Merde! (The Only French I Know Reviews)

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Re: Merde! (The Only French I Know Reviews)

Post by MintyHandy »

Ah! Finally, the reviews nobody has been anxiously waiting for!

King Arthur

While hearing the word "vietnam" in a song tends to make me glaze over, this is a cohesive story song and I like the way you delivered it. "Au revoir America" to open the bridge -- the lyric and the delivery -- sealed the deal for me. Drop the swearing at the end, and add more instruments, and this one is a keeper.

Obese Chess

The opening accordion and guitar were so much fun! And then...nothing. Such a shame. If you had taken that accordion and built on top of that riff, I think you'd have had something. Although not lyrically. What do you sound like when you sing?

Berkeley Social Scene

Love the meandering synth, so sweet and endearing. It makes the song for me. Whoever is singing -- is that Ken? -- is singing too high for their range, and I should know, because I do it too often myself. It also goes on too long for my taste (says the guy who only writes songs under two minutes.)

Minty Handy

I bet I would have liked this better if I'd finished it, except that I pushed the Beatles thing way too hard, and now I have learned not to do that, so that's something.

Billy and the Psychotics

If there's one thing I always look forward to, it is your guitar playing. What's breaking my heart is that the timing is so loose across the board, and I just can't get past it. My own shortcoming, really. I like the vocal as much as I like the guitar playing, which is a lot! "The cherry pie" bit didn't live up to the rest of the lyrics.

Juliet's Happy Dagger

There's some kind of fundamental disconnect here between the chords and the vocal melody, it just doesn't quite align, almost like neither of you have a specific melody in mind. Sorry if that sounds harsh. The instruments sound nice, though.


This is what I was trying to describe when I wrote Obese Chess's feedback. It's all pretty terrific, but...but...I guess at the end of the day, you are all having a lot of fun, and it works so well most of the time that it really jumps out in the moments that it doesn't work...that's supposed to be a compliment, I think! Sunny, 10% chance of WTF.

Elephant Kitties

This is, hands down, my favorite song in the fight, and deserves to be the runaway winner. There are only two things I would change: I would have liked it better if I had written it (heh), and I want to pull the male vocal way, way back...not because it's bad -- it isn't -- but because the female lead is the one we want to hear, here. If you had faded the male vocal into the background, so that it supported the female voice instead of joining it, I wouldn't have been surprised to learn this had been produced by Regina Spektor and released by a major label. If you actually take my advice, please send me a copy of the revised recording for my personal music collection.

Johnny Cashpoint

You always sound like you, which is always good news for me. Oddly, though, this recording has really uneven timing, and a beat that's much more plodding and awkward than what I'm used to from you. With timing fixes and some of the downbeat moved to the upbeat, this would have worked better. Ooh la la.

Paco Del Stinko

Tight, well-delivered, great backing vocals in the chorus; the only thing missing here is a hook long enough to hold onto. Oh, oh, oh how I wish the "ooh la la"s were the start of a chorus four times as long! The verses are extremely weak by comparison. But your lyrics make me laugh, and your sincerity is charming. Oddly, the choruses -- which again, I love but wish were much longer -- make me think of "Rock 'n Roll Creation" (Spinal Tap.)

Hostess Mostess

If I could change my voice to sound like anyone I could, it would be to sound like yours. There's something about the quality of your voice that always satisfies on some deep level, which is probably why I have more of your songs on my mp3 player than anyone else on SongFight. I guess that makes me a fan! This is a sweet ballad, too (why am I not surprised?), and I adore it lyrically. As with other reviews I'm giving tonight, though, the awkward timing is killing me. As with Elephant Kitties, I'd love to have a copy of this with the issue fixed.


Better late than never! There is absolutely nothing redeeming about this song, which is probably why I like it so much. No apologies, no tact, and no complaints from me. Well, one: sometimes you forget to sing, and your voice loses its...I wanted to say charm, but I think aggression is more accurate.
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Re: Merde! (The Only French I Know Reviews)

Post by Spintown »

Sammy Kablam did another NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT review for this fight: ... ement.html
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Re: Merde! (The Only French I Know Reviews)

Post by Mostess »

Spintown wrote:Sammy Kablam did another NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT review for this fight: ... ement.html
That was great! Thanks for the link.
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Re: Merde! (The Only French I Know Reviews)

Post by MintyHandy »

Over the years, the participants of SongFight have taught me many things: that it is okay to release unpolished or unfinished creativity into the world; that creative efforts can be focused and improved by thoughtful, direct, constructive criticism; that there is room in the world for people to express themselves as best they can, even if they're not "good enough."

By comparison, Spintown, you have just taught me that even though I've accomplished a lot of good on this earth in my 40 years, all it takes is one mean-spirited douchebag with a camera to make me feel like crap. Thanks for taking away one of the more positive experiences in my life. And hey, who knew I was so thin-skinned?

Re: Merde! (The Only French I Know Reviews)

Post by hillbilly »

Not gonning to waste my time, he kinda looks like my third ex wife, maybe a lil better.
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Re: Merde! (The Only French I Know Reviews)

Post by Spintown »

Not gonning to waste my time, he kinda looks like my third ex wife, maybe a lil better.
So what you're saying is you married a woman who looked worse than that guy?
By comparison, Spintown, you have just taught me that even though I've accomplished a lot of good on this earth in my 40 years, all it takes is one mean-spirited douchebag with a camera to make me feel like crap. Thanks for taking away one of the more positive experiences in my life.
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Re: Merde! (The Only French I Know Reviews)

Post by Spud »

I cannot listen to this asshole, but I take the fact that he bothers as an endorsement of our efforts. And yours.
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Re: Merde! (The Only French I Know Reviews)

Post by Billy's Little Trip »

You guys can't be serious. This guy is fucking hilarious! His "thoughts" are obviously not what we want to hear, but are cynically possible, and in some cases truthful. Our own fight master himself, JB, has pointed out very similar observations. ....and just as funny.

Bottom line: If you are a person reading this, you are either a person that believes in what you do or you don't. That's really all there is to it. Rock on, my SF intertube cyber friends...and friendettes. :)

edit: By the way, is it just me, or could Sammy Kablam be Glenn Case's evil brother? I'd love to see a back and forth between the two. THAT would be entertaining.
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Re: Merde! (The Only French I Know Reviews)

Post by mcmilkplusuk »

I agree with Billy. Spintown is bringing something cool & original to the songfight world.

If you seriously get butthurt by his comments then don't watch it!

I thought his review of Torrentz was spot on.... :lol:
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Re: Merde! (The Only French I Know Reviews)

Post by AnomalyJ »

2:46 am and my only mission is to get this done before I pass out, so hear go's:

Minty Handy - I think this is one of my favs, it's got a great groove to it, so simple and cool, love it when music makes me smile. I dig ever thing about this, I really enjoyed the backing vocals, and you commanding tone, I'm learning a lot, thanks for being so cool. great job.

Berkeley Social Scene - sweet and melodic. I really like half way through the song, how it sort of evolves in to this sort of festive carnival vibe.

Torrentz - I'm a sucker for an accent, very funky and racey , you capture this strange french vibe. Thumbs up.

Obese Chess - enjoyed it very much, one of my favs, I don't know it's good and tastey, funny and interesting, I could hear a dozen remixes of this one. I think I really like that accordian sound the best. good job.

Paco del Stinko- what a interesting mix of sounds, it's got this punked out country western vibe, but the voice is down right infectious, the way you change up the directions of mood, yet it stays consistent. I love when I can zone out on different parts of a song, some times the voice gets me then I listen again and the distorted chords grab me, it like you get lost and then turn around and say now were was I again. Sorry..I'm a bit sleepy hope this makes sense..basically I like it.

Juliet's Happy Dagger - nice duet, smooth and crisp sound, friendly playful words. I could totally see this in a folders coffee commerical. It was lovely to hear the french singing, a treat indeed.

Hostess Mostess - you song proves to me that you must listen to music at different times and mental places, earlier I listened to this, but it didn't hit me like it did a 3:00am in the morning, it made me just stop and close my little eyes and drift a bit. Maybe it's the romantic guitar melody that's got me, those smooth vocals seducing me, but I'm sold. Your my fav at this point and time. Your awesome.

Johnny Cashpoint- good effort, the track is very moving, I like that low bassline, when it all kicks in you can't help but sway. I could totally see you singing this in this place called Mimi's cafe and full of people smiling and scarfing down know us fat good rich food and festive

Billy and the Psychotics - Kicking up in high gear??? man those riffs are killer, very catchy and interesting. lovey the lyrics another full grin from me..but I'm easy, I love good music. Love those rebelliously sexy vocals too.

Elephant Kitties - strange harmony, sweet, sort of commerically, like a one of those soft tide commericals full of summer sun and sheet blowing in the wind and wild flowers, and children running, sweetly beautiful. enjoyed this one very much.
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Re: Merde! (The Only French I Know Reviews)

Post by Ebola-Cide00 »

Yeah this guy is needed, a perfect world is not perfect at all. Its always good to have someone around that you just want to knock the shit out of but won't because you know you need some negitive feedback..... And because the law and all that. But at least he brings some comedy behind his ass holeish ways.
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Re: Merde! (The Only French I Know Reviews)

Post by chocolatechips »

I think negative feedback is good (at least when it's specific and constructive.) There's a lot of ass kissing in these reviews and while it is good to believe in yourself and positive reinforcement can help with that ... I also think it's good to get a reality check from time to time. If you don't realize what's not working with your music, how are you ever going to improve?

I honestly think most of the songs I've heard in SongFight are not particularly good (and quite a few are downright terrible.) Really it would be shocking if they were all great songs considering they are all written and recorded by amateurs in a week or less. But some of them I do think are very good (as I said in my review I think Hostess Mostess stands out in this fight.) I guess my point is I don't see a point of living in a fantasy world where the songs submitted to SongFight represent the greatest music in the world.

Another important point that I always try to remind people of (including myself) is that you have to remember that no matter how well you do what you do - a lot of people are going to hate it because they just don't like your style of music. There's nothing you can do about that. You can't please everybody and if you try to, you will likely end up pleasing no one.

An example is that I don't like the style of music Torrentz does, and pretty much no matter how well they do the whole "nerd rap" thing I'm not going to dig it. I just think that it's a lame genre and I've never once heard it done interestingly to my ears. But that said, a lot of other people apparently think it's worth listening to so obviously they shouldn't be too bothered with "haters" like myself.

(I should add that I do enjoy some hip hop ... some recent stuff too, I love some of the Das Racist stuff ... but to me that's on a whole other level.)
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Re: Merde! (The Only French I Know Reviews)

Post by Spud »

I will cop to genre bias here. I am biased against the "you suck" genre that Sammy prefers. I do find it somewhat amusing that he has chosen the Songfight community in which to launch his campaign of hostility, as if dissing us was somehow going to get him somewhere in the real world.
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Re: Merde! (The Only French I Know Reviews)

Post by chocolatechips »

This guy likes the attention. He knows people here want to see reactions to their music... and he's giving it to them (and thus he gets their attention back.)

I suppose he could get even more attention by bad mouthing the music of famous artists but then the reaction would be from their fans instead of the artists themselves. Maybe he gets a special kind of sick satisfaction out it... Interesting from a psychological standpoint.

Basically, this guy needs to get laid. I feel sorry for the bastard!
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Re: Merde! (The Only French I Know Reviews)

Post by AnomalyJ »

not to be all sunshine and rainbows..but I can't help it...

I love music, I love good music, I appreciate music from many genres, therefore it's nothing for me to find good in another person's music.

However there are types of music I prefer and some that just does nothing for me.. house, trance, punk, heavy metal to name a few.
I don't listen to opera music but I think it is beautiful.

So is it being overly nice to commend someone when you could care less about type of music they create, I don't know, it's like when guys at my job get haircuts, some I like, some look weird, some should never try a new look but I still say... "Oh, you got your hair cut, nice" hey I don't have to look at them all day ...;p

Funny thing is I believe most music on the radio is junk and if we were reviewing those songs, without all the layers and special effects and auto tune...then I'm sure it would be on the same level of the good gladiators that weekly rise to the challenge on this site.

I mean come on really how many "professional musicians" on the radio today could actually be given a theme and a week, to record, mix and polish a song just for the fun and get your high and mighty seal of approval?

but what do I know, I'm just a moody off key living room singer ;p
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Re: Merde! (The Only French I Know Reviews)

Post by Billy's Little Trip »

By the way, thanks to all the reviews. I do read every one of them, even if I don't comment. ;)
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Re: Merde! (The Only French I Know Reviews)

Post by Paco Del Stinko »

I'm feeling a little defensive on the ass-kissing front. While I may not be harsh, I don't feel as though I'm an ass-kisser. I do try and find the positive in any submission, and point out flaws, as I see them, in a hopefully constructive manner. And I agree that we all need a reality more than now and then. But there's no point in being mean, or ass-kissy, for just the sake of being either. Where's Blue when you need him?

Kablamo's delivery was a little bit better this week, but yeah, it's more for being snide than constructive.

Also: Thanks to all who take time to comment, in whatever form.
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Re: Merde! (The Only French I Know Reviews)

Post by tonetripper »

Elephant Kitties - Nice take on the title and the lyrics are really outstanding in their subliminal uprisings, poetically speaking. Like something I've heard before but yet I'm still surprised nonetheless. Excellent. Would have dropped the male voice a little deeper in the mix, but there is also kind of a lo-fi vibe going down with the two up front vocals in the chorus. Kind of Indie movie. Outstanding take on a tricky title.
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Re: Merde! (The Only French I Know Reviews)

Post by Ebola-Cide00 »

Like I said before, everyone did very well in this fight. I wont be suprised if votes come in very close on this one. Good luck everyone
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Re: Merde! (The Only French I Know Reviews)

Post by king_arthur »

Ebola-Cide00 wrote:Like I said before, everyone did very well in this fight. I wont be suprised if votes come in very close on this one. Good luck everyone
I thought we heard that somebody already had 32 votes by the day after the songs were posted. I would be very surprised if most people get more than 10...

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Re: Merde! (The Only French I Know Reviews)

Post by Ebola-Cide00 »

wow, well still good fight
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Re: Merde! (The Only French I Know Reviews)

Post by Paco Del Stinko »

Front page wrote:Torrentz takes it. However, if you take out all of the singletons (people who only voted for one band, Paco wins handily. Hmmmm.
Front page wrote:Please Vote for Two (or more!)
Funny, though, since I came back I've only been voting for one song I favor or feel best of fight. I will certainly comply with the please vote for two or more request from now on.
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