Ohne Ruhm

There can be only one.
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Beat It
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Ohne Ruhm

Post by Niveous »

They used to call this thread Nein and it kinda sat off to the side gathering dust. I'm reviving it during Nur Ein XI. Consider it under new management.

Nur Ein is a competition and it's cutthroat. No one's getting eliminated in this year's Round Zero but from Round One on, folks are gonna be dropping like flies. This thread is for those who despite to play along even after elimination OR those who didn't get to compete and just want to try out one of the challenges. Even the judges can play along in here if they desire.

And I'll drop in from time to time and give some reviews.

So welcome to Nur Ein: Ohne Ruhm. It's Nur Ein... without the glory.
"I'd like to see 1984 redubbed with this in the soundtrack."- Furrypedro.
Lucky Witch and the Righteous Ghost
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Re: Ohne Ruhm

Post by iVeg »

I spent plenty time in Nein. Thanks to j$ for spending the extra time to review my songs, give me tips and encouragement.
Beat It
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Re: Ohne Ruhm

Post by j$ »

Ohne Ruhm sounds like Nur Ein's drag name to me. I'd watch.

IV, it's a pleasure. If the stupid thoughts I have can help in any way, then I am not just blowing hot air into the inter-ether, after all.

Obviously, it would be remiss of me not to point out that this doesn't give you a 'favourites' card in the current Nur Ein! :)

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Somebody Get Me A Doctor
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Teeth Marks

Post by PepperJane »

Without any pomp and circumstance. Or fame. Here is my baby.

Teeth Marks
Yesterday I left for Canada, now tomorrow’s still two days away
I look outside it’s nearly dark but feels like I’m up at sparrow’s …

I’m starting to like airplane food, it helps to get me in the mood
Of seas and strips and earth unending; excitement of a heavy landing

Air Canada’s cookie was a currant and dark chocolate event
I spoke softly with glee to said cookie, and what I said I meant …Ignorance trumps dignity!

Teeth marks on a plastic straw, Announce it’s been sucked on before
Teeth marks I put on your guitar, Remind me that I’ve come so far away

I’m flying into Toronto, to get to Ajax by the GO
Canadian Music Week will be on the news, Free trade in music sounds like piracy blues
APRA what will the TPP mean for you … Ignorance trumps dignity!https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australas ... ssociation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans-Pacific_Partnership

Teeth marks: take another slice of the pie you A&R guys
Teeth marks: Piglet your best friend was Tigger you can’t be that shy
Teeth marks on my marzipan, that’s been in someone else’s hands
Teeth marks: oh, humanity! What’s the true cost of electricity?
Teeth marks on your moneymaker, it’s no requirement to shake what God gave ya

I’ve licked and licked this paddle pop stickhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paddle_Pop
By now it might taste like an old matchstick
That might be a slightly incendiary comment but
I’ve chewed so much it’s a work of pop art and vomit
My teeth marks: pop art teeth marks on a stick

How’ll buskers busk with no cash economy http://www.mintpayments.com/why-cash-wi ... -a-decade/
How’ll they tell their children there’s no beer for tea
Prince took back the symbol from the Game of musical Thrones last week
Assange isn’t assuaged but keep your eardrums a-hum for more Wikileaks http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne ... uador.html

TM: what do you wanna be? TM: let me taste victory
A current event is a rip out at sea, before braces my bite was hereditary
TM: a vampire’s delight, TM: if he’s hot you won’t fight
That’s the take-home message I got from Twilight http://www.breakingdawn-themovie.com/
But something tells me I’m not doing it right

The TPP won’t let me be, free to make rules that hurt big Pharmacy
In the war on Pharma, ignorance trumps dignity
In the war on farmers, fireworks and choppers trump charity http://www.theguardian.com/australia-ne ... ony-abbott

Trump doesn’t want Mexicans snacking in old Yankee’s larder
If his toupee runs away, under a Panama, it’ll find no Latino safe harbour https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panama_hat https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panama https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panama_Papers
Cos he just might be serious about building the wall https://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions/ ... ion-reform
I guess he must not like the taco at all

Woe, woe to mighty Joe, and to Tarzan, and mistletoe
The ce-ceremony, it will make no, no sense at all
Oh, oh to be so, in with the man, and in the know
To watch, watch from Trump tower, ignorance rise and dignity fall

The teeth marks, left on ourselves, after we went to the wolf’s cellar for tea
Oh, couldn’t you tell, this is the gospel of prosperity
Ignorance: Trump’s dignity

TM: for one and all, now we can prosthete a goldfish jaw https://youtu.be/rijFXsUCpLU
TM: on your old surfboard, PTSD funding is cut so that’s your excuse to be baked out of your gourd

This is a story of currents and news, Pacific trade winds,
Pop art, pop death trumping the electric blues
Currency dictates the tea price in China
And there’s only one way to find out she’s a biter-
Don’t be vulgar: just ask a breast-feeding mother about

TM: on a plastic straw, you know that thing’s been sucked before
TM: on a plastic fork, the last straw that these days there’s no discipline taught
TM: what else is there to do? TM: they’re all coming for you
TM: it’s tried tested and true, Gardasil is free but there’s no soup for you https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gardasil

TM: we can’t feed the homeless in our cities
But we’re feeding STD vaccines to our kiddies before they can consent to hickies
TM: we can’t take any more refugees
We were the first boat people and it’d just be un-Australian

TM: we came to bring civilisation, but I think we’re kinda destroying the nation
We came with our European farming techniques, it’s almost as if we weren’t playin for keeps

Teeth Marks… could be drop bears… bunyips… hoop snakes
Everything is about perspective. :shock:
Beat It
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Re: Ohne Ruhm

Post by j$ »

Pepper Jane - I think this is a fine song, a bit all over the place and maybe trying a bit too hard to be 'charming, but I don't notice the length at all (matron) and as ever your voice sounds great. I can't decide if I like the over-stuffed-with-syllables lines every time they show up, it makes it harder to get a grip (matron) but I like the mood of mad invention. Also I'm not sure the over-arching linking of all the various news events really holds up / brings any new insight to mind but then I have always been a greedy bugger (matron). I wish you'd been able to get this submitted so I could have angst-ed over where to put it in the final scores - I think it would have been at the higher not lower end (matron). A bit more focus would make it more immediately palatable if that's what you're after but I don't know that I would bother with that as an ambition. I do like it as it is.

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Somebody Get Me A Doctor
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Re: Ohne Ruhm

Post by PepperJane »

Oh how you perplex me :D
I don't necessarily enjoy stuffing so many syllables in and of course you're dead right about the lack of cohesion/coherence/adding any value, although by the end of it I was going on quite the Aus-pol rant. Guess I wanted to challenge myself to get my tongue around it all but perhaps I can do that in my own time! Tho that's part of the point of this, right? Admittedly other submitted songs are much more fully realised. Impressively.
I'm pleased you didn't find it totally woeful - it is long but I wasn't willing to cull any of the mumblings for intended purposes of curious interest. Good to know you made it to the end, that in itself is reassuring. I suppose this may be kind of the extended live (read: free (read: timing flexible)) version rather than anything commercially viable... not that that was the point :)
Thank you for listening :geek:
Last edited by PepperJane on Wed May 11, 2016 1:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
Everything is about perspective. :shock:
Beat It
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Re: Ohne Ruhm

Post by j$ »

Well, I perplex most people I encounter, so you shouldn't take it personally :)

So you know where I stand - from what I've heard of your music, I really like the way you think when it comes to creativity. The sheer energy and audible enjoyment is invigorating to an energy vampire like me, you have a great voice and a smart mind and an enviable ear for a melody, so I hope what I say is helpful, not just perplexing.

It's highly unlikely that I am going to praise any song 100% (otherwise it would already be number one for ever in the strange alternate universe I inhabit). Any criticism is only meant to be food for thought.

Please do post your 'Eggshells' song. I'd love to hear it and that's meant as the biggest compliment I can muster. Can't guarantee I'll respond how you'd like but I can guarantee I'll listen with an open mind, as always!

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Somebody Get Me A Doctor
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Re: Ohne Ruhm

Post by PepperJane »

Now that I don't need to be on time ... I told my collaborator that time was flexible and for the freebie studio recording / networking and sexy Spanish in it, this took some time to gather, so I could post lyrics also. Since Cavedwellers put their lyrics in the relevant lyric thread I shall also. I have a song for Million Watts but it's actually my House Red song but it really does help complete the idea. And missing the House Red deadline means I wouldn't even be able to submit it twice, were it not a heinous act. I started writing a second Million Watts for fear of retribution but I'll probably just blur that in with the next challenge too *yawn*

Everything is about perspective. :shock:
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Re: Ohne Ruhm

Post by glennny »

Phillipso, Older Brothers, Semolina Pilchards, Zipline , Thank Glennny for the Frisbee, The Odoriferous Valley, The Worldly Self Assurance, Berkeley Social Scene, Very Gentle Knives, Daddy Bop Swing Set, GUNS, The Kraken Lives, Cavedwellers
Beat It
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Re: Ohne Ruhm

Post by j$ »

Cavedwellers - I was very surprised with the way the judges split over your entry last round. I thought it was great. This is too, in a different way. To be honest, I thought the obvious flaws worked in some parts not in others (the start particularly, was a little annoying) but there is so much going on here that I like and when it gets to the stumbly rythyms around 2.20 all the way to end I really enjoyed it. Lyric doesn't grab me on first listen but everything is in its right (wrong?) place. Maybe some would think it was'throw it all at a wall see what sticks' but even if that were the case, I admire your imagination and creativity and it drips from every note in this song.

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Re: Ohne Ruhm

Post by glennny »

Thanks for the review j$!

This challenge was maybe the best challenge ever, and it kinda drove me nuts. The intro I thought would qualify as a flaw, according to Chumpy and Nicks description of what is a flaw and what isn't. However, the Lo-fi bit bursting into the "hi fi" bit at the intro is something I would do and not consider a flaw. The wacky spazzy bridge I didn't intend as a flaw either.

The obvious flaw I created in post, you didn't mention, which makes me wonder if it wasn't obvious. During the 1st long pre chorus the tempo jumps from 130bpm up to 200 bpm, then crashes down to 85bpm before resolving back to 130.
We're it not for the challenge, I wouldn't have done the tempo play.

In any case, thanks for listening and thinking about it.
Phillipso, Older Brothers, Semolina Pilchards, Zipline , Thank Glennny for the Frisbee, The Odoriferous Valley, The Worldly Self Assurance, Berkeley Social Scene, Very Gentle Knives, Daddy Bop Swing Set, GUNS, The Kraken Lives, Cavedwellers
Beat It
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Re: Ohne Ruhm

Post by j$ »

Pepper Jane -Well, that's certainly shorter / more focused! As ever voice is great and sounds good with the tone of the acoustic. I am a sucker for 'foreign language' in a song and this spoken word is groovy and tight to the music, possibly my favourite use of the challenge (not) in the fight. If anything it's too short! I wanted a bit more, a bridge, a change up; nothing too long but justa quick lurch to keep the dynamic moving. But this is good. (I know, I know, I am completely unpleasable!)

Beat It
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Re: Ohne Ruhm

Post by j$ »

glennny wrote:Thanks for the review j$! The intro I thought would qualify as a flaw, according to Chumpy and Nicks description of what is a flaw and what isn't. However, the Lo-fi bit bursting into the "hi fi" bit at the intro is something I would do and not consider a flaw. The wacky spazzy bridge I didn't intend as a flaw either. The obvious flaw I created in post, you didn't mention, which makes me wonder if it wasn't obvious. During the 1st long pre chorus the tempo jumps from 130bpm up to 200 bpm, then crashes down to 85bpm before resolving back to 130
Sorry I should have listed the 'flaws' that I liked not just the ones I didn't. I got the tempo changes,worked really well. And it was the intro itself I didn't like, not the jump (which I did).

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Re: Ohne Ruhm

Post by noma »

Cavedwellers - I found your Eggshells entry to be mediocre, but I was sad to see you go. This is a cool and fun track, and definitely one of the better executions of the "flaw" challenge. Many participants didn't do much with it, to my regret. Like j$, I'm not too fond of the way this song starts. It improves a lot after that though. I'm curious as to what you would do with Unnecessary and the psychedelic challenge; maybe post another shadow entry?

Pepper Jane (Eggshells) - Kudos to your ability to make a song with guitar and voice only sound good. The Spanish part seems out of place to me. Apart from that, it sounds promising. Perhaps you'd like to flesh it out with a chorus and bridge. I'd love to hear that.
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Re: Ohne Ruhm

Post by glennny »

shadow entry

by Glennny

https://soundcloud.com/glenartrock/glen ... ssary-mix3
Phillipso, Older Brothers, Semolina Pilchards, Zipline , Thank Glennny for the Frisbee, The Odoriferous Valley, The Worldly Self Assurance, Berkeley Social Scene, Very Gentle Knives, Daddy Bop Swing Set, GUNS, The Kraken Lives, Cavedwellers
Beat It
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Re: Ohne Ruhm

Post by j$ »

Glennny - sorry, only just saw you posted this. I like this a lot. Not such a fan of the bridge / pre-chorus but the verses and the choruses are great, catchy and conjuring up that 60s Psychedelia before the trip went sour. I like the solo with the sitar-esque lead duelling. The percussion (tambourine and tabla?) are a little loud in the mix. Lyric as always for me is a curate's egg, some great ideas, occasionally clunky. Maybe there could have been a key / second lead guitar throughout - the arrangement sounded a little thin on occasions. Otherwise, as I say, I liked it.

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Re: Ohne Ruhm

Post by BoffoYux »

A reminder- you can still do shadow songs for Nur Ein if you are booted from the main competition. Please let me know where they are with a link and I'll get them on the Listening Party.
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Re: Ohne Ruhm

Post by WendyWisemanFisher »

BYD - that's good to know; thank you! I'll likely take you up on that. =)
Because Zombie Requiem, that's why.
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Re: Ohne Ruhm

Post by WendyWisemanFisher »

Regime Change (check the lyric archive for credits/cast of characters) : https://youtu.be/9Sha9QHifhI
Because Zombie Requiem, that's why.
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Re: Ohne Ruhm

Post by iVeg »

My attempts to recruit guest vocalists fell through. :( Schade!
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Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love
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Re: Ohne Ruhm

Post by WendyWisemanFisher »

A Sense of the Absurd
Wendy Wiseman Fisher
https://wendywisemanfisher.bandcamp.com ... the-absurd

Bake me a pie of love
I want a piece of bacon

I sometimes wish I'd never been boiled in oil
Makin' carrot biscuits

Stuffing my face with his finger donuts
makes my brown eyes blue

Her heavy head turned to ice cream, being the one
Why not me to feed you curds and whey?

Misquoted songs:
Bring me a higher love
I want to be sedated
Bohemian rhapsody
Takin' Care of Business
Killing me softly
Don't it make my brown eyes blue
Billie Jean
Why not me?
Last edited by WendyWisemanFisher on Wed May 10, 2017 10:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
Because Zombie Requiem, that's why.
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Re: Ohne Ruhm

Post by Manhattan Glutton »

WendyWisemanFisher wrote: I want a piece of bacon
You incorporate a lot of meat products into your songs.
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