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Clerks II

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 8:30 am
by GlennCase

*laughs hysterically*

Yeah, I enjoyed it. It's not for everybody, but I liked it.


Glenn (DR FUNK)

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 9:12 am
by raisedbywolves
Yeah, I liked it too. It's actually a little sentimental, amidst the donkey show jokes, but he's pushing 40 and has kids, so why not? <b>B+</b>

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 5:30 pm
by Adam!
I liked it, but it wasn't a very good movie. Its an uneasy mix of the witty ribald repartee that I love from Clerks and the embarassingly executed gags that made me cringe in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. I also wasn't too impressed by the addition of Elias the religious, nerdy, stupid, sexually-repressed, Lord of the Rings-loving whipping boy; the jokes mocking him were just too easy and obvious, this movie's equivalent of a pratfall or a spit-take (btw, Randal does a great spit-take-of-sorts with a deck of cards, and I almost fell out of my chair laughing). Thankfully it's not entirely missing the charm that elevates his first three films. I saw it with a very appreciative crowd, which helped. C++

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 6:49 pm
by raisedbywolves
I liked the Elias stuff. He's a bit over the top in his wide-eyedness, but Kevin Smith movies are never known for their subtlety. He has a lot of jokes aimed at him, but he is made to be likeable. I never felt the movie was being mean to him. The dynamic reminds me of the one in BASEketball between the South Park guys and their little friend, whose name I can't remember right now. They clearly like him, but he's so easy to make fun of, they can't resist. Anyway, yeah, it's not as fresh as the first, but it was never going to be. I'm surprised it turned out as well as it did. Not eight-minute-ovation-at-Cannes good, but good enough, I think.

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 6:55 pm
by erik

I liked it, alot more than I thought I was going to. Whoever gave Kevin Smith Rosario Dawson's phone number needs to be given a million bajillion kaphillion dollars, because she really sold her part more than I think anyone who's been in a Kevin Smith movie. I liked Clerks alot when it came out, and for some unknown reason, I've seen every single Kevin Smith movie, but most of the time, the actors seem like people reading lines. I never believed that Alan Rickman was Metatron, or that Joey Lauren Adams was a lesbian in love with Ben Hoofleck, or that Dante was upset that his girlfriend sucked 37 dicks. But Jesus holy hell, that scene where he's painting her toes, me and the person I saw the movie with were all like "Ohhhhhshit, don't say it" and "Ohhhhhhhno, giiiirrrlll, watch your self" and shit because she really sold her performance. And that made all the other characters in the movie respond in kind, I think.

I had like the lowest of all low expectations for this movie, and I was really very surprised. I kind of expected "Clerks 2: Electric Moobyloo" but I liked the actual plot and acting of the movie, the dick and fart jokes aside. I mean, to me, the shit like "I'm 33 years old, how the fuck am I supposed to get a new best friend? I hate everybody and all I do is make fun of stuff" was the stuff that I thought was the best parts of the movie.

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 12:26 am
by WeaselSlayer
I loved this. And for the record I didn't hear a single fart joke. But yeah anyway, so good and hilarious. I loved Elias, I loved the ongoing racial jokes, I loved the recurring Anne Frank joke, and I loved how it all wrapped up making me feel better about things in general. Kevin Smith is just a good guy and a damn fine filmmaker. But then again, I loved Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 4:15 pm
by prayformojo
Pre thought note: I am not a Kevin Smith hater. In college I worshiped him. I have seen all of his movies (including Mallrats) in the theater, and own all of them EXCEPT Jersey girl on DVD.

I laughed a few times, but for the most part I thought this was a horribly made movie. the film comes to a screeching stop any time Dante and Rosario Dawson are on screen together. The dialogue was, although occasionally ammusing, weak at best, and the camera work and editing were poor. I didn't have very high expectations going in, and I still thought it was bad. It honestly felt like a student film. Not a good thing from the veteran director of 6 movies. I wish Kevin all the best, but between this and Jersey Girl (which at least had the scenes between George Carlin and the little girl to help it) I have lost most in my faith in him as a great director.


Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 7:29 pm
by Adam!
prayformojo wrote:the camera work and editing were poor... It honestly felt like a student film.
Yeah, I don't know what was going on with that. I've watched Malrats since and even it was better filmed. There's something to be said for re-creating the feel of the original, but please Kevin, not this way.

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 11:49 am
by Billy's Little Trip
I just watched C2. I love heavy dialog movies like this. Probably why I liked the first Clerks. A must see by anyone that isn't easily offended by foul language and suggestive obscenity, LMAO!!