Bush/Cheney Doctrine

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mico saudad
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Bush/Cheney Doctrine

Post by mico saudad »

From: Cheney, Dick
To: el Jefe (POTUS@whitehouse.us.gov)
Subject: Doctrine Draft

Hey 'boss', please sign immediately and distribute internally only. Make sure this is marked "no leaks".

The Bush/Cheney doctrine

The desire for transparent governance must be balanced against the constitutional responsibility for a government to act in the interest of the safety and prosperity of American citizens. When citizens are given unrestricted access to knowledge of what government is doing at all times, the threat of political and ethical backlash restricts that government's ability to do "what is necessary within the law" to protect the security and prosperity of its citizens.

Creation of public policy should therefore be completed in a manner that allows invited participants to offer honest assessments without fear of this counsel being made public.

Domestic federal investigation procedures determined to be in accordance with the law as defined by the Justice department and White House counsel must be allowed to proceed without public knowledge, and in cases of extreme political sensitivity these procedures may occur without the knowledge or consent of any other branch of government.

Foreign affairs must appear to be conducted with sensitivity not only to domestic sensibilities but also to the cultural norms of countries abroad. Information about US policies must be restricted in accordance with what is deemed politically palatable both at home and abroad.

If in doubt, remember our motto: "to seem rather than to be".
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