Business help in China

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Business help in China

Post by johndoe1958 »

I am new at this and I'd ask someone to help me with advice. I applied as recruiter manager at JobQueen, they promise to pay $87,000.00/year. I would like to know if they are for real and if they are how can I get quality sales reps in China. I didn't list the domain because promoting something is forbiden in most forums. So if you want to help me out please contact me direct at my email:
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Post by deshead »

spambot wrote:how can I get quality sales reps in China
Most recruiters find their candidates by posting thinly-veiled marketing spam on forums unrelated to the job market they serve. So you're on the right track. You might also want to trying posting on a few pet-care forums.
Tex Beaumont
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Post by Tex Beaumont »

spambot wrote:how can I get quality sales reps in China
Also try looking in Australia. There are obviously some very fine Chinese sales reps in Canberra at the moment - as they have managed to convince the Australian government to sell uranium to the same murdering bastards that run protesters over with tanks and torture human rights activists (to be fair though - Australia is also selling uranium to Taiwan, via the USA - so I suppose that evens things up nicely).

No doubt though, the esteemed Australian Foreign Minister (a.k.a lying little fucking prick) will handle these negotiations with the same integrity and ministerial aplomb that he used when overseeing the sale of Australian wheat (with the help of enormous kickbacks) to Saddam Hussein in the days immediately before the invasion.
The artist formerly known as Caravan Ray
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