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9/15/15 #

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 10:33 am
by Niveous
So, we were doing that whole "Favorite Song" thing for a while until the streak got broken, which is fine, these other recent questions have been quite thought provoking (and feel free to throw more of those up). But I did eventually want to transition to some Songfighter Favorites because you sometimes never really know what songs people like the most. Winning a fight is one thing but that's only listening over a small frame of time. Favorites are the songs that stick with you for the long run. As an artist, you make some assumptions to which songs of yours that people like the most, but if you ask, the answers may surprise you. So, on that note:

What is your favorite Octothorpe song?

Re: 9/15/15 #

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:46 am
by AJOwens
I didn't even make a dent when I started listening to them in preparation for the hxaro (on which I shamefuly failed to deliver :oops: ), but I was especially impressed by Tiny Room and Attack of the Show.

Re: 9/15/15 #

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 1:22 pm
by Rabid Garfunkel
Ooooh! Damn, tough one. Zombie Son and Glass Eye pop to mind first, so I'll say those two.

Re: 9/15/15 #

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 3:44 pm
by fluffy
I think "Down to the Atom" was the entry where it really clicked for me what exactly Octothorpe was about. Also it's a pretty good example of what exactly Octothorpe is about.

I also have special fondness for "What We Need More Of Is Science," "Sign My Box," and "The Elements of Style." I've been involved in the production of a lot more # songs than those but those are my favorites that I had a hand in.

"Across the Dusty Plains" is also damned fun to perform live. As are "Zombie Son" and "Skyline."

But for some reason, whenever the name Octothorpe comes up, the song that jumps right into my brain is "Dinner For One."
AJOwens wrote:I didn't even make a dent when I started listening to them in preparation for the hxaro (on which I shamefuly failed to deliver :oops: ), but I was especially impressed by Tiny Room and Attack of the Show.
Yay, "Attack of the Show" is another one I was in! (Piano, guitar, and some vocals. Probably other stuff I'm forgetting.) That was really fun to record.

Re: 9/15/15 #

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 6:17 pm
by glennny
i think there needs to be an Octothorpe playlist on the Jukebox heavily influenced by the results of this.

Re: 9/15/15 #

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:17 pm
by Albatross
"Jedi Princess", the parody of Zappa's "Jewish Princess" they did for me in a past GoM. How could I NOT pick that?

Re: 9/15/15 #

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 3:25 am
by user
I'm partial to "Crinkle Binkle" and "Danger Bus".

Re: 9/15/15 #

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 2:53 pm
by j$
'On My Block' and 'Top Drawer' both spring to mind - funny, charming, catchy as, with an inventive edge. There are many others that fit that description - but those are personal favourites.

Re: 9/15/15 #

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 10:17 am
by Niveous
Honorable Mentions:
That's Not What I Need
On My Block
Do The Math

My favorite is Walking the Border.