i'll eat real food (from this day on reviews)

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Poor June
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i'll eat real food (from this day on reviews)

Post by Poor June »

don't see one on here yet... i suppose this is where the reviews are gonna be goin' \m/ mine will hopefully get done either later tonight... or in the mornin'... depending on if i get sleep or not
"You haven't been really bad in a long time." - jim of seattle

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Phil. Redmon.
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Post by Phil. Redmon. »

Reviews by Phil Redmon of
Abominominous and
The Hell Yeahs

Wilson Heights Gang - Fizzy & bizzare. Horrid sounding, in fact. Some respectable changes in dynamics, but overall sounds like goofin' around. This would probably be an okay song if recorded, uh, on purpose. Apply some try, dingo.

Vivo Thacker - Nice sounds here. Plump bass, singed highs, cheesburger classic snare rolls. The strings don't have enough attack. Rather than setting a mood, they are causing extreme listening drag. Cute effects, nice "set piece" for some opening credits, but no real value in a songfight. I need a lyric, or even a vocal sample to latch on to. Sorry, that's just the way it goes.

The Unknones - Yeah, well, what else can really be said about this song? I guess it's a fine arrangement, but it sounds more like, I dunno, MXPX than the Ramones. Kinda tacky, but I guess your hearts were in it, so who can blame you. Basically, it sucks when cool people die, and lame people keep living. (also, not to pick nits, but this sounds awful!! ha ha ha)

Poor June - You've got the skills on the strings, no doubt about it. Another ambient slab of mellow from youse, alas. You've really got to work through that timidity on the mic, though. I'd rather hear you nail the wrong note, than falter and hunt around for the right one. Just gun it, brudder, you know what you're doing by now. Evokes the title nicely, but still too much of a bummer for me! The guitars sound great, GREAT, though/

LMNOP - Hey, it's the title! This is a funny soundin' tune, but I like it. This sounds like the song in spy hunter, not the theme from peter gun, but the actual digital music in the stand up arcade Spy Hunter game. Favorite line: "I packed my stuff." I don't have any problem with the na-na's, but "I'll be gone" is just a little weqak for my tastes, like, uh, verbiagally. too bad you didn't nail that 2nd from the ending bit. You know the one. Fine jam, but I walked away for a little bit of it.

JOHNNY CASHPOINT! - Fuck! This is almost for SURE my favorite song of yours thus far. God, those drums, that feedback, the dynamics, the vocals, everything. This has such an awesome/awful sound. It sounds like you hit exactly what you were aiming for. Top notch, I'd love to hear more of this style.

Jim Of Seattle - This is an song.

Just kidding Jim, here's your review: Not one bit of air was moved to produce this song. There is almost no humanity to it at all. It sounds like dainty little robots making out, but strictly over-the-blouse petting. Congratulations on your successful 12 tone expirament, and kudos to your neasr-perfect playing, assuming you actually played that stuff, because, honestly, who could tell?

Jeremy Martin - This has some kind of odd classic rock sound to it, not only musically, but sonic-wise as well. I'm forgetting every line, right after you sing them. I'm fairly sure you got what you were after on this jam, but to me, it's long and dull. Which is too bad. I like the main vocal sound quite a bit, but these lyrics are [insert negative adjective here.]

Ivy Vee - Hey, it's the title! This is a guess: are you one of the DWG guys? 'Cause I made a joke in the last prefight thread about the DWG guys doing a song called I Ivy Vee. Probably just a coincidence, but maybe something far more sinister and hilarious. Regardless: this song isn't so cool. That lil' two chord shuffle is squandered, the falsetto is rediculous, and the vocal melody isn't helped by the nose based delivery. Redeeming qualities: "please can I," and the fact that I learned how to pronounce Jim Tyrrel's last name.

Ice Weasels - Hey, it's the title! This music is Venga-licious. "I know I can do better" is really too fitting a line. You didn't spend enough time on the lyrics, man. C'mon, this self help stuff is bore-dull. My ears are getting tired, and I'm getting mad, but I'll find something good about this song. Here it is: I can't stop dancing when it's on. I'm a sucker for a throbbing bass drum. "The Vengaboys are coming... etc."

The Hell Yeahs - Umph. This song is a little bit too quiet overall. I never know how far to push it. I love this song, I love the Hell Yeahs, I love Heather, I love Songfight. Um... not in that order. Favorite part: "Maroni."

Calfborg - This is a tense wait... I love the Calfborg throat so much, and there's just not enough of it in this song. What there is of it is a little too buried. The main keyboard line reminds me of a song off of the Metric "Old World Underground" CD. Humph. Not spooky enough. Question: Is there any bleed over between Jute Gyte and Calfborg? Me still love Calfborg, but come on, HURT me next time.

Blind Mime - I don't know if anybody else commented on the cowbell, but I was reminded of that awesome Will Farrel SNL sketch, you know, where they're recording "Don't Fear The Reaper." Great harmonies on the chorus, and a generally pleasing sound throughout. A little bit samey dynamically, but those breaks in the chorus sure help.

Well, uh, my favorites were, um....The Hell Yeahs, obviously, Vivo Thacker, inexplicably, and all hail the mighty JOHNNY CASHPOINT!
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Post by Heather. Redmon. »

Just thought I'd re-post these in case anyone missed them on the old Board

Reviews by Heather… I mean Emily… from the Hell Yeahs

Blind Mime Ensemble This is a very well put together song structurally, I just wish it was more rockin’. You have a nice voice and you write great lyrics, but, man, even the guitar solo is just kind of there, not rockin’. Overall, it’s a good song, it just doesn’t jump out at me. I guess it’s just that the piano/keyboard is the main instrument and I live in a guitar household… ya know, my ears are trained. But, a fine job nonetheless!

Calfborg Hmmm, yelling, electronic everything… see above comment on my guitar biased ear. Not my preferred style, but I guess it is alright for what it is. Sorry I can’t comment more, it’s not you, it’s me.

The Hell Yeahs I think this is the first Hell Yeahs song without any cussing! This song was fun to write and play. I sang the vocals from like 1:30-2:30 on Monday morning and then I got sick from staying up so late! From this day on…

Ice Weasles I hate to say it, but I don’t believe all of your promises of change! It sounds like you’re just saying what you think I want to hear. This is so poppy! The lyrics are kind of clever and you sang them well. Still, this isn’t my type of music, but I admit I liked some of the samples you used. I think the drums sounds and samples could have been better. To end this review on a good note, I listened to it twice!

Ivy Vee I thought that the “I, Ivy Vee” line was pretty cool. I don’t like the higher pitched second vocal…infact, the main vocal gets a little grating by :45. Lip solo is goofy. The lyrics after the lip solo are cheesey. The listing of who you wanna be was cool for a second (mainly because you said Abominominous) but then that high pitched vocal was there, poking at me. Fun and annoying at the same time.

Jeremy Martin and Bob McRae okay, when I said I live in a guitar house, I meant electric guitar. Jeremy and Bob both have very nice voices and the production and recording, etc. are top notch. I agree with other reviews that the rhymes are boring and the lyrics are kinda plain. But, even though I would never listen to this style of music of my own accord, this is excellent for it’s genre.

Jimmy “12 Ton” Rose Jim, this reminds me of Combustible Edison. Phil and I saw them live at some tiny club in Hollywood, an awesome show. For an instrumental, this is great, I’m not gonna get on your case about not having vocals. You are a master of your craft.

Johnny Cashpoint Spencer really liked this song. He made his Billy Idol rockin’ lip face and started bopping his head. The lyrics are right up my alley, we should cover this one! This song really grew on me, it took me a few listens, but now I really dig it. My only complaint is that it is too short. Your singing voice works well with the style of music and I’m a sucker for an English accent. Great job Johnny!

LMNOP Like the na na na’s. Your gruff voice is nice, but it sounds a little forced. The organ is a cool addition. I think the lyrics could have been a little more creative. The ending “oh yeahs” made me laugh and roll my eyes at the same time. Overall, it’s good, but not great.

Poor June Really beautiful guitar work. I wish I could hear the vocals more. Wow PJ, you’ve come a long way. This is really melancholy. I like when your voice gets kind of scratchy. I would love to hear you do a song where you just lay into the vocal and don’t back off one bit. Good job, you win most improved songfighter!

The Unknones The afore mentioned Spencer loves the Ramones (we are a Ramones family, from his grandparents on down), and he laughed when this song came on. I guess he realized that this wasn’t really the Ramones. Now for my opinion… The Ramones lyrical references kinda bug me, I mean I know it’s tribute to them, but it comes off sounding cheap in my book (but then there’s the other side of me that finds them only slightly clever) I mean, Rock, Rock, Rock, Rock Rock n Roll Heaven…come on. I like the Ramone alone idea, but I think the song would have been better without working in all of the typical Ramones lyrics… sorry to one of my favorite Aussies, Caravan Ray, for harping on your lyrics. The music was fine.

VivoThacker I’m not really into this, it bores me and I don’t like instrumentals that have nothing to do with the title. I didn’t get on Jim’s back about it because I was actually able to enjoy the music in his song, but this just doesn’t excite me.

The Wilson Heights Gang That guitar is super crunchy and the drums are way too distorted…hell, everything is too distorted. What’s up with the weird la la la’s? Lyrics are ok, but the singing isn’t, I don’t like that weird high voice thing. Stop turning that knob. Ending dumb.
jack wrote:heather is the hardest working mom on songfight (in addition to being arguably the rockinist chick....).
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Post by Hoblit »


Bmime: Your sound is fabulous as always. The guitar 'sound' you go for is a sweet blend of simplicity and tonal bliss. I again admire your vocals and the way those go to tape. 'Fly on these wings of change' is a bit of a cliche but I can forgive it based on the way this song takes me to another place somewhat inspirational. This song flows very well and it all comes back to your mix. I feel like my head is in a set of clouds that your music creates. Very nice.

CALfb: This tickles, not bad at all. I dig on songs that create moods. This reminds me a little of tangerine dream. Maybe because I'm getting old. The beat box seperates it from the average techno garble. The screaming doesn't work for me but it doesn't ruin the song or anything. Just not sure if I get it is all. THis is one of the better entries for sure. Very imaginative and well put together.
HELLYEAH: I am a huge sucker for the 'answer back' type vocals in most songs...especially if it's 'eq'd like that'. I voted for this and suppose ya'll and ya'lls endless talent will win once again. But not for a lack of deservering it :D Good work and i really dig this. THe part in the middle when the guitar goes to a monotone one noter thing with the keyboards totaly reminds me of the doors. It's a good blend of new and old...sounds like it could be dated but extremely modern touches keep it fresh.
iceweasals: THis is sweet... strange though. I automatically want to reject it because of the cliched snare...piano...techno thing. But I get it. Which makes it all ok :D I dig it overall and can sort of get into it's campy 3 chord techno vibe. Good work.

EYEV: This one didn't really do it for me. I can here some talent in there but this song as a whole really left me wanting something more. If the lyrics were funnier you might have pulled it off in my book. I like the lips blllppppbllppp thing...but it needs something else to help carry it. Look forward to hearing from you in the future. If I had to make a suggestion...I'd say balance your drumset a little bit..the highhat was a bit high. Points for name dropping.

Jeremy: Not bad. This isn't bad. I didn't go ga ga over it but there is some nice features to it. Has an old folk sound to it and I can sit back and relax to that. It's sort of a forgettable song and could use something to make you want to listen to it over and over again... but it's sorta bland at points. However, thanks for entering a good song and I hope to hear from you again. Decent execution and performance for a song written in under a week.

Jimmy: Dude, I can't give my opinion on an instrum...nah, just kidding. THis is my second favorite song in this fight. I really dig on it and could totally see this in a montage of imagery. Like all the follies of a man casually walking down a street or trying to build a stack of cards or something. When songs can draw imagery like that for me...I always dig on that. Very good performance...actually...I mean EXCELLENT performance. I'm not sure what the tie-in is to the title...but I don't care..it's good. Thanks.

j$. : A little harsh, but I like it anyways. I like the chaotic sound you have created. Especially the child banging on the snare if you will. THen you let the ears rest a little with the clangy guitar parts. Even your vocals are perfect for this sound. Especially with the EQ and touch of distortion. This song has a lot of imagination and textures. Layers of ear chewy ear candy. Nice work.

QRST: GROOVY MAHN. This totaly reminds me of Jeremy Martin. I mean alot. Quite a bit actually. LIke this might have been the A side to his slower B side. Eitherway, I like it in the same ways i like his. This one is folky...a bit like CCR folk rock. I am not the biggest CCR fan but I mean, who can't like a good CCR song every once and a while. AND thats why this song is a decent one. The organ is cute and gives it a 70's classic rock thing. NOT BAD. The na na nas are a nice catchy hook. This song helps make this fight a good one.

Pjune: Sounds like you phoned this one in. It sounds like you didn't finish it. You had an idea with the sweet guitar sound...it just doesn't sound like you ever developed the idea into a tangable song. The idea of this song is good. You might revisit it some day.j

Unknones: Pure fun .... vocals are mixed too high with obvious faults and bad notes here and there. Sounds rushed. Guitar is flawless! 8) Thanks Blue, Soberirl, CarRay, J$. for helping pull together a tribute.

Vivo: Nice bass sound and snare intro. This has a nice sound to it all together. I'm not crazy about it but there is some nice things about it. The patches all work together well. I'm not digging the way it stutters and i feel like the string patch that does the attacking creshendo gets a little old after the duration of the song. Something needs to help along the flow and keep the listener just a little more involved. Not a bad entry by all means...just not one of the ones I can really get my dig on.

GANG: This would be better if it was a little easier on the ears. I like the ideas of this song but it's hard to get past the high end noise. I like the chords the guitar rings out. The vocals could use a little power and I feel like the lyrics are just a little...I don't know... just not my thing I guess. Maybe I'm getting old. The middle la las part isn't something I'm getting into either. It feels like it goes on a bit long witch wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't as monontonous and as before, easier on the ears.

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Post by Gazelles »

* indicates a keeper.

Blind Mime Ensemble: I'm feeling this is a little more average than your usual stuff. I like the chorus, it's pretty catchy. It's not a bad, the verse melody irks me though for some reason. Good job, 3 and 2/5 stars.

Calfborg*: The intro feels a little...corny I guess is the word I'm looking for. After the sampled beat box noises (I think?) come in, it's totally awesome. It's just that VERY opening melody doesn't work by itself as a feature. But once it really gets going, I really like it. Not you're best, but still quite good. I'm glad you seem to be regularly fighting these days. 3 and 7/10 stars.

Hell Yeahs: My favorite part of the song, and I don't know what this is called but where you're strumming the guitar, but it's not actual chords. I'm guitarically illiterate. This is a pretty alright song. 3 and 1/5 stars.

Ice Weasels*: I like the bouncy 80s feel. You do a really nice job with the I-IV-V challenge, you make it quite interesting. Good job. 3 and 2/5 stars.

Ivy Vee: Decent song. Great lip flapping solo/thing. It makes me want to create an a cappella song with just that. You're lyrics go done the drain when you start naming off SF artists/bands. Decent job. 3 stars.

Jeremy Martin and Bob McRae: Kind of boring. Very average. 2 and 1/2 stars.

Jimmy '12-ton' Rose*: Wow really great job. Not disqualified in my book because you related it to the optional challenge. Got a nice jazzy feel. I guess this is my first real experience with with 12 tone music, and I like it a lot. Great job. 3 and 4/5 stars.

Johnny Cashpoint*: Nice Sonic Youth like verses. I love that musical noise sort of thing. You pull it off pretty slickly. What I'm not a fan of is the abrupt changes to more "musical" parts of the song. I wish either the transitions were better, or it was more noisy. Good job overall. 3 and 1/2 stars.

LMNOP: I don't know. Not really feeling this. Just can't get into this. I liked the last one of yours I listened to. Just feels a little cliche or something. I start to like it better at the 'na na na's.' It's not a bad song, just not entirely my thing. Definitely grows on me a little at the end though. 3 and 1/10 stars.

Poor June*: I thought this was death metal week for you. Meh. I really like this though. Really smooth and mellow, I totally love it. Very well may get my vote. It's really beautiful and the backing vocals are great. And it helps that it totally fits my mood right now. This music part is, can't really make out the lyrics. Great piano, too bad it isn't totally in time at the end. Great song, one of your best, if not that, then it is your best. 4 and 1/10 stars.

The Unknones*: Great Ramone tribute, from what I've heard of the Ramones. Not always a huge punk fan, but this does the trick for me. Very nice job. 3 and 3/5 stars.

Vivo Thacker: Nice electronic stuff. Not reall enticing on account of it's got no vocals. Nice for what it is. 2 and 3/4 stars.

Wilson Heights Gang: I like the wiggly background electronic thing. I like the whole "walkie-talkie" effect too, I think it works to you're advantage. Nice ending. 3 and 1/5 stars.

Top Five:
5. Johnny Cashpoint*
4. The Unknones*
3. Calfborg*
2. Jimmy '12-ton' Rose*
1. Poor June*
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Post by Dan-O from Five-O »

Re-posting as this went up right before the change. I’m not gonna score these songs because I’m not in the mood. Feedback should be better than a score anyway. My reviews are done in the DWG / DWG2 “Bad Guy Sam / Good Guy Will” format and in no particular order.

Poor June: Sam says “I can’t tell if you looped those guitars or not, but if you did, nice job. Next time instead of guitars, you might want to consider a Casio part to go along with the rest of the Casio parts.” Will says “The vocals are too low and too talkative, not singing. Sam likes the effect on the vocals, but I think it’s a little too much. It’s almost like you’re hiding something but didn’t dig the hole deep enough. The panning seems to favor the left channel too much as well, not just on the vocals but on everything.“

Calborg: Sam says “Brilliant, simply brilliant; and I absolutely love the vocals. I love the fact that they are indiscernible and have nothing to do with the title, they just aren’t looped enough. This needs to be more repetitive.” Will says “Sam tells me I should like this, and I do from a production standpoint. However in my heart I don’t think production and mixing should be a component of Song Fight. Otherwise they would call it Mix Fight. If this was Mix Fight, you might win.“

IvyVee: Sam says “I hate that stupid guitar. If you buy a tuner for your guitar and use it right before you record next time, then I might enjoy your song more. You need more synthesizer and looping going on. The vocals don’t repeat enough, you should think about looping those.” Will says “Yeah the guitar sounds a little out of tune at times, but it’s mostly passable. I’m very concerned that the lyrics suggest so much envy of your fellow Song Fight competitors. Will’s parents know several respected psychologists that you might want to talk to about that. Other than that, I kind of like this song.“

Jeremy Martin & Bob McRae: Sam says “I hate that stupid guitar. The vocals don’t repeat enough, you should think about looping those.” Will says “You have the start of a good song here but it’s buried underneath the heavy wash of reverb on the vocals, which is too bad because I like the vocalists. The end part with the single vocal is unnecessary though. This is a pretty good song with just a little bit more work.“

J$ (does it bother you when people shorten your name like that?) Sam says “Distortion Rules! Yeah man distort everything, guitar, vocals, drums, the mix, everything! The vocals don’t repeat enough, you should think about looping those.” Will says “I want to like this but I can’t because everything is so distorted. I know that goes against my previous review about Mix Fight but I can’t help it, the distortion is just to distracting. You do understand that red on the meters is bad, right?“

Blind Mime: Sam says “I hate that stupid guitar, real drums and piano, but I love the distorted keyboard sound at the beginning. It sounds just like my Casio at full volume. Hey man, have you ever heard of looping and sampling. Try that sometime and I’ll listen to your stuff all the way through.” Will says “Sam is a dick. Real instruments are so much better than samples. I think the vocals are better than the instrumentation, which is very good. Nice application of the I-IV-V, it almost doesn’t get tiresome. Almost.”

Ice Weasels: Sam says “I like this, it’s right up my alley. You need to get rid of those lyrics because they distract me from the looped sounds.” Will says “You have such a good voice, why are you hiding it behind crap like Sam would write? If you don’t play an instrument, then learn how. You obviously have the I-IV-V mastered, so learn some more.“

Unknones: Sam says “Who the hell is Johnny Ramone? This song makes no sense, and damn those stupid guitars and drums get in the way of the synthesizers which are obviously too buried in the mix. You need to repeat yourself more in the lyrics. It should go more like From this Day on, From this Day on … rinse and repeat.” Will says “I cannot believe you guys pulled this off. You just showed me what the Internet is capable of in the hands of competent guys like yourselves. 4 guys in separate locations, playing separate parts and instruments put something this solid together in less than a week, simply amazing. “

Wilson Heights Gang: Sam says “I like those cheesy drums and vocals. I hate that stupid guitar. You need to repeat yourself more in the lyrics. It should go more like From this Day on, From this Day on … rinse and repeat.” Will says “I like those cheesy drums and vocals. I hate that stupid guitar. You need to repeat yourself more in the lyrics. It should go more like From this Day on, From this Day on … rinse and repeat.“

Vivo Thacker: Sam says “I like this, it’s right up my alley. It’s right where Casio and no talent meet and combine with a Zoom recorder mixed to sound like the cheapest 4 track you could find. You need to add some lyrics. It should go like From this Day on, From this Day on … rinse and repeat. ” Will says “It starts with some possibilities but then falls a little short of where I hoped it was going. I really think this song needs and deserves some lyrics, but that just might mess up a perfectly trashable song. If you did add lyrics they should go something like From this Day on, From this Day on … rinse and repeat.“

The Hell Yeahs: Sam says “I like those vocals, the chipmunk effect is really cool. It makes you sound like a girl. I hate that stupid guitar. You need to repeat yourself more in the lyrics. It should go more like From this Day on, From this Day on … rinse and repeat.” ”Will says “I’m really getting tired of cutting and pasting. This song sounds like the Go-Go’s with talent. The guitar could be better if it was played through an amp, but it isn’t about production. The drums rock, which from what I recall Buddy Rich saying will make up for the so-so playing of the rest of the band.“

LMNOP: Sam says “.I hate that stupid guitar. You need more synthesizer and looping going on. The vocals don’t repeat enough until the Na, Na, Na stuff. It should go more like From this Day on…Na, Na, Na,… From this Day on…Na, Na, Na,… rinse and repeat. ” Will says “Screw Sam, this song rocks! Your voice is totally different from anything else I’ve heard you do. Are you like, re-inventing yourself every time you do a fight or what? Barbershop Quartet, Grateful Dead / Allman Brothers acoustic type stuff, and now this. What’s next, Ethel Merman and the Boston Pops?“ Dan-O says “I’m still waiting for you to pass me my bottle of Scotch you Bogartin’ Son of a Gun. Or….you could just pass me that guitar and I could play you a slightly better solo.”

Jim of Seattle: Sam says “I don’t get this. I mean, I really don’t get this at all. Is this what I keep reading about what a melody is? This makes no sense to me whatsoever.” Will says “Sam says I should say I don’t get this. I mean, I really don’t get this at all. Is this what I keep reading about what a melody is? This makes no sense to me whatsoever “ Dan-O says “I don’t fully understand 12 tone, but this makes sense to me. My brother in law who is a Jazz Musician taught me that in music, there really aren’t any wrong notes. This is the best example of that statement I have ever heard, including his examples. I’m glad you gave his notion this kind of clarity for me, I feel like I’m a more well rounded musician as a result. I would probably vote for this if it had some lyrics, because it is a good instrumental number. My only real gripe would be that with all the good musicianship going on here, the drum machine thing sucks so bad it’s distracting. Get a real drummer and call up your best Miles and “Bird” imitators along with a vocalist and I think you’ve got a song that wins.

As a side note, I really don’t think that the instrumental rule is “arbitrary”. In my humble newbie opinion, it is more of a condition of your participation in Song Fight than anything else. Rules are rules, without them we have anarchy. No one is saying an instrumental isn’t valid, only that it doesn’t apply to this format. Part of the Song Fight premise, as I understand it anyway, is to write a song based on one of the titles given. At some point, the song should reference the title at least once. In the case of an instrumental it never does, hence the predisposition that they shouldn’t be entered. In the absence of that regulation Song Fight would be inundated with “musicians” the caliber of DWG entering week after endless week with “songs” that may as well be titled “Hey! Look what I just pulled out of my butt!” At least that’s my opinion, I could be wrong.
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Post by Caravan Ray »

I did a review for this, but it seems to have been lost.

Anyway - in brief:

I loved the Unkones (obviously), Hell Yeahs, J$, Wilson Heights Gang and Calfborg and Ice Weasles. All of those deserved to win - this was a really top quality fight

In the end though, I voted for Mr Cashpont - that was a great song.
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Post by HeuristicsInc »

little lists of stuff. i like this fight a lot.

1: calfborg, vivothacker, jeremy m, ivyvee, poorjune, hell yeahs, ice weasels, unknones, blindmime, j$
2: wilson heights, lmnop

calfborg -> vivothacker is a neat segue. check it out.

ivyvee: i like the answer to the optional challenge, but the raspberry solo kind of ruins it for me. and i never get a shoutout in songfighter namecheck songs :cry:

jimmy12ton: i think you're hurt by the VERY midi-sounding instruments here. it makes everything sound kind of cheesy. i don't have a good appreciation for the 12 tone business, it doesn't really sound groundbreaking to me, unfortunately. i don't really get it!

june: i always want your vocals to have more energy in them. but i think your style works well in this song. also like the guitar here.

hell yeahs: i love that organ solo.

unknones: i think hoblit's mix is lacking brightness.

wow, that's a lot of good songs!
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Post by Eric Y. »

HeuristicsInc wrote:i think hoblit's mix is lacking brightness.
but the officially submitted songfight entry is sober irishman's version not hoblit's...


HeuristicsInc wrote:i never get a shoutout in songfighter namecheck songs :cry:
http://www.dumbrella.com/cgi-bin/ultima ... =25#000998

Last edited by Eric Y. on Mon Sep 27, 2004 10:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by HeuristicsInc »

i know, i was saying that i like the official one better.
by the way, i just submitted my vote (late) for j$. i love the nasty noises. the vocals are great too.
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Heather. Redmon.
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Post by Heather. Redmon. »

Thanks for the votes! I really think J$ belongs on the Front Page with the Hell Yeahs and the Unknones... but that's just my opinion.

Thanks again!!! :lol:
jack wrote:heather is the hardest working mom on songfight (in addition to being arguably the rockinist chick....).
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Post by TheWilsonHeightsGang »

Way to go Hell Yeahs! You definitely deserved to win this fight. Thanks to those who voted for me, though. That was unexpected. I agree that J$ should have been up a bit higher, though.
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Post by blindmime »

Dan-O from Five-O wrote:Blind Mime: Sam says “...Hey man, have you ever heard of looping and sampling. Try that sometime and I’ll listen to your stuff all the way through.”
Go here: http://www.tapegerm.com

Click on the Blind Mime Ensemble link down on the left hand column.

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Post by j$ »

Thanks everyone for the kind words. *shrug* I was pleased to come fourth. I am still on course for my predicted (in the brown boxes review thread) mid 2005 'fight win :)

I thought it was a really good fight. [cheesy] So we are all winners [/cheesy]

And if the Hell Yeahs did want to do a cover, it would take pride of place on my forthcoming album of various artists covering Cashpoint. Jim Tyrell, Marcus Kellis, King Arthur, Michael Maas & Bolio have all done fab versions of my songs & Squirrel Damage will hopefully be bringing it as well. Anyone else wants to have a go, let me know. Prove to the doubters out there that if nothing else, I write a mean song :)

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Post by Dan-O from Five-O »

blindmime wrote:
Dan-O from Five-O wrote:Blind Mime: Sam says “...Hey man, have you ever heard of looping and sampling. Try that sometime and I’ll listen to your stuff all the way through.”
Go here: http://www.tapegerm.com

Click on the Blind Mime Ensemble link down on the left hand column.

Dan-O says: There I go trying to be clever again and just end up putting my foot in my mouth. One of these days I'll learn. Cool stuff, thanks for the link.
jb wrote:Dan-O has a point.
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