What do you think of toast?

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Re: What do you think of toast?

Post by No Horse Town »

Wow. I'm the only one who doesn't like toast.

Plain 'ol bread = kinda boring.
Toasted plain 'ol bread = still boring.
Butter on bread = gross.
Jam on anything at all = super gross.
Other condiments = better on something other than toast.

Fuck you, world! Fuck you, mom 'n dad! I hate your damn toast! I wish it was DEAD! (cries in corner)
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Re: What do you think of toast?

Post by mrbeany »

I found some toast recipes on the Internet once. They all centered on placing items on bread and baking it until it was toasted.

It looked delicious, but then toast usually does.

And on a related note, yeast products like Vegemite and Marmite are rich in free glutamate. The tongue actually has taste buds devoted to this. (The 5th taste, umami. It is the savory taste.) It is found in significant quantities in mother's milk. The body produces a quantity of it naturally. ... and over 100 years ago, a genius in Japan first found out how to manufacture it. It is bonded to salt to stabilize it, which gives it the other part of its name... monosodium glutamate.

A study in Japan once proved that excess consumption of MSG can lead to retinal deterioration in baby rats. The interesting about this is that most people who reference this forget to mention how much was needed. It was massive. One fifth of the rats food was MSG.

http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/ ... .features3

Okay, so you've found something out about me. I'm a supporter of MSG. I consider it as safe to eat as sugar and table salt.
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Re: What do you think of toast?

Post by HeuristicsInc »

One of my aunts is allergic to MSG! So not safe for everyone at the very least. Also, paprika. Don't ask me why.
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Re: What do you think of toast?

Post by fluffy »

You know what they say: all toasters toast toast.
HeuristicsInc wrote:One of my aunts is allergic to MSG! So not safe for everyone at the very least.
Technically you can't be allergic to MSG, as it doesn't generate a histamine response. MSG issues are termed a sensitivity, which I also happen to have.

Everyone actually has a trigger point for where MSG causes issues, but for some it's lower than others. Unfortunately, even the worst known issues with MSG in humans aren't considered by the FDA a reason to label (or, preferably, ban outright) that horrid stuff.
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Re: What do you think of toast?

Post by Billy's Little Trip »

I'm pretty sure that the magic of Kentucky Fried Chicken is the MSG. But, there are MSG substitutes (or so I thought) that seem to work when I copy the KFC recipe as well as others. I started out using the product Accent until I read the label and found out that it IS in fact MSG with a cute name. Then I started using the product Spike. This time checking the ingredients and found no MSG. But then just recently, about a month ago, I found out that hydrolyzed vegetable protein is a hidden form of MSG. I personally am not sensitive to MSG, but my wife says she always feels puffy the day after eating food with MSG, so she avoids it and it concerns her like so many others. I think her puffiness is from too much salt or just eating to much and she got fat, lol. But many make a big deal about health concerns, so I too decided to avoid it as much as possible. Surprisingly, when I use Spike, my wife has no complaints when I use it in sauces and dips, so I thought I found the perfect way to add the savory awesomeness to my recipes. Now I'm not so sure. I often just not use it, but I honestly feel it makes my fried hot wings, just fried fried hot wings.

By the way Fluffy, check out this long list of things you should avoid according to the "hidden" MSG in foods. http://www.truthinlabeling.org/hiddensources.html

PS, KFC completely fucked up the taste by eliminating trans fats. I can hardly stand it anymore. So I guess the gov's plan to make fast food less of a health risk is working, because no one wants to eat it.
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Re: What do you think of toast?

Post by jast »

I don't think the list is exactly correct. For example, glutamic acid is listed there. MSG is a salt of glutamic acid so I'd think that glutamic acid doesn't "contain" MSG. In fact, glumatic acid is what actually creates the taste, and that's why you don't need any MSG if you fry meat, poultry, fish, eggs or various other things (all of which contain lots of glutamic acid) the proper way. Fast food only gets it added because a) they don't have the time to get all of the tastiness out of the raw materials during preparation and b) more flavour equals more customers.

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glutamic_acid.

PS. for toast, I recommend "Hawaii": take (crisp!) toast, apply cream cheese, add pineapple slice, add cooked ham, top with cheese (e.g. Gouda), bake until cheese has melted and is slightly crispy.
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Re: What do you think of toast?

Post by fluffy »

Billy's Little Trip wrote:By the way Fluffy, check out this long list of things you should avoid according to the "hidden" MSG in foods. http://www.truthinlabeling.org/hiddensources.html
The thing is that all of those things only contain trace amounts, so they don't cause me problems. Also, the FDA requires that things containing MSG actually list it on the ingredients list. I'm sure there are people much more sensitive than me, though.

Also there's a big difference between free glutamic acid and MSG - they take the same metabolic path but they have different results along the lines. Unfortunately, conflating the two is a common scare tactic used by the fretful anti-MSG crowd, which ends up making all MSG sufferers look stupid by proxy. Like, when I mention my MSG sensitivity, I often get certain busybodies linking me to lists like that to "prove" that it's all in my head based on the fact that I can eat those things without trouble.

Basically, if something has enough MSG in it that MSG shows up in the ingredients list, it has a hell of a lot of MSG and is almost certainly enough to trigger a reaction in me. Presumably, people with an even lower threshold have to watch out for even more things, and I'm sure there's also other issues which lead to sensitivity towards free glutamic acid. The fact that there are several different common reactions that people can get to MSG tells me that there's a whole cavalcade of ways that it can fuck shit up.

When I cross the MSG threshold, I start out with a sort of synaesthetic sensation where I can "taste" salt in my eyes (as in, it's like I taste salt, but it's coming from my eyes instead of my tongue), which then turns into something that's somewhat like a migraine (it feels like someone's put a vise grip on my left optic nerve), and then that spreads all over my body and then I get a prickly sensation all over like I'm rolling around in broken glass. It's not particularly pleasant. I've had friends tell me that they get a similar reaction (and also something like that happens to my mom, so it's possibly an inherited trait), but I've also heard others say they don't get anything like that and instead they get a more generalized headache and then feel "puffy" and the like.

So most likely there are a few different issues which all just happen to be triggered by MSG.

I've also heard from people who aren't normally MSG-sensitive but after eating way too much cheap Americanized Chinese food end up having what sounds like the headache part of my MSG reaction, so that leads me to believe that at least for my particular reaction, it's just a matter of how sensitive you are rather than it being some particular inherited defect.
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Re: What do you think of toast?

Post by Billy's Little Trip »

I don't think you were pointing at me directly, Fluf, but just to make it clear, I do believe some people have a reaction to MSG, some more than others. In fact, until you mentioned that it's not an allergic reaction, I thought it was and my wife has always thought she was allergic and avoids it for health concerns. I came across that site I posted while looking for the ingredient in Spike that I was told is the same as MSG, so I posted it and printed a copy for my wife. I was surprised by some of the things on the list. That's all, I'm not a busybody, or at least I don't think I am. I just care about the people I lub. Image
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