"Hero's" at work.

Go ahead, get it off your chest.
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Are the coalition forces bringing about peace?

Not whatsoever
Peace is a matter of percetion
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"Hero's" at work.

Post by mc3p0 »

Yet another trophy video abomination created by US contractors. While constantly shooting civilians they cause an interesting 20 mph wreck in the middle of the video. I'm guessing the driver was killed 30 feet from the parked car that his/her car then plowed casually into.
American style peace-keeping at it's Blackwateriest.
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Post by Justincombustion »

Why do you hate freedom?
"When you can balance a tack-hammer on your head; you can then head off you opponent with a balanced attack!"
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Post by mc3p0 »

The site where the video was first posted ( http://www.aegisiraq.co.uk/ ) does not belong to Aegis, according to a statement on its main page. "It belongs to the men and women on the ground who are the heart and soul of the company," the statement says.

Another message on the site is said to have been posted by Spicer. "Remember that your job and those of your colleagues indirectly relies on the maintenance of our contract," it reads. "Refrain from posting anything which is detrimental to the company since this could result in the loss or curtailment of our contract with resultant loss for everybody."
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Post by Rinkydink »

no matter what, gettin rid of the hussein regime in iraq was a good thing, now its time to let the country get back to bein iraq, an exit strategy would be good.........how to effect this, i don not know :(

btw, yer poll don't have enough choices, there should be one for:

'they would if their governments let them'
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Iraq Vet Accused of Stabbing Wife 71 Times
FORT LEWIS, Wash. - Army officials have recommended a court-martial for a Purple Heart recipient accused of stabbing his young wife 71 times with knives and a meat cleaver.

Spc. Brandon Bare, 19, of Wilkesboro, N.C., was charged with premeditated murder and indecent acts related to the mutilation of his wife's remains.

On Wednesday, Fort Lewis officials said post commander Lt. Gen. James Dubik agreed with an investigating officer and referred Bare's case to a general court-martial.

Bare remains held in the post's Regional Corrections Facility. No trial date has been set. If found guilty, he faces a maximum of life in prison.

Bare had returned to Fort Lewis from Iraq in April to recuperate from cuts and internal ear injuries in a grenade attack on his Stryker brigade unit in Mosul. He was there as a machine-gunner with the 1st Brigade, 25th Infantry Division.

His wife, Nabila Bare, 18, was killed July 12.

"The murder was premeditated, deliberate and savage," prosecutor Capt. Scott DiRocco said in January during Bare's Article 32 hearing, similar to a preliminary hearing in civilian court. "He did not stop after he killed her."

Bare's lawyer said there was nothing to show the killing was planned.

"What this looks like ... is an act of rage, or some sort of other unexplainable act," defense attorney Capt. Patrick O'Brien said.

Witnesses testified that Bare had enrolled in treatment programs for anger management and combat stress after his return from Iraq. He had said he was having trouble controlling his anger and didn't like his wife going out and partying, said Michael Collins, a nurse and case manager at Madigan Army Medical Center.

A day before his wife was found dead in the couple's kitchen, Bare told his rear detachment commander Capt. Mickey Traugutt that he was taking a new prescription that made it hard to get up and that he had missed a treatment.
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Post by Hoblit »

Peace IS a matter of perception.

Until this one is complete and sowed up in the history books, I FEEL (IN MY OPINION), that we cannot say at this point if the progress or result was worth the casualties and collateral damage.

It's looking bleak. I admit. Pulling out with haste could not be any better.

This post is not meant to cause an argument...I'm not trying to fan any flames. I'm a Democrat just like most of you...but this IS my opinion and so if you're askin'...
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Post by mc3p0 »

Meth addiction, adultery and murder. Welcome to today's Army.
Thinking Hymer and Werner may have called the cops, Stanley begins disposing of the drugs. From a bedroom, he pulls trash bags stuffed with drying weed. He flushes meth down the bathroom toilet.

Hymer and Werner pull up in the Camaro. Unarmed and apparently there for nothing more than a fistfight, they walk straight into an ambush.

So high that his skin feels like it's crawling with bugs, Colvin lets Hymer and Werner in. They begin arguing in the kitchen, and Werner grabs a wood-handled knife. Werner manages to slit Colvin's ear from top to center before Colvin knocks the knife away. They fall to the floor wrestling. When Colvin shouts for help, Hymer turns and heads into the living room to look for Stanley.

Bursting from a nearby closet, Stanley brandishes a .22-caliber pistol in one hand and a rifle in the other. Hymer stops, then backs away slowly.

Stanley sets the rifle down so he can frisk Hymer. With Hymer at gunpoint, Werner and Colvin stop fighting. Finding nothing on Hymer, Stanley turns toward the kitchen to check Werner for weapons. But as he turns his back, Hymer lunges and grabs the rifle. Hymer points it at Stanley and squeezes the trigger. The weapon dry-fires with a metallic click. Hymer fires again, blowing a hole in a nearby wall.

It's unclear if Hymer's shot was a warning or off-target, but Stanley doesn't miss his chance to return fire with the pistol. He gets off five shots, clipping Hymer's wrist and leg. Hymer crumples facedown on the ground. Stanley approaches and stands above him. He fires two more rounds.

Stanley heads back to the kitchen and points the pistol at Werner. "I didn't fuck your fucking wife, and now you're going to fucking die!" Stanley shouts.

"Please, man," Werner begs.

From 2 feet away, Stanley fires four times into Werner's face and once into his chest. Werner's head spins right as it's clipped. The left side of his body jerks upward like a puppet with each blast.

"Stanley!" Colvin shouts. He disarms his friend, placing the gun on the kitchen counter.

"Now we have to bury them," Stanley says.

"We don't bury friends," Colvin says. "We get help." He wraps a green towel around Werner's head. As Stanley flees in Colvin's pickup, Colvin cradles Werner against his chest and listens to his last breaths.

Hymer begs for help from the foyer. Colvin finds him and drags him into the kitchen, tearing off his shirt to assess the damage. He rifles though the wounded man's pockets and finds a cell phone. It's out of range. He raids Werner's corpse for keys to the Camaro. He drags Hymer to the passenger seat of the car. Colvin guns the engine and speeds back toward town.

Near the city lights, Colvin passes Stanley, who is driving back toward the farmhouse.

Stanley has just called 911. When the dispatcher picked up, he said he had just shot two men in his home.

Despite Colvin's attempt to save him, Hymer dies five days later, on September 18, at a hospital in Wichita.

At first, Colvin tries to protect Stanley, claiming his friend acted in self-defense. Army prosecutor Maj. John Hamner believes none of it. At a court-martial hearing last February, the prosecutor pegs Colvin as the brains and Stanley as the brawn. "Sgt. Stanley may have pulled the trigger, but Sgt. Colvin set the stage," Hamner says in his closing statement.

Colvin cuts a deal. The government drops murder charges against him, and he agrees to testify against Stanley.

In early June, Stanley cries as he faces a military jury inside Patton Hall, the fort's historic limestone courthouse. He pleads self-defense. Stanley claims he shot Werner because Werner tried to stab Colvin with the kitchen knife. As for Hymer, he said he fired only after Hymer tried to shoot him. "He tried to kill me, and I just returned fire," he testifies.

On June 11, the jury finds Stanley guilty of murder and sentences him to life in prison with no chance of parole. He receives an additional 37 years after he pleads guilty to drug use, drug possession and being absent without leave. He also admits guilt to adultery, a crime in the military, for being caught with Lynn, the woman he was found with during the meth-house sting.

In exchange for his testimony, the government drops murder charges against Colvin. On July 20, he pleads guilty to charges of running a drug lab. Colvin asks the judge to sentence him to the nine months he has already served. He fears being labeled a snitch in jail; someone in his unit sent him a gear bag stuffed with one of Hymer's uniforms. But the judge gives him 12 years at Fort Leavenworth, where Stanley is also doing his time. Before he's hauled away, he tells the judge that the images of war that once plagued him have been replaced by memories of his bloodied friends dying in his arms.
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Post by mc3p0 »

CIA + Mossad + MI5 = al-Qaeda
1. We have MI5 (British CIA) posing as Alqueda.
"Al-Qaeda cleric exposed as an MI5 double agent", http://www.timesonline.co.uk/printFrien ... 75,00.html

2. We have Mossad (Israel CIA) posing as ALqueda in Palestine: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/fakealqaeda.html
http://www.larouchepub.com/other/2002/2 ... qaeda.html
http://www.propagandamatrix.com/palesti ... oseurs.htm
http://www.haaretzdaily.com/hasen/pages ... mNo=241042

3. We have USA posing as Alqueda:

The FBI lists Gadahn's aliases as Abu Suhayb Al-Amriki, Abu Suhayb, Yihya Majadin Adams, Adam Pearlman, and Yayah. But Adam Pearlmen is his REAL name! Adam is the grandson of the late Carl K. Pearlman; a prominent Jewish urologist in Orange County. Carl was also a member of the board of directors of the Anti-Defamation League, which was caught spying on Americans for Israel in 1993, much as AIPAC has been caught up in the more recent spy scandal.

3. We have israel posing as alqueda in the phillipines.
http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/qaeda ... pines.html

4. British SAS posing as Iraqi Insurgants:

The two British operatives, arrested by Basra police and later freed by a British military operation, were identified by the BBC as "members of the SAS elite special forces" (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/424614.stm). They were disguised by wigs and Arab dress. Iraqi sources reported that the Iraqi police were watching the two, and when they tried to approach them they shot two policemen and tried to escape the scene. The Iraqi police chased and captured them, to discover large amount of explosives planted in the car, which apparently was planned to be remotely detonated in the busy market of Basra. The SAS involvement in Iraq was discovered on the 30th of January 2005 when an RAF Hercules plane crashed near Baghdad killing then British servicemen after dropping off fifty SAS members north of Baghdad to fight Iraqi guerillas.
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Post by mc3p0 »

US-UK Sponsored Civil War
There is reason to believe, moreover, that the open civil war which car-bomb attacks on civilians seem intended to produce would not be an unwelcome development in the eyes of the occupation forces.

Writers in the English-language corporate media have repeatedly noted that recent terror-bomb attacks which have caused massive casualties among civilians appear to be pushing Iraq towards a civil war of Sunnis against Shiites, and of Kurds against both. For example, on September 18, 2005 Peter Beaumont proposed in The Observer that the slaughter of civilians, which he ascribes to Al Qaeda alone, "has one aim: civil war" (Observer).

But H. D. S. Greenway had already suggested on June 17, 2005 in the Boston Globe that "Given the large number of Sunni-led attacks against Shia targets, the emerging Shia-led attacks against Sunnis, and the extralegal abductions of Arabs by Kurdish authorities in Kirkut, one has to wonder whether the long-feared Iraqi civil war hasn’t already begun" (Bodton Globe).
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Post by mc3p0 »

Troops: Send Us Home

"Earlier today, I ordered America's armed forces to strike military and security targets in Iraq. They are joined by British forces. Their mission is to attack Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs and its military capacity to threaten its neighbors." -GWB


"Ninety-three percent said that removing weapons of mass destruction is not a reason for U.S. troops being there,"
"We have no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with the 11 September attacks." -GWB


While 85% said the U.S. mission is mainly "to retaliate for Saddam's role in the 9-11 attacks,"
Seems there are a lot of US troops in need of a dose of reality. Our Faith Based war planning is not working so well. Maybe they are just reading the high priced, implanted government propaganda in Iraqi newspapers too much.

Posted by R8RH8R at 2006-02-28 11:12 AM | Reply
"The toot of a flute with the flavour of fruit!" - Caractacus Potts, 1968
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