destiny Awaits
This went on a bit but had a fun break in the middle. This was funny, and there’s something really pleasing about the second line of the chorus—uplifts and carries it into the rest of the section and then ends with a strong, punchy, cutlass pumping into the air pirate-rock sound. Vocals got a bit growly for me and gwargaly and I began to think of muppets storming a cliff side castle or singing in a tavern. It was very niche, I think. Do like that you went to the challenge with a lot of gusto.

Mandibles - What Just Happened?
I’m sorry about the argument troubles. That’s really hard and I feel you with the mile-a-minute-over explain (this is me.) Time shifts feel discombobulating and so do conflicting textures. But this grew on me and felt like a cohesive song and story in the end. Not awkward. Beautiful singing, of course. Feeling the dramatic tone of the lyrics-to-performance, again thinking this is a good theatrical set sound (may have said this to you before?). Letting this ring at the end was a good choice. I think I am liking the dichotomy of sounds more and more in this act.

Sober - O Sweet Death
A stylistic vocal performance that takes me over an edge at times, but it works for the set of understated implications this song may or may not have for you personally apart from your bio. I had my own family feelings about these lyrics—so it’s good to write a song and give a delivery that will cut across into meaning for other people, I think. You do not sound like anyone else I’ve ever heard. I’m a twinge envious wishing I could get a clap to sound crisp like a tennis ball hitting brick (that was really cool). Feel of instrumentals into V2 really pleasing. By the second chorus, I’m feeling this vibe a lot so well arranged as a journey.

chewmeupspitmeout - Condemn Me [SHADOW]
I do think that you respected stylistically very well what the AI wrote. The distortions hit me pretty hard, but I liked the vocal interplay. I did enjoy the melody and the hand claps are servicing the chanty march melody. I wonder what the prompt was that you gave it—and if you were as general as to give it just some random songwriting prompt … OR … if this is one of those creepy Haunted Internet sort of things where the AI wrote a song and the lyrics were just this ghostly and creepy. Oooooooooshudder. Anyway.

I really wish there was nothing obscuring what is a really compelling vocal performance. I liked some of the moving lines coming behind running beats that may have gone with the theme. At any rate, you really set a tone.

Hot Pink Halo - All The Information Is On The Task [SHADOW]

ha! Great song bio. Recording feels a bit hissy but this is a really nice use of chorus for you on the vocal. I thought your lyrics and vocal the strongest part of the song, but wanted the chorus to pull through a bit faster and the drums to get out of the way a bit of your softer sounds. Your vocal performance is great on this and makes this feel really kind of floaty in the head although it bounces and bumps a bit in there too. Nothing was poorly chosen though, and modally it felt comfortable. I really liked the sizzle at the end!

Mandrake - What if? [SHADOW]
Fun Dissonances and sticky distortion against rounder bell sounds make this mumbled meditative whisper-sizzle very interesting and appropriate as a message and to your point. Beepy and fuzzy and appropriately troubling, but gives time for enforced breathing with some soothing and well-balanced sounds against the more grating textures. Nice balance choices and charming to the ear. Exactly and cleverly hit the mark.
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Re: ST20 Round 3 Results and reviews

Post by BoffoYux »

ST20.3 Reviews and Rankings - Gray Porter
GrayR3.JPG (32.92 KiB) Viewed 432 times
This was a very mellow, chilled out set of songs this round. Some good spring jams here, Spintunas, really made my walk to work this week a pleasure.
This was a difficult round to judge: I was caught between how much I enjoyed the song, how ambitious the take on the challenge was and how prominently the new skills were featured. Sucks to eliminate so many people who have put in such good work this contest. All the best for the future.

Balance Lost - Fade to White: I've never met a mix that wasn't improved by parallel compressing the percussion, they definitely cut through but I think they are simply mixed a little low. The reverb on the vocals is a cool effect and strengthens an already great vocal centrepiece. This is a good song overall, nice turns of phrase in the lyrics but I felt the story needed to be clearer.

Bubba & The Ghost of the Kraken - Castle Čachtice: It's one of great folk stories and this is a fun telling of it. Love the character of the singer in this, the verse is catchy and the chorus is a good change of pace, the music during the intro and outro are cool, solid solo. I feel like the bridge is a weak leak, it seems unnecessary.

Cavedwellers - The Wrong One: The guitar layering sounds awesome, all the guitars in this song sound cool really, appreciate how difficult it was to do something new after all that time. Everything about this song is highly competent but it doesn't carry enough interest lyrically to carry the track length but it's yet another good song about cricket so props.

Daniel Sitler - Everything Ends (Epilogue): This vocal performance and layering is so powerful, it gives me chills. The starkness of the acapella empowers how wounded the lyrics are. Improvising in the DAW is an interesting idea, the song drags a little in the 3rd quarter but overall this is fantastic work.

Governing Dynamics - Whisper Gentle Rain: The slide guitar is lovely and lonely, it needed to feature more. The 9/8 guitar picking was intricate but you already know you could have done more with the time signature. The lyrics and music blend well to deliver the regret and weariness of the song.

Ironbark - Bit By Bit: Learning the cello is ambitious, I think it sounds pretty good. I can definitely hear the progression, when it breaks away from the staccato it's lovely. This is a quirky mix of instruments that mostly gels and a thoughtful set of lyrics. The song is a little plodding although thematically it does fit.

Jealous Brother - No Harm Will Come Your Way: Given your prowess with other instruments the harmonium still stands strong, you've featured it carefully and well throughout the song. I love how the song builds and swells, there's a lot of detail in the arrangement, the guitars do good work throughout with variety. The melody could have been stronger, the lyrics are pretty vague.

Jeff Walker - With My Angels: The rapidfire vocals in the lyrics are strong, excellent work. The soundscape is delightful, love the mix of timbres, nice solo, great vibes listening to this. The lyrics are rambling by design, they evoke some fun imagery. I think the chorus and bridge needed to better explain the schizophrenia.

Mandibles - What Just Happened?: I love how you've featured the mandolin in this song, not just chords but picking too. There's a good variety between sections particularly in the melody capped with a huge solo. The chorus felt like it could be a pre chorus that led to a great chorus. Hope things work out for you personally.

Phlub - I Love Them Chickadees: This song is tremendous fun, relentless and catchy, the chickadee rhythm/bird song solo spiralling into chaos is super cool. Love the alternate falling and rising notes in accompaniment, the lyrics are quirky... I'm struggling not to just keep writing fun over and over, it's in every element of the song. Short and sweet all round! AND FUN!

Siebass - There's Music All Around: I think the beatboxing sounds great, don't be too hard on yourself. Talky bits around songs is risky for me, but I laughed so you got me. This song is eclectic, fantastic mix of elements, loved the progression between sections, strong melody but the beatboxing is the stand out for me.

Sober - O Sweet Death: The violin is a bit buried but sweet and I wanted to hear more, I would hope everyone would be forgiving given the nature of the challenge. The guitar/banjo? double team is excellent, the bass puts in strong work, I like the claps. The vocal performance powers a good set of lyrics. Dementia sucks, sympathies.

Stacking Theory - Something That Was Never There: Chord inversions are very useful tools and certain shape this piece nicely. It's a cool choice of topic, the dynamics in music bring the drifting of the lyrics between dreamlike and yearning to life. It's a good song but needs a little something more. A little more character defining in the addressee of the song perhaps, maybe some more complicated accompaniment.

Temnere - Destiny Awaits: Recording drums is tricky, I find the best place to start is the overheads. This is a fun song, love the variety, it's an epic rift. The vocals are bold but get lost in the mix at times, its a catchy chorus though. The mix overall is muddy, struggled to make out the details you were focusing on.

The Alleviators - Figure This: I find the mandolin to be the hardest of the guitar types to play, but it's bright and pretty in this song. Trying to record whilst on travels is always difficult. The back and forth in the duet is fun and sells the lyrics, drums are energetic and give the song a strong engine, the lyrics really are marvellous and messy, it should be too long but it's not.

The Pannacotta Army - From The Beginning: A decent dynamic mic can take you a long way and you proved it. Enjoyed the range of sounds you got from one guitar, there's great depth to the arrangement. The simplicity and positivity of the lyrics is carried wonderfully by the warmth and lightness of the lyrics. Excellent.

The Popped Hearts - Tusen Takk: The steel drum sounds fantastic, solos and everything, well done. There was real warmth in the performance and the transition to ska gave the song a real progression. Making the lyrics about learning Norwegian juxtaposes with the music, would have felt more cohesive to pick a country known for its steel drums even though I appreciate you may not have been there and apparently Trinidad and Tobago speak English anyways.

Tunes By LJ - Salty Air: This is a smooth jam, vocals are butter and carry a beautiful melody. There's great imagery in lyrics that's brought to life by the simple joy of the music. I think the arrangement could do with a few more details, the steel drum for example definitely could have added a lot more detail throughout.

chewmeupspitmeout - Condemn Me: I'm glad someone took the AI route with this challenge, I appreciate you had to manage ChatGPT but without knowing beforehand I would never know it was AI generated. Honestly AI scares me, I worry where we'll be in even five years. Anyways, I'm here to review songs. It's a good set of lyrics to be fair, the repetition builds like the chant of a crowd and the effects on the vocal couple with the distorted guitar to give the song a fitting harshness.

Hot Pink Halo - All The Information Is On The Task: What a creative take on the challenge, loved the bio. I feel like all ukuleles are a little broken in my experience. I like the main ukulele part, I think the second could have added more variety. You lost me with the lyrics, there's some good poetry in there though. Needed a stronger melody.

Mandrake - What if?: The synths are varied and cool, the main riff is rad, good dynamics. The lyrics are thoughtful but the vocals are lost in melody and mix. Believe me I know how difficult it is to put your vocals front and centre when you don't have faith in them, and hearing your voice back is unforgiving.
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Re: ST20 Round 3 Results and reviews

Post by BoffoYux »

ST20.3 Reviews and Rankings - Ian Moore
IamR3.JPG (33.36 KiB) Viewed 432 times
I cannot believe you learned languages, production techniques, the freakin’ cello?!?! Really making it hard on the judges this time, maybe a criteria for most challenging new skill?!? Humbling, thanks for all the effort!

The Popped Hearts - Tusen Takk
The Wegian Legion?! Melodica and Steel Drums - always the best instrumentation for Norwegian folk ballads. So, I dunno, novelty songs just make my heart happy!
Lyrics 6, Music 5, Prod 5, Perf 6, Theme 6, Total 28
You guys just really have a great humor about the whole thing, Never miss a chance to see you one of these days!

Daniel Sitler - Everything Ends (Epilogue)
I love the overall vibe and dark choir of voices - this is amazing improvising!
Lyrics 4, Music 6, Prod 5, Perf 6, Theme 5, Total 26
Droney and Dark!

Stacking Theory - Something That Was Never There
I keep loving the sound of your band more and more, it’s big and whispery at the same time! Turtles all the way down!
Lyrics 6, Music 6, Prod 5, Perf 6, Theme 7, Total 30
Love the snakey shaker groove in the beginning and the build throughout, who doesn’t love a good coda?

Balance Lost - Fade to White
Another great pop song! I miss the humor of Temporary Window, but it’s so lush and jangly!
Lyrics 4, Music 6, Prod 5, Perf 6, Theme 6, Total 27
the reversey reverb thing lands, it doesn’t give drama!

The Pannacotta Army - From The Beginning
Everything is so organic sounding, this is a lover’s waltz!
Lyrics 5, Music 7, Prod 6, Perf 7, Theme 7, Total 32
It’s so light and groovy, what a nice feel and interesting chords.

Jeff Walker - With My Angels
Another guitar slinger in my car, “Whoa, how is all that guitar and guitar all blended up in there. Wait, this is your spintunes contest?” Still slinging that hot production out of your comfort zone - you really got the goods freestyle, you oughta keep doing that!
Lyrics 6, Music 7, Prod 8, Perf 5, Theme 6, Total 32

Siebass - There’s Music All Around
Okay, this is amazing. It is both funny and clever, stupid and innovative, transgressive and listenable! Your freedom and courage in beatboxing humbles me!
Lyrics 5, Music 6, Prod 7, Perf 6, Theme 7, Total 31

The Alleviators - Figure This
Best one yet, you’ve captured what I like about boygenius, it’s sorta deadly unserious! Got some Broken Social Scene vibes, all that exasperated yelling, an updated Gotye anthem?!? Marvelous and messy, no second guessing!
Lyrics 8, Music 6, Prod 7, Perf 7, Theme 7, Total 35

Bubba & The Ghost of the Kraken - Castle Čachtice
You’ve heard of murder ballads? Get set for catchy serial murder tunes! This was a bop, I even got the whiff of empathy that she might be innocent!
Lyrics 7, Music 6, Prod 7, Perf 6, Theme 8, Total 34

Ironbark - Bit By Bit
Truly a philosophy in a song! I love the cello, if I didn’t know you couldn’t play it, I wouldn’t have really noticed; I just tried violin the other day (I play mandolin) and was completely flummoxed, even with two fiddlers standing around. Maybe this is your songwriting technique, but the electronic/lyrical/strings blend was really interesting, it felt like an organic clockwork clicking into place around the theme.
Lyrics 7, Music 5, Prod 5, Perf 5, Theme 7, Total 29
Just great stuff, really enjoying these miniature journeys into your psyche!

Cavedwellers - The Wrong One
I guess I’m now realizing how great your guitar playing is - that production is freakin’ juicy and thick, but looking back, I really like the tone on Dismissed too, just nice saturation and it gives the solo heft without being obnoxious or overdone - the tastiness of EVH without any of the usual baggage of shredders. I’m also still very much liking the voices and technique you worked up for guitarmonizin’, very specific and enduring.
Lyrics 4, Music 7, Prod 6, Perf 7, Theme 7, Total 31

Jealous Brother - No Harm Will Come Your Way
The creaky harmonium is very Tom Waits actually, like a child is born, but he’s Tom Waits, so he’s figuring out the harmonium and then you guys come in with your great, glam-ey vocals and subtle lines and delivery, then the real meta-experience happens, because we’re off in song about song-land and song contest about song contests, it just goes on and on.
Lyrics 7, Music 7, Prod 7, Perf 6, Theme 6, Total 33

Tunes By LJ - Salty Air
Interesting take on the big hit of the summer, like it’s almost wistful while being upbeat, chill while clicking right along…The lightness of your touch in the lyrics makes it for me, just lots of sunshine and good cheer in there; not sure if I can tell that your modulation adds to the mood much, but maybe that’s good - I kinda would need the song to suggest that path before doing that, for me it suggests a kinda Disney/Mariah/Schlock in general, so I guess I’m saying it didn’t detract from the song?
Lyrics 7, Music 7, Prod 7, Perf 6, Theme 7, Total 34
I kinda feel like covering this song, it’s so tasty, we’ll run around playing it in the car this summer.

Phlub - I Love Them Chickadees
Okay, that is some birdsong psychedelia right there, and there’s something carnival/creepy about the harmony that really stands out. I had no idea that chickadees and tits were the same bird, that is something we’re getting from the naturalist aspect of your musical career which man, if I can just see one cedar waxwing this year, damn!
Lyrics 7, Music 5, Prod 5, Perf 5, Theme 6, Total 28

Governing Dynamics - Whisper Gentle Rain
I love your slide, it’s very at home in the mix and sounds perfect for the song, which just feels ¾ to me - lots of good dreamy pop. I so love the ambiguity and imagist rendering, are we missing a fallen soldier, a lost love affair, who knows? If I wanted a clear narrative that pays off every chorus, I’d be listening to new country.
Lyrics 5, Music 6, Prod 7, Perf 7, Theme 6, Total 31

Temnere - Destiny Awaits
I dunno, the drum mix isn’t terrible - that punk snare sound, dryer than the humor of the formidable Temnere! I like it best of the three songs I’ve heard so far, the Ren Faire vibe with metal chops is solid, I’ll check out Curta’n Wall, folk punk from another era!
Lyrics 6, Music 7, Prod 5, Perf 6, Theme 6, Total 30

Mandibles - What Just Happened?
What a message and jam there at the end, seemed like you were onto something with the new mandolin-ing, it had some cool parts. My favorite is the awesome chorus, it all feels very original and lived in, there’s air in the mix too, it feels present and full front and center.
Lyrics 6, Music 5, Prod 5, Perf 5, Theme 5, Total 26

Sober - O Sweet Death
This is your best one yet, I like the tonality and the danceabgility, it’s got a little bit of a Dirtwire feel to it. That’s a tough one, our olds who are ready to go, kind of a good, dark one for some of those nights when people are hanging on your every word.
Lyrics 6, Music 7, Prod 6, Perf 7, Theme 8, Total 34

chewmeupspitmeout - Condemn Me [SHADOW]
It’s like a dark and complex Hozier song; definitely Never Die was a better lyric than your new AI friend with benefits, very cool, thanks for shadowing it!
Lyrics 5, Music 7, Prod 7, Perf 5, Theme 5, Total 29

Hot Pink Halo - All The Information Is On The Task [SHADOW]
Haha, I love your travelogue for your Uke strings, you got it, the intonation works great! I love the production and the way that the sincerity doesn’t mute your voice at all.
Lyrics 7, Music 5, Prod 5, Perf 5, Theme 5, Total 27

Mandrake - What if? [SHADOW]
Love the crackliness of the drum mix; is that a very fast delay? It sounds like cranking and really gets across the anxiety of the lyric.
Lyrics 6, Music 6, Prod 5, Perf 5, Theme 6, Total 28
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Joined: Tue Jan 11, 2011 9:22 pm
Instruments: Keys, Clunking, SFX and Strings
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Submitting as: Boffo Yux Dudes
Location: New England

Re: ST20 Round 3 Results and reviews

Post by BoffoYux »

ST20.3 Reviews and Rankings - Lichen Throat
LichenR3.JPG (33.36 KiB) Viewed 432 times
The Popped Hearts - Tusen Takk

The steel drum sounds great. I like the combo of mid-60s rock and Caribbean music. This makes me happy. The ska part is cool. At first, I thought the song might not have staying power, but I continued to like it through repeated listening.

Lyrics: Lyrics are fun but not particularly deep. They suit the sound of the song well. The rhymes are fun.

Daniel Sitler - Everything Ends (Epilogue)

This sounds good but doesn't quite work as a standalone song. I think it would be better as the conclusion of a concept album, with callbacks in lyrics or music to earlier songs. There are cool harmonies among the sustained instruments and backing vocals. Emotionally, the song makes me feel something. I think it’s too long (at least as a standalone song); it feels like it’s going to end about 2:40, which I think would have been a good place to stop. I like the long slow vocal notes.

Lyrics: Lyrics are clear and focused. The lack of specifics and familiar content make them feel a little generic, but they do match the aesthetic of the song.

Stacking Theory - Something That Was Never There

I like how the song opens up in the chorus, but the verses feel a bit plodding. I particularly like the melody at the end of the chorus. The backing vocals fit well. There’s good use of tambourine (which is something I've never said before). I like the slight vocal crackle at the end of the last chorus. Overall, the song feels properly plaintive.

Lyrics: I'm not quite sure what you're getting at with the lyrics, but they seem clever enough and have enough allusions that I don't mind too much. They match the music well.

Balance Lost - Fade to White

This immediately grabs me firmly but not too roughly. Good stuff throughout. You’ve chosen a great title. The song fells both positive and melancholic (in interesting coexistence, not disjointedly). I like the guitar at the beginning of the chorus. This is very, very nice and even has a cool solo, which I wasn’t expecting to be there.

Lyrics: The lyrics are pretty good. There are some excellent individual lines. I can't perceive exactly what you're talking about, but I think I get the right idea anyway. I like that the lyrics are lengthy; it suits the sound of the song. “Fill your mouth with the other shoe” is a great line.

The Pannacotta Army - From The Beginning

I know I say this every time, but mix sounds so full and rich. I did not expect to like this style of song, but I do anyway. I like the verses more than chorus. You have good transitions between sections. The performances are good, and the song is very cohesive overall. This should be in the soundtrack of a movie set in early 1970s France.

Lyrics: The lyrics feel both breezy and a bit melancholic, which matches the instrumental music. The idea was pretty simple, but you did get me to look up Anthony Doerr, so you get credit for some interest and depth.

Jeff Walker - With My Angels

Good production. This is an interesting mashup of different genres, and it’s cool to have a countryish vocal in a different style of song. That said, I’m not sure everything quite comes together. It’s close, though. The bridge sounds great and is an excellent counterpoint to the rest of the song. Performances are good, though I do think the rhythm could use more variation.

Lyrics: In the lyrics, I'm not sure what the imagery in the verses has to do with the chorus. I like "all alone but never lonely." The verse images seem too self-consciously eclectic to me, though they are interesting.

Siebass - There’s Music All Around

This is very impressive, and I give you extra points for going all-in on the challenge. The implementation is clever Unfortunately, I did not find this enjoyable to listen to. This is the song I struggled with the most in ranking. In retrospect, I wish we had picked a different challenge. I feel like I’m punishing you for taking the challenge seriously and trying hard to implement it. I’m impressed with this, and I admire your risk-taking, but for me it didn’t pay off.

Lyrics: The lyrics seem like a reasonable extension of the conceit (in a literary sense--not arrogance) underlying the song. I am, however, tired of hearing about Chat-GPT. Some of the individual lines are fun, but there's not much that resonated with me.

The Alleviators - Figure This

Your production is not the best but is improved from round 1. Once again, I thought you had the best melodies of the round. At some points the double tracking is too prominent. There’s a nice sense of buildup within the song, along with a good duet arrangement. You have an irresistible appeal.

Lyrics: The lyrics feel a little disjointed, but since the song appears to be about the inherent messiness of relationships, I think they work well anyway. In this context, where profanity is unexpected given the overall sweet sound of the song, I think it would be better to use it just once (or twice at most) as emphatic punctuation, rather than as a recurring component of the chorus. Still, the sweetness comes through.

Bubba & The Ghost of the Kraken - Castle Čachtice

I have to admit that I strongly disliked this at first. I felt like you made exactly what you had in mind but I didn’t like it, having a sense that it felt too lighthearted and campy for me. However, this kept moving up in my rankings and I genuinely enjoy it now, at least most of the time. It definitely grew on me, despite being almost diametrically opposed to my usual preferences. The quality of execution is good, down to the perfect ending.

Lyrics: You've chosen an interesting lyrical subject. You made me look things up, so that's a good sign. On the other hand, I still can’t get fully into the campy aesthetic of the song. I think that’s my problem, though, not necessarily yours. Full credit for lyrics.

Ironbark - Bit By Bit

Some of those cello notes are unexpected but perfect, but others sound a bit off. The vocal fits this perfectly. Your employ unusual mix of instruments (at least for a song of this style), but they work together well. This holds tension and interest despite being slow, and the bridge fits perfectly. You have a cool vision—it feels like I'm in the presence of Art.

Lyrics: The simple but heartfelt lyrical approach fits well with the music, and the sense of slow learning the lyrics express matches the increasing complexity of the arrangement. The lyrics are earnest and true, which counts for a lot.

Cavedwellers - The Wrong One

This has an excellent opening and start of the first verse. There’s so much going on throughout the song. The rhythm feels unusual but not too weird. There are a lot of ways this style can go wrong, but you avoided most of them. That rhythm! I like how there’s lots of internal variation but still a consistent style. How many of you are there? This sounds like a power trio, showing off in a good way.

Lyrics: I'm not quite sure what this is about (though I have some guesses), but I feel confident that you know and that it would make sense immediately if you explained it. Intriguing enough to give you full credit.

Jealous Brother - No Harm Will Come Your Way

This gets off to a slow start and never quite recovers, at least for me. Several times I feel like I'm on the edge of being drawn in, but it never quite happens. The drums sound like they're in a different space from everything else. I like the little changes in instrumentation as the song progresses.

Lyrics: I think this is an admonition not to be too risk-averse, which is good advice. However, I think it's a little too obscure and lacks memorable lines, so I'm not as intregued as I would like to be.

Tunes By LJ - Salty Air

You have very good production, but for me, it felt sanded so smooth that there was nothing to get a handle on. Unfortunately, it never draws me in. You’ve got a very good falsetto vocal, and good disco rhythm. However, I think the song doesn't build enough tension; this kind of rhythm should make me want to dance, but it doesn't. The little steel drum bits are cool.

Lyrics: The lyrics make sense and match the music pretty well. Nothing earthshaking, but competent.

Phlub - I Love Them Chickadees

Oh wow, this is catchy. You have a good chorus melody. I’m not big on the descending instrumental verse melodies. I'd like to hear this as a couple steps more earnest, rather than with the sense of novelty. This is the song I had in my head the most this week.

Lyrics: Well, I can certainly figure out what the song is about. The content matches the music well. It's about something specific and unusual, both of which are good.

Governing Dynamics - Whisper Gentle Rain

Very smooth. There’s a nice feeling of expansion when the chorus starts. Good solo. The song has cohesive aesthetics. It doesn't grab me and compel me to listen, but it sounds good. I think that perhaps more reverb on the vocal would suit the overall sound.

Lyrics: I wish the lyrics were a little more specific. Nevertheless, I get at least a general idea of what this is about, and it matches the music.

Temnere - Destiny Awaits

Good intro. I don’t think I’ve heard Irish metal before. I think the growly vocal is one step too far, considering the context of the rest of the song. I like the bridge. Overall, the song sounds both silly and harsh at once, which doesn't quite work for me. I like the guitar line in the verses.

Lyrics: Lyrics match the musical concept, in a way that's both traditional and fun. Full lyrical credit.

Mandibles - What Just Happened?

I like the Medieval-sounding verse melodies and orchestration. There’s a cool complex rhythm between verses, but I wish it was more meshed throughout the song. The vocal style fits well with the aesthetic. This feels inventive. Cool solo. This feels longer than it is, and I’m not sure whether that’s good or not.

Lyrics: I wasn't sure at first what this was about lyrically, but then I realized I already knew, which kind of proves that the lyrics work.

Sober - O Sweet Death

This has nice sharp percussion, and good banjo playing. The vocal suits the style well. You have good production. This is very sad. It feels authentic and is impressive. It definitely feels like a fully realized vision. The bass line could be more interesting (or would this distract from the banjo?).

Lyrics: When I looked at the lyrics, I was surprised at how short they were; it feels like more, which is a long way of saying that they're effectively evocative. Man, this is sad.

chewmeupspitmeout - Condemn Me [SHADOW]

This is very evocative of the genre. It sounds like the levels are too high and it's getting distorted. It’s like a chain gang chant with hints of techno—very innovative! I'd like to hear this live in a concert hall with good acoustics; it would be epic.

Lyrics: Lyrics are on point and match the music well. Super cohesive.

Hot Pink Halo - All The Information Is On The Task [SHADOW]

The mix seems lacking in low end aside from the drum. The plucked instrument sounds a bit loose. (I know you're a pretty good musician and can play tighter.) I think perhaps the song could use a more complex rhythm. I like the doubled vocals and like the vocal in general.

Lyrics: I'm not sure what these lyrics are about, but I like them anyway.

Mandrake - What if? [SHADOW]

This has an interesting drum pattern. I’m not quite sure what you have in mind, but it's cool. This seems deliberately experimental, and I feel like you probably learned something worthwhile. It seems a little jerky but is also very innovative.

Lyrics: I don't think the line about twitter matches the rest of the lyrics, which feel universal and timeless.
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Re: ST20 Round 3 Results and reviews

Post by BoffoYux »

ST20.3 Reviews and Rankings - See-Man-Ski
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This was a fun set of tunes to listen to. A varied range of takes on the challenges. I came into this with the mindset of if I could hear the thing you learnt in the track then you have taken on the spirit of the challenge. What I found were there were few surprise takes on the challenge which I am keen to try myself.

As with before I have used a scoring system to help me rank, I have reviewed the ranks and adjusted manually when tracks have similar ratings based on my personal preference.

Like before I have used the ffmeg tool to analyze and produce waveforms of the tracks. This was mainly out of my interest, but I decided to add a production penalty for loudness if a track is outside the extremes i.e. an automatic way of me marking down because you made me reach for my volume knob.

I thought it would be interesting see what a track based on the averages would look like, below are the figures

I have tried to give constructive criticism but am very conscience I could be talking firmly out of my bottom. I apologize if you take offensive, these are my views alone, and you don't have to agree or do anything with them. If you find them useful, that's great. FWIW, a lot of the comments I make I probably do the same things (or worse) myself.

1. Ironbark - Bit By Bit
An absolutely delightful track that holds so much meaning and is sparse and a joy to listen to it. I loved the simplicity of it and after learning that was because you were trying to get your head around the cello (which I thought was played extremely well) and the build up was amazing. Big big fan of this one.

There is a melancholy quality to your vocal delivery, I love how reassuring your voice is but it is delivery some quite harsh realities.
The cello was superb, you've really let it sit front right and centre and there are a few notes that sound like they shouldn't be there but rather than me thinking, that didn't sound right I don't like, I thought, that didn't sound right, or did it!
I really loved the simplicity and the focus was on introducing different elements throughout, rather than it being look at how well I can do this!
It is such a beautiful track to listen to, every listen I was excited to hear it again. So much to be said, you let the instrument you decided to learn to ownership, you carefully placed other instruments around the place to heighten the experience and to top it off the ending was awesome, I loved those little synth runs.
You nailed the brief, for me it was about going outside of your comfort zone. You borrowed a cello and made it the focal point. I also really loved how your lyrics played with the challenge. They are inspiring but also a little dark, which I really liked.
Loved them, I think I would be repeating myself once if I went into why.
I cannot fault it, I'm in awe of it. Everything work well with each other and it was lovely listening experience. I'll stop gushing now!


2. Sober - O Sweet Death
An emotional song which is extremely poignant. Your mandolin playing is on point and I am in shock that the reverb was natural, I was sure that was a plugin. I think the violin is a grand choice of instrument to add to your arsenal, my only criticism is that you hid it away. Kind of felt like you did it begrudgingly and then shoved it under the carpet hoping we wouldn't see.

Spot on, so much emotion and anguish in your vocals and also a sense of relief now that the end has finally come.
Sounded fantastic, everything fits perfectly (apart from the violin, however that was the point of the challenge).
You ticked the box for the challenge, very begrudgingly but it is definitely audible.
Packed with emotion and fit well to your style, there was a line particular that caught my attention. I've never heard the phrase "Press my thumb to numb" before.
I have nothing, the balance felt right to me. Possibly have the guts to bring out the instrument that was meant to showcase something new rather than hide it away. Sounded great though.


3. The Alleviators - Figure This
This embodies the challenge for me, you have embraced an instrument that you are obviously not used to playing and gone for it. I absolutely loved hearing your struggle, you can hear the relief when you add a guitar solo because you are comfortable playing it. The words are very upbeat and really tell the tale of struggling and pulling through.

The mandolin is not played particularly well, but that's exactly the point of this exercise.
I thought the encouraging vocal performances gave this bags of charm, I loved how you sang "figure this shit out with you". It wasn't a polished piece by the long stretch but it filled me with hope and a feeling that anything is possible and I loved that.
I thought it was really catchy, as I alluded to previously your hook line got very much stuck in my head. The lyrics fitted well with the song and you could tell it was written in a manor your are not accustomed to and as a result you delivered something new to what I've heard you produce in this competition.
To me, this is exactly what I wanted to hear with the challenge set out. It is obvious just by listening what the thing is that you decided to learn and you used that as the centerpiece for your song writing.
They filled me with the feeling that anything is possible, I love feeling hopeful.
It could have been cleaner, even though the mandolin wasn't perfectly played (which was the point) I did feel that you could have at least made it sound good. I felt that it was lacking presence in the mix, maybe that was a result of you trying to bury it, I felt you should have brought it out. I also felt like it is a very trebley sounding instrument and it didn't quite gel as well with the other instruments being played.

Total ⬆️

4. The Popped Hearts - Tusen Takk
This is such a funny and heart-warming song (pun intended). I found the charm just draws you i,n and I love how it sounds like it belongs in the Caribbean but is written about somewhere it is pretty darn cold (at least I think it is, I'm not particularly well travelled).

I thought this such a charming little number, it is extremely fun to listen to, which comes across in your performance.
Very catchy, the hook Tusen takk is infectious and reals you in.
I would have liked the steel drum to double up on the rhythm in the SKA section.
It was a little short, you really grabbed me in, and I would have been more than happy to listen to more.
You can hear a lot of elements that have been added to this track without even reading the liner notes, I pegged that you were exploring with language and the steel drum caught my ear as being something new that you are learner.
Funny and made me laugh on several occasions, I really liked what you did.
Considering this is a TOY steel drum I thought it sounded fantastic, very rich in sound.
There was nothing that sprung out as majorly a problem.

Total ⬆️

5. Jeff Walker - With My Angels
A brave walk outside of your comfort zone in which you have managed to subtly infuse a rap style in your verses to a Americana track. The shift (I think there is a key change there) into the chorus is nice and sets it aside from your rapped verses.

I was intrigued, you have managed to deliver something different as a result of your learning something. The fast-paced vocal is subtle enough that you get away with it, it isn't quite rap, but it's pretty damn close. Tie that together with the catchy chorus that takes off it's hinges a little, this one grew on me. I wasn't taken in on my first listen, but I came to appreciate what you had done.
Not much else to say, I also really liked that subtle slide guitar you have got going in the track that cements it all together. Nicely done.
It is evident in your track you have taken a massive leap outside of your comfort zone, that is massive tick in the box for me.
I thought your lyrics worked with the rapping style, I liked the little name-drops here and there and there are some lovely little obscure lines that really stick out.
Sounded good to me, I couldn't really fault it.


6. Cavedwellers - The Wrong One
An interesting and unique take on the challenge, I must admit just listening to the track I couldn't hear what you were doing. The video you posted is very interesting and a really cool trick that you have nailed.

The guitars a played very well, the harmonising parts are played so well it is difficult to spot it happening if you don't know what you are doing, that to me shows you have managed to pull off your new trick.
This definitely has a message in a bottle vibe to it, which is not surprising seeing as that was your inspiration.
I would have liked the riffs to be catchier, they didn't stick into my head upon listening, that said I'm starting to compare against message in a bottle now and that is a very tall ask.
I do like the idea of being able to spot what you have learnt without having to read up. However, I did like how once I read your bio it suddenly put your song into a brand-new light and I found myself re-listening and hearing you apply the lessons you had learnt, that made it pretty special to me.
I'm a Brit and you lost me completely when you mentioned that sounds like Baseball. I have no idea at all what you are singing about, and I couldn't relate to the words at all. That said, I did like some of your lines and I thought they were pretty clever, maybe too clever for a thicko like me, problem is, if I can't relate it's hard for me to really love them.
It sounded good to me overall, I did get a few distorted vocals popping through in the mix that were a bit unpleasant to the ear, but that was only in a few places.

Total ⬆️

7. Phlub - I Love Them Chickadees
I love this song that is about Chickadees! It's infectious and so much fun. It actually brings back fond memories of my daughter growing up, not because we were made bird enthusiasts, nope, like everything else in my it was TV. There is a childrens TV programme in the UK called the Twirlywoos that features chickadee chick ( Your song even reminds me a little of the theme song, I'm sure that was your intention to give me back some fond memories ;)

Faced paced in your face and extremely infectious. The performance just screams, good time was had by all. I loved it.
It was the level for me, I'm not sure if I'm being bios because it just brings back really nice memories for me (we shall see what the other judges think) but I found it extremely charming, and it just makes you think of mischievous little birds chirping away.
Unfortunately, I'm not buying this from a challenge perspective. I was hoping you would say in you liner notes about how you learnt how to make chickadees noises from a synth (as that's what I thought when listening) but it was just I learnt about birds to write a song. In my mind the challenge was about learning something new that you could incorporate into your music, I didn't feel like that was taken into account.
Really enjoyed the lyrics and I couldn't help but giggle like the little child that I am when you sang tit.
The instruments felt right to my ears, possibly a little loud, I did have to dash for the volume knob but nothing that stood out for me in terms of balance.


8. The Pannacotta Army - From The Beginning
A really impressive creative feat to manage to accomplish a well rounded full song that sounded like a full band, not just a single instrument. However, the challenge was to learn something new, this felt more like doing something creative with what you already know. That said, you did learn that putting rice in a guitar is a very bad idea ;)

I could quite happily listen to you singign and playing on repeat. I thought it was compelling and everything fitted beautifully.
Beautifully played and sounded good to my ears. I loved the "ba ba ba" section and everything just sounds great.
Sorry, I'm not sold on the way your approached meeting the challenge, so you loose points for that. I felt this was an extremely creative way to use what you already know. However, I did think you learnt stuff in doing so, so you get points for that. Also, I LOVE that bass sound, I'm totally pinching that idea!
I though the lyrics fitted the style of playing, I got a sense of retrospective from your words and how they were sang.
Top notch, you made it sound so full, the use of reverb to really bring out the percussive elements was lovely and that bass trick, I did think it was a double bass on first listen. That was impressive.

Total ⬆️

9. Tunes By LJ - Salty Air
A very smooth funky little number that sounds incredible. I was little puzzled by the challenge you set yourself, the reason being is G is a perfect fifth from C i.e. it's the next logical key to go for. I would have liked you to push yourself a bit more, why not go for shifting for C to D or even A, then you really have to somehow fill the gaps. It's a bit short, and I was desperately after something else, some funky guitars or something in there, then again I've probably be listening to far too much Cory Wong. That said, I could quite happily to this on repeat (and have done).

Singing is silky smooth and I really liked your transition into the higher vocal range into the chorus, some nice little synth interludes and very well played accompaniment.
This was a bit short and I felt you could have done a lot more with it. I know from previous rounds that you have got the goods, I just felt that this could have been so much more. Still good, but it felt like it was lacking and could have been elevated more.
I don't know whether I'm missing something or not, but I would have thought if you wanted to transitions you would pick a key that is harder to transition to. I'm not sure if that was what you were attempting though, I think you wanted to see how you can make it obvious there was a key change. You ticked the box for that as your vocals really lifted it. Just felt you could have challenged yourself a bit more.
Doesn't really feel like it has context, I can't figure out what this is about. Are you just going for a walk, I want to be told a story or feel like I can relate in some way. I feel like I've been told in many songs previously that it's nice when its sunny and it's a bit clichéd so doesn't really grab me.
Top notch production, sounded absolutely banging to my ears.


10. Stacking Theory - Something That Was Never There
A very polished track that has some lovely little elements that keep you interested. I felt "I did my research for lyrics" was a weak take on the challenge, I mean, shouldn't you just do that for all songs you right. Chord inversions, however, is something worthy learning (as my piano teacher likes to remind me about).

All sung and performed to perfection, however, considering this was meant to be about learning something new I was actually listening out for those imperfections where I could say, ah, that's what they've learnt.
Every is well played, composed very nicely, and keeps my attention because of it. Like I alluded to in the performance though I would have liked to have heard an instrument you struggled with in the mix or at least something played to a basic level, which would say to me, you've learnt something new.
This was weak, I had to read your liner notes to figure out what you learnt, and I just went away thinking, isn't that just what you should do as a songwriter anyway. I would expect something like a songwriting technique you learnt e.g. one I picked up in Jeff Tweedys How To Write One Song book is write down 10 verbs that you associate with something e.g. a spy, physician etc and 10 nouns in your field of view. You then connect the nouns and verbs that don't usually fit together and use that to come up with some wacky lines. If you're a Wilco fan and don't know that you will listen to "I'm Trying To Break Your Heart" in a new light (I know I did).
I thought the lyrics were compelling, that weren't obviously about crop circles but they hinted and I really liked the reference to "stacking turtles" for 2 reasons, 1 it sounds cool and paints an interesting picture and 2 I liked how it is similar to your alias.
Everything sounds brilliant, I loved the acoustic guitar that comes in on the verses, that was really subtle, plus the panning helps set it aside. I thought the build was great and the chorus absolutely pops in the mix. It generally sounded pretty damn good to my ears.

Total ⬆️

11. Balance Lost - Fade to White
A really nice attempt to try out an unusual (for me anyway) reverb technique. I thought it worked in some places but had a tendency to either get lost in the mix or make your vocals hard to decipher. The musicality is nice, but I felt there was something not quite right with the vocals in the mix.

I thought this was well performed song, I would have preferred the learning to be more prominent it you're playing i.e. a new instrument, a style of singing. It's fun being able to find the thing you have learnt without having to read liner notes and just by listening I couldn't pick out anything in particular.
The music was uplifting and I felt it suited your lyrics.
There was nothing that really stuck in my head after listening multiple times.
I think it is a good thing to learn new mixing tricks and I find that admirable. I really liked the idea of reverse reverb at the start, it's a really neat trick, but I can imagine it's hard to get right. I must admit the drum technique isn't something immediately obviously whilst listening to but these both tick the box for me.
I didn't mind the lyrics, however, nothing really stuck out as something memorable, there wasn't a turn of phrase or a hook line that I could really get behind.
Although I do like where you are going with the reverb I must admit I didn't like the outcome. I felt it muddied the vocals, all those voices bouncing all over the place was a bit jarring for me. They didn't quite mesh with the mix and your layered vocals and they felt to be competing rather than complimenting. Also, I felt that you pushed the vocals a bit too much in the high-end frequency range for my taste.
Your parallel compression technique was completely lost on me, however, this is coming from a guy that doesn't mix a real kit, so I would take with a pinch of salt.
Having just seen your LUFS rating, I think I now understand why I wasn't keen on the vocals, I think you lost a lot of dynamics as a result of pushing your limiter too hard.


12. Jealous Brother - No Harm Will Come Your Way
An interesting use of building up based on the chosen new skill to learn. I felt this blended multi singing styles, it felt a bit Arcade Fire and then some Neil Young sprang to mind when listening. The hook lines are a bit jarring to my ear, I found them to be quite annoying i.e. "This isn't how words work", just something about how it was delivered that I found a bit annoying.

I enjoyed the variety of vocals that were put forward, although in places I did find the delivery not to my taste.
The Harmonium was very nice, it was built up with layers and it kind of felt like you were building in confidence as the song progressed, which I really liked.
The music was pleasant and I liked how you embraced the new instrument rather than hiding it behind what you already know. There are a few hooks in there, but I wasn't keen on them.
Without reading the liner notes I would have guessed you learnt the accordion, but turns out it was something very similar. I felt you met the challenge, you took an instrument out of your comfort zone and slapped right at the front in full view.
I'm not thrilled with the lyrics, I felt that they were lacking any kind of theme. I'm not sure if I could say exactly what it was about. Just felt a bit confused and I would have preferred you to have picked a topic to sing about and made that abundantly clear in your words.
I can't tell if it is what I am listening on, but the mix feels a little bass heavy. As a result I am finding it a bit muddy and would have liked the balance to have brought out the Harmonium more, you have featured it would have been nice if the mix honed in on the sound as well.


13. Temnere - Destiny Awaits
A pretty muddy sounding track that has the pace and energy but doesn't quite deliver on intensity. I felt the bass was overpowering the track and as a result you ended up having something that just felt weak. I wanted more shredding guitars in my ears. Your recordings of the drums sounded good, possibly could have used some tweaking on the EQ department (but I've never attempted to mix live drums before, something I am keen to try but don't have a drummer or drum set).

Something about the performance feels a bit lack luster, I can't decide whether it is what you are playing or the quality of the mix. I think it is more to do with how it sounds rather than how it is played.
This is a bit confused, you have the premise of a rather gnarly heavy metal track, but then the bass takes over, and you have those rather naff sounding VST instruments (which I kind of liked, but it doesn't really fit the style). It feels like you are trying to blend heavy metal with a sea shanty, a neat idea but its not for me.
Attempting to record and mix drums is on my TODO list, so I cannot fault your attempt to better yourself. Admittedly this isn't something you would know you were doing. I thought it might have been something to do with your approach to recording as I did feel your mix was different from your other submissions.
I mentioned in the music it sounds like you are attempting to mix a sea shanty with heavy metal, I think the lyrics fit that bill. I get an image of pirates sailing the 7 seas plundering everything in there way. You paint a pretty good picture of that.
I obviously have issues with this, it feels a bit messy and rushed. I think my main issues is with the lower frequencies, they just completely take over the mix. I think sorting that out in the balance would be an improvement for my ears, I would also have been tempted to try and do some subtractive EQing on the drum takes to try and add some clarity.


14. Governing Dynamics - Whisper Gentle Rain
A pleasant sounding mix which didn't really leave a mark after a few listens. The major problem I have is I know you have submitted as the alleviators too were you just laied it all out bare and kind of went, I know it's not great, but I'm going for it anyway. This one feels like you have done the opposite i.e. you are already a great guitar player, adding slide isn't much to add, is it? Also you slapped a great deal of delay on it and kind of buried away. I know I shouldn't compare, but it's hard not to when you are submitting multiple entries.

Pleasant performance, every sung nicely and played well. It's a bit ploddy but nothing than really raises my eyebrows.
The slide guitar does add, but it's more like adding salt rather than the main part. The solo does bring it out, however, it feels a bit like you are cheating as I did notice the delay which is helping you out.
I couldn't hear anything that would stick in my head, it feels like an album filler to me rather than the stand-out track.
I feel you could have pushed yourself more, maybe allowed yourself to play a more complicated part or picked an instrument that isn't already a well-formed part of what you are familiar with. It felt very safe to me.
I'm not convinced, they are a bit generic, you haven't really delved into any kind of theme. They are just about feelings and not really identifying anything in particular. Just felt they could have hit on something, my guess is it's all about losing out.
Sounded good to me, nothing stuck out.


15. Mandibles - What Just Happened?
A fairly awkward listen, which I learnt from you liner notes was intentional. I liked how you crafted the song with the idea of it representing an argument. I didn't quite come across for me without reading the liner notes. I thought it was a song about your frustrations with learning the instruments. I think the issue is that you have made all these really clever musical tricks but there is no real malice in your vocal delivery. I didn't feel like you were pissed off and in an argument. I just felt like you were singing really really fast.

As this was a song about an argument I wanted anger to be present in your vocal delivery.
Kudos for the mandolin, I especially loved how you were going for some little licks that were outside of your comfort zone.
I know it was intentional but the sudden changes and fast singing sounded weird to me, I didn't get a sense of emotion from them I just got the thought, well that's a bit odd.
You attempted to play mandolin, not only that you attempted to play something quite tricky.
It's not really the topic that I felt suited the music. It doesn't feel like an angry song. I'm a big fan of using music as a way of expressing feelings. It reads like you needed to get something off your chest and I'm all up for that. It just wasn't my cup of tea.
I did hear a few nice tricks, I liked how you faded in the mandolin on sections, that was pretty damn cool.
I didn't like the ending, mainly because you played it so loud it was audibly distorted and not a pleasant way to end it. I think it was probably more a re-take than a production fix but it sounded bad in the mix to my ears.


16. Siebass - There's Music All Around
A gutsy take on the challenge, stripping down to just your voice, and a guitar (there is no way in hell I am believing you did that with your voice). It was a funny first listen, but after the 2nd and 3rd it quickly turned into a novelty that got quite annoying.

As a very reserved Brit I found the overconfidence to be a bit much for me. You definitely get that in your face, we are the business vibe, but it is just a bit over the top for my taste.
It very much comes across as being a live performance which has is a bit off the beaten path, and you do get the sense of a band trying to figure it out what the hell they are going to do now that they don't have the instruments they are used to playing.
The approach for this made it unique and stand out.
There is only so much of the sound of saliva I can take, I suspect your microphone needed a good dry down after some of those takes.
Not sure how I felt about the crowd cheering, it did give it that feel of being a live take where something has happened to your instruments, and you had to make it up on the spot .
I did feel this held up even though it was quite bare i.e. I didn't get bored listening on the first listen, but it isn't something I would listen to on repeat because the novetly wore off for me pretty quickly.
I can see from your liner notes that you have taken this opportunity to try something that interests you and I applaud that. The cynic in me was thinking, you haven't really learnt anything new, I mean anyone can make noises with there mouth, but it does sound like there is a lot more too it then that.
There alright, I think they fit with the statement you are making i.e. you don't need to stick to traditional instruments to create music. They were fun, I especially liked the insults that were thrown around.
I felt this was messy, the singing was spot on but the beatboxing just didn't work. I think it was that constant lip-smacking and the sound of saliva that was off-putting. I think you might have been able to neaten that out in the production.


17. Bubba & The Ghost of the Kraken - Castle ÄŒachtice
A rather confused song about something that is supposed to be dark. I felt a bit too happy for the subject-matter and the hook line is incredibly annoying.

I had no idea during listening that Ezsebet was a name, I spent a bit of my time trying to decipher what phrase it was you were singing.
I was not a fan of the chorus at all, it was very repetitive and I found it quite annoying.
I did think the instruments were played well though.
I felt this should have been darker, the song is about vampires, it's way too happy for me.
I think the idea of learning about something to sing about a wasted opportunity. I wanted you to learn something new i.e. a new instrument, songwriting technique, way of recording etc. The idea of learning about something to put into lyrics is something I feel you should do for every song you write.
If this was something you researched I felt you could have given it some more context, you have her name and a single place for the chorus. I feel that surely there must have been places, people, specific events you could have slotted into your lyrics. It feels a bit lazy.
It sounded good, I thought the mix was fine, I just didn't like the choice of musical style and hook lines.

Total ⬆️

18. Daniel Sitler - Everything Ends (Epilogue)
That track starts with so much promise, the layering of your vocals is stunning. I really loved how the low-end bass vocals just lift the whole track. Unfortunately, it's an extremely hard listen once you get past the "Ooo that's interesting". It's so dreary and a bit dull after a while, it needs changing up for it to really keep my attention. The fact that it is a very depressing quite needy topic also makes it a very hard listen.

I thought the vocals were performed very well, the issue I have is with variety and overall feel.
There were same shaky high notes on the "Where were you when ..." parts that caught my ears.
Sorry, I'm not a fan at all. It was so hard to listen to, it does give you the impression of clinging on, but I don't want to listen to music to be feel down (I have plenty of other things to make me feel miserable), and unfortunately it did that for me and left me feeling a bit sore.
Credit where it is due, you can clearly hear what you are trying to do. I do think you are closing in on something, that vocal layering was really lovely. So, you tick the box for this as I think with a couple more tries you could land a track which really showcases what you can do. This kind of feels like the awkward first step, which to me definitely ticks the boxes for what the challenge set out.
Again, not a fan for the same reason as the music. It was just a bit too depressing for me to really get behind them.
It sounded good, there were some little percussive things in there that just didn't really fit. My major grips are more around the composition and music. Possibly the production could have been the opportunity to vary it up, maybe some eq tricks could have been applied or maybe muting a few tracks here and there plus adding and removing reverb could have been used to try and vary it up.

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